BGCS Newsletter Vol. II #5, March 20, 2019
"All Things Bluegrass Country Soul:
Past, Present & Future"
A short update for you about the Golden Anniversary, Legacy Edition, multi-media box-set. Work on the project is coming along well and we head to Washington, DC shortly to begin restoration of the film.

We will send you reports over the next couple of weeks, and photos of some of the musicians who appear in Bluegrass Country Soul, as we interview them for "The Making of" documentary and the new commentary tracks.

Thank you all for sharing this newsletter and helping us to increase the number of friends who receive it.

As ever, please send us any comments and questions you may have about Bluegrass Country Soul.

Best always,
Albert Ihde              Ellen Pasternack
Producer/Director   Executive Director
A young Missy Raines crosses a field in the rain in a shot from Bluegrass Country Soul

We caught up with Missy recently, and talked to her about her memories of Carlton Haney's Labor Day bluegrass festival in 1971. Missy says, " Not only am I in the film, but my most of my family is sitting in the audience, very close to the front and there are several long shots of them. I am in the purple dress walking across the littered field and I am also one of the children sitting in front while Sam Bush is singing "One Tin Soldier".  I have pigtails and I'm talking....
This film actually came to a theater in Romney, WV and my family went to see it every day it played. We were so excited. ...of course I ordered the Time/Life DVD when it was available. This film means the world to me. I watch it a couple times a year just to see my family and to relive those moments."

You can learn more about Missy and her bluegrass story in Bluegrass Today's wonderful interview from earlier this month. And on her newest album, she's singing and songwriting for the first time. We're in love with the video for "Swept Away."

Will we be meeting with Missy when we're in DC? Stay tuned....
MIssy Raines
Missy Raines today
Golden Anniversary Box-Set
Box-set - initial design concept
If you haven't placed your box-set order yet, there's a little over a month left for you to take advantage of this special, advance sale offer. Become a part of bluegrass history by having your name, or the name of someone you would like to honor or memorialize, placed in the film credits AND, save 20% off the suggested retail price sale when you order by April 30. Higher levels of sponsorship, with additional benefits, are available. Learn more and place your order now. Thank you!
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