Volume 2 No. 26 |June 18, 2020
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture.
We're having an ARTS BLAST!
Promoting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere
In This Issue
A New Calendar, A New Challenge
Meet Tom Grissman - Sponsored by ...
Arts Districts Updates
Fort Pierce Saturday Jazz Market is Back
A New Look for Space Coast Symphony Orchestra Online
Get Updates on Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook Page
Shared Links on Willi Miller's Arts Blast Just for Fun
Yet another learning curve and the challenge of creating workarounds are keeping things humming here as we see the comeback of On the Calendar, COVID-19 style. This will be a challenge for all of us as we discover the shortcomings and benefits of user-submitted calendar entries.
To be frank, I decided to try a calendar that allows readers to submit their own free and paid listings to save me time. In the golden days of yore, January and February, typing the very long On the Calendar took a very long time because we live in such an arts-rich part of the world. No complaints there, but I have laundry to do, floors to mop, and an occasional creative urge to indulge and they all demand time.
So, here's the deal. I bought one month of the interactive calendar service and am willing to go for another few if there's even a hint of its being a good idea.
To submit an arts-related event,
click here
. Submissions are subject to approval. If your event spans multiple weeks, post the dates in the Description block
And then please email the information to willi@miller.com so I can check for typos.
If you like seeing your events on the Arts Blast calendar, show your appreciation by using the Arts Blast format for submitting the information. It's posted at the end of every issue of Arts Blast. Yes, I like to see your flyer/eBlast and you may use it for a paid calendar listing, but the time is coming when information submitted to the calendar that way will not make the cut.
We'll get there, but we have to wait patiently and safely and remember that "there" might not be how we remember it when this year started.
Please encourage friends and even strangers to Like our
pages & subscribe!
Help someone in the arts while supporting Arts Blast.
Arts Blast is a free, arts-dedicated publication that, not surprisingly, has made the COVID-19 hit list. A reader asked how to help a
nd, in true Arts Blast spirit, a plan was hatched.
Each $50 donor
gets to suggest an artist, musician, writer, or gallery for a feature story in Arts Blast! Donors may be named or anonymous, your choice. Pay options are check and Paypal.
for details.
Yippeee! Hooray! Whoopeee!
Cultural Connection on the Air
, the radio show I've had the great pleasure of producing for the Cultural Council of Indian River County for many years, is coming out of COVID hibernation beginning next month!
Guests scheduled for the July 5 show are Oscar Sales - Riverside Theatre, and Adam Schnell - Ballet Vero Beach.
Members of the Cultural Council are eligible to be considered for a segment. Learn how to become a member on the
CCIRC website
MEET ... Tom Grissman
Sponsored by Mallot Bisset Fine Art
Tom Grissman has always been a fine-art photographer, focusing on landscapes. In his business, Tom Grissman Photography, he combines his artist’s eye and photography experience to offer services to other artists. They might want prints made to sell, or have a variety of sizes of prints made, Grissman said. An artist “might have an oil painting and want a print of it on fine art paper or a gallery wrap. I use only archival paper, canvas, and inks, and the inks and paper last upwards of 200 years.” He uses a 64” Epson printer for that work. Grissman also restores old and damaged photographs, including those stuck to glass or that have water damage or rips. Art cards are also on his menu of offerings to artists.
Tom Grissman Photography
The arts community relies heavily on this business to provide the services needed for documentation and reproduction of local art. Tom Grissman Photography has a great reputation for taking high quality photographs of artwork, and then making giclees, Iris prints and note cards from them.
Fine Art Portfolio Photography
fine art reproduction
scanning negatives & slides converting to dvd or flash drives
printing them up to 64” wide custom printing on canvas, fine art paper, photo paper
photo restoration
art cards
- 4816 SE Railway Ave.
- Stuart Fl. 34997
- 772-215-4082
The website is being revamped but is online, as is his Facebook page.
It would be great to be able to give Arts Blast readers definite dates and times but not much seems to be definite these days. Some of the events you'll read about here have come in from different people in different versions. Some have been modified several times before I finally got to hit Send. Be prepared to be reminded in every issue: Verify, double check, and then do it again before you go out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.
Arts Districts are Ve-e-e-ry Cautiously Tiptoeing Back
In Stuart, some artists are biding their time while others are being a bit more bold, all waiting to see how far the public is ready to go. The Stuart Creek Walk is still on hold, according to Neil Capozzi, owner of Stuart Art Supply, the location of the Artists Nook Studio. "Classes are continuing there, limited to seven students at a time. Reservations are required."
Martin Artisans Guild:
Time is running out to see the “Blue by You” exhibition!
All physical distancing and health precautions will be observed, including the wearing of face masks.
Want to see “Blue by You” from the comfort of your home? Check out the virtual exhibition on our
Downtown Fort Pierce will have a few studios open but most are holding off on an official Art Walk.
Arts Blast has been told that Schindehette Fine Art Gallery, the Intuitive Art Studio & Lisa Jill Allison plan to welcome guests this evening. Schindehette is offering light refreshments and a gift of art and said she'll "be wearing a mask and social distancing (will be) practiced in the Gallery in an abundance of caution."
Seriously Mixed Media is sitting this one out, according to Allie Comer, one of the gallery's artists. Whirled Inc. is taking the same path. A Facebook message: Many folks are not wearing masks & social distancing in Downtown Ft. Pierce. That’s why we didn’t create an Art Walk event on Facebook.
From Lila Blakeslee in the Downtown Vero Beach Arts District:
The Arts District is trying to find a path forward. Gallery 14 has been closed since March 17 and all Guest Artists moved to next season. Tiger Lily is closed permanently. And Taco Dive on our block is under construction, so a bit quiet until 4:00 when Post and Vine, Southern Social, and other restaurants open. ... And, we all plan to open for the July 3 First Friday Gallery Stroll 5-8. Unfortunately, the June 5 stroll was rainy and most galleries closed early. The open galleries are practicing Social Distancing, masks and NO refreshments.
Artist Guild Gallery
- open summer hours and art classes
Gallery 14
- Open by Appointment 772-562-5525
Artist Bungalow
- Open by Appointment 772-205-7631
Raw Space
- Solo Exhibition featuring Claudia Rivadeneira Gallery: Wed.-Fri. 3-6; Sat.11-2
MSVB Studios
- Mon.- Fri. 11-3
Flametree Clay Art Galler
y - Open with limitations, mask required
Island Images
Art Club Annex
- Virtual classes
The Vero Beach Art Club is bringing back classes slowly. Judy Burgarella teaches beginner-intermediate virtual art classes every Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m. Register and get the Zoom platform link on the
club's website.
Beginning in July, VBAC president Camy De Mario will teach kids' art classes for budding illustrators age 6-8. Classes are limited to six students and will be at the annex.
Sue Dinenno has ongoing classes at Artists Guild Gallery.
With the extended deadline for event entries in the Cultural Council of Indian River County's 2020-2021 Cultural Guide, the Art of Networking that is the kickoff for the publication's distribution has been moved back to October. Stay tuned for location and date.
From Palm Beach Cultural Council:
Yvette Norwood-Tiger and her band will perform songs by Cole Porter, Ira and George Gershwin, Richard Rogers and Lorenz Hart (Rogers & Hart), Jerome Kern, Oscar Hammerstein and other great Broadway composers.
This performance will be staged at the Council and streamed live on
. The show runs from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. with a 10-minute intermission.
Open-ended exhibition
- James F. Hutchinson: Visionary Truths at
Backus Museum & Gallery
has been extended indefinitely. See the website for visitor guidelines.
Port St. Lucie.
For me and many other fans of
Vero Beach Art Club member
Paul Davis, if his signature is on a painting, it must be a marine scene of some kind. Rough or glass calm, the sea has to be there.
Then his granddaughter took up ballet. Is it ever too late to branch off on another path? Apparently not. What treasures for a lucky and lovely young lady! Thanks for sharing these, Paul.
Lisa Packard, executive director of EGAD, emails that the verdict isn't in yet but the community sidewalk sale saw "strong activity, so some folks are coming back more easily." EGAD is an official Main Street program, Packard said, fully accredited for ten years.
For updates on gallery openings and classes in Melbourne and surrounding Brevard County, check the Brevard Cultural Alliance website and individual gallery social media.
Fort Pierce's Saturday Market
is back in Marina Square this week. Nobody said it would be easy.
Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society Jazz Market manager Debbie Bestor emailed the good news and included guidelines for vendors that will affect how purchasing is done.
The market will be open from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., but with a difference. The maximum number of tent spaces is 60, out of a possible 94, with two feet between them.
Note this one: "
Collection of money shall be done with a device with no one touching or handling the money with hand to hand contact. Rules that should be followed utilizing credit card payments: a. Avoid touching your face afterward.
b. Avoid placing payment directly in anyone’s hands; instead, set it down on the counter or on a provided tray of some sort.
c. Disinfect any surfaces that the money or cards have touched as well as keypads, cash registers and payment terminals."
Vendors are required to wear masks when conducting business and must provide hand sanitizer stations in their booth.
Another big one: There will be "
One Entrance /One Exit
These will be monitored with an a appointee of the Market Manager.
Temperatures of all involved, vendors and patrons, will be monitored by person at entrance using the new Thermal Detection no touch forehead thermometers.
Space Coast Symphony's Musicians Are Staying Busy.
At your Space Coast Symphony, we live to bring great music to our community. There is no substitute for a live orchestral performance, but while concerts and community activities are on hold, you can still find ways to enjoy and support your Symphony. Even though we can’t be with you in person, enjoy these videos from our incredible musicians as they keep the music alive at home. We hope to see you soon!
Artist Nancy Blair shot an interesting picture in her yard this week. Blair said, "
This butterfly (the atala) only reproduces on the coontie plant. A native plant."
Read more
. It seems its natural preference is South Florida, so these guys are a bit out of their territory.
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra Has a New Look
Who doesn’t love a fresh, new look, a re-do, maybe a marketing version of a mani-pedi?
Maestro Aaron Collins checked in last week to announce a spanking new website for the
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
, celebrating an even dozen years of making great music in Brevard and Indian River counties.
Collins considers it SCSO’s most important marketing tool and wanted to “make it even more user friendly and accessible, particularly on mobile devices.” He said, “Think about it – any time you want to learn more about a brand or organization, the first thing you do is access their website. What you find (or don’t) often shapes your perception of the organization.”
If it isn’t accessible or informative, you’re bound to lose potential customers, Collins said. More features will be added as time goes on. He turned to
Rock Paper Simple
in Melbourne for the new site design. “They have an amazing team and have been supporters of the SCSO for many years.” Collins pointed out that the majority of symphony patrons go to the website to do business.
These days, websites are key for getting updates on events. SCSO audiences will be checking on a venue for the Sweet Land of Liberty concerts scheduled for June 27 and 28 Sweet Land. As I’m writing this, Collins is in negotiations for outdoor performance options. Keep an eye on the symphony’s new website and Willi Miller’s Arts Blast Facebook page for the results.
2020 Virtual Exhibit continues through June!
The Vero Beach Museum of Art & The Vero Beach Art Club Main Office are closed until the Museum opens to the public. The Art Club Office will be located at the Annex until Museum then.
We are adhering to social distancing guidelines so please be prepared when you enter the office so that we can do our part in keeping the economy and The Art Club open moving forward throughout this unique time in History.

You can still call or email the office and utilize our website.
Office Phone Number: (772) 231-0303
Art Club Annex
1791 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero Beach
Miguel Bonachea is an experienced guitarist and instructor. He served as a professor at prestigious Universities in Cuba and Colombia for 20 years. Several of his students are recognized figures in the international classical guitar arena today. Philosopher and music critic Dr. Marc-Jean Bernard has written about him: "His musical technique and culture of the instrument is based on a deep understanding of aesthetical dimensions of Music. He is simultaneously a great guitarist and a great educator."
Photo: Niurka Barroso
From Vero Beach Art Club
Exhibits at the ART CLUB ANNEX:
First Friday Gallery Stroll
’s Month Long Exhibits & Sale
Grand Re-Opening
Art Club Annex Sept 4,
5 -8pm Exhibit runs through September 25
Art-tini Show & Sale
October 2,
5 - 8pm
Exhibit runs till October 30
November Pandemic Art Show & Sale
Nov 6,
5 -8pm
Exhibit runs through November 25
Holiday Gift Show
December 4,
5 - 8pm
Exhibits run through December 21, 2020
Friday Gallery Show
5 - 8pm
Exhibits will be open Mondays-Saturdays 11am-4pm
Exhibit and Sale at RAW SPACE
(located next to the Art Club Annex) Made In Vero Beach December 4,
5 - 8pm
Exhibits run through December 21, 2020
Friday Opening Show
5 - 8pm
Exhibits will be open Mondays-Saturdays 11am-4pm
Dr. Marcos Daniel Flores is a piano performance graduate from The Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico B.M., The Eastman School of Music M. M., and Arizona State University where he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Flores is an active performer as well as an experienced and inspirational piano teacher.
The Friends’ Book Depot
of the Martin County Library System is open Wednesdays only, 9 a.m. - noon. Building H-15 in B&A Flea Market
Off U.S. 1 or Indian Street, Stuart
New York Galleries
Can Now Legally Reopen for Business by Appointment. Here’s What You Can Expect If You Visit One
Wear a mask and expect some dealers to ask for your contact-tracing information.
Live via Skype or archived on YouTube
Call or text: (772) 532-2083 or email annora.daige@gmail.com
Scroll down for guidelines for submitting calendar items and feature suggestions to ARTS BLAST.

To opt out of receiving Arts Blast, "unsubscribe" at the end of the page.
Like Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook page for updates and Willi Miller's Arts Blast Just For Fun for interesting, inspiring, and fun shared posts, then go to willimiller.com to catch up on every issue of
Arts Blast, and see the latest ON THE CALENDAR listings.
Please share this to help Arts Blast reach more readers and spread the word.
As always,
For Helen Miller
Information is to
be received in an email at least one week before publication.
Use this format:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
Where (Name of venue, address)
Why (a brief description of the purpose)
Web address
Contact for public (for tickets, questions, etc.)
Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, until more are requested.
Media contact with email for my followup (not for publication)
Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the
of the listing, sometimes called
, make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.
If you are a member of the
Cultural Council of Indian River County
, you need this information:
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
©2019-2020 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.