Our athletic director, Chandra Palmer, has a sharp mind, a clever wit and an energy level that defies logic. She's working to ensure our sports and physical education programs offer students a broad, stimulating, and challenging experience.
This year our Varsity football team is off to a great start with five wins and two losses. And, this is all happening without a football field of our own.
The Girls' Varsity volleyball team is 14-4 and the Junior Varsity team is sitting undefeated with a record of 9-0. We're ranked third in District competition with the first round on October 22nd.
Our first-year cross-country team has participated in six meets with one more to go before District competition on October 29th. One of our freshman runners, Dayvon Walker, placed in three meets and is set to break 20 minutes in a 3.2-mile distance, a strong showing for a first-time freshman.
We had our first middle school flag football team this year with both boys and girls. It was a quick season (only four games) but we were able to teach foundational skills and improved every single game. Definitely the beginning of something we can really grow into. (Photo above)
Lastly, our elementary school had its first co-ed volleyball team with 15 students. The team played on Saturdays and the season was fun and entertaining for both families and staff.
Listen to our Athletic Director, Chandra Palmer, give a quick rundown on LFLA sports for this year.