Something a little different this month, still keeping with the update mode however. 

First Update 
After I lost Molly last February, I swore I was done with pets. Alas I learn over and over not to say never.

I have a new writing companion. Mayhem came to live with me in the middle of February. He’s a ten year old black cat who had been a close friend’s cat.
Bonny passed last March and Mayhem had been living with another mutual friend. Mary our other friend already had two cats and Mayhem had a difficult time transitioning from being an only cat. 

He has become so attached to me in such a short period of time. 

Second Update 
I have now hired a house cleaner so it’s one less thing on my radar. The company has been here twice and I am extremely impressed. I no longer have to look around my place and think Man, I  should really stop writing and spend some time cleaning up.

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