Cathy Stole a Car!
Family Therapy Component of the Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol (IATP-C) for Children


Saturday February 2, 2019
7 Licensure Credits
7 EMDRIA Credits


St. Albert Catholic Schools- Media Center
400 Gleason Avenue
Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503

PRICE: $195
$170 if you register by January 18th!

During this 1-day in-person workshop, you will learn the Family Therapy components of this integrative model for treating children with a history of attachment trauma. You will leave with the skills and resources you need to implement the full protocol with the traumatized children and families in your practice.

LIVE: Colorado Training
EMDR Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol (IATP-C) for Children
Training for EMDR Mental Health Practitioners

Cathy Schweitzer, LIMHP and Stefanie Armstrong, LIMHP

Co-Sponsors: Tamra Hughes, MA, LPC

January 25-26, 2019
Helping Parent Series Part 3:
He’s Pushing My Buttons!...Helping Parents Disconnect the Wires to Their Emotional Triggers

Develop creative strategies for helping parents disconnect the wires to their triggers during parent meetings and family therapy sessions. Learn more intensive approaches for parents stuck in unresolved trauma.

$45 Registration Fee
Register for ALL 5 parts for $143!!

December 14th
11-1 am CST

Non-Profit organizations receive $10 off of all pricing listed above!
(Must submit copy of letterhead at time of registration to [email protected])

*If you cannot attend live but would like the information, please register in order to receive a copy of the recording*
Integrative Parenting Course 20% OFF
Valid through Dec 31, 2018
Dr. Erica Liu Wollin, Psy.D presents:

"The Impact of Fetal Alcohol Exposure on Children and the Trauma Work We Do"

February 1, 2019

This two-hour webinar focuses on the Impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) on children and their families. Recent research suggests that FASD may affect up to 5% of children in the US, and even higher in certain regions and countries- making it as common if not more so than other well-known developmental disabilities; yet the majority of children are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Rates of FASD are particularly high in adoptive and foster families, yet few families are educated or prepared to recognize, let alone handle the unique challenges that come with FASD. Trauma practitioners will benefit from a deeper understanding of best practices with children who have or are suspected of having been exposed in-utero to alcohol.
Marshall Lyles, LPC, LPC-S, LMFT-S, RPT-S

"Permission to Breathe"

April 5, 2019

In order to remain relationally available to our kids, adoptive parents bear the burden of monitoring their own inner world of interpersonal and interpersonal need (rooted in the past, present, and future). This is an extremely tough task to accomplish, though. When parents begin to notice certain struggles in themselves like isolation, feeling overwhelmed, believing they are trapped, etc., then they often experience any contemplation about trying to do something with these emotional experiences as pragmatically impossible. It seems counterintuitive to focus on parental self-growth when caring for children who have intense needs of their own. This webinar hopes to help professionals who support parents and adoptive parents themselves by offering a different way of monitoring and planning for our personal growth as parents….one breath at a time.