September 16, 2016
Cerridwen Statue
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Goddess bless this small U.S. business!

October 21st is Cerridwen's Festival Day

Autumn is an excellent time to connect with the Goddesss Cerridwen.  This Keeper of the Cauldron of Knowledge is a goddess of inspiration and transformation.

In this newsletter, Cerridwen's shape-shifting venture is a good reminder that sometimes in order to achieve our goals we must transform ourselves.  
In This Issue
Goddess Cerridwen
Kerridwen Spell Casting
Artist unknown

Shape-shifting lunar deity, witch, herbalist, and keeper of the Cauldron of Knowledge, Inspiration, and Transformation.

This dark goddess of great wisdom, prophetic foresight, and magical shape-shifting abilities lends us her relentless energy and the focus required to achieve our ultimate goals.


Cerridwen's Modern Energy:
She is the tigress mother, dark goddess, prophetic crone, who pursues her interpretation of justice with unfailing energy.

Cerridwen Locket

Cerridwen's Story:
Cerridwen lived isolated on an island in a lake in The Land Beneath the Waves. She was married to a giant,Tegidfoel, by whom she had three children. A daughter, Crearwy who was the fairest maiden in all the land, and two sons: Morfran ab Tegid, and the youngest Afagaddu. The younger son's name means "utter darkness" - named so because he was considered ugly and deformed. He was known to be the most ill-favored man in all of Wales.

Like most mothers Cerridwen wished for the best for her children believing that Afagaddu was not likely to be admitted among men of noble birth by reason of his great ugliness unless he had some exalted merits or knowledge. So she decided to brew a potion for him to compensate. Once ingested the potion bestowed knowledge, as well as magical, oracular, and shamanic powers.

Only Cerridwen knew the formula that took a tremendous variety of botanicals, ritually gathered under carefully monitored astrological movements then added at just the right moment.

The concoction had to be stirred continually stir for a year and a day. Cerridwen employed a poor, uneducated child, Gwion, to stir the pot, giving explicit instructions to Gwion not to spill anything. Only three drops of the brew would be useful to her son and once used, the rest would turn to poison. 

But on the last day Gwion accidentally splashed three drops of the hot liquid on his hand, lifted his hand to his mouth to cool the burn, and ingested the magic drops. Forseeing Cerridwen's wrath was his first vision. 
So, in very great fear, He fled towards His own land. The Cauldron then burst in two, because all the liquor contained within it, except The Three Charm-bearing Drops, was extremely poisonous. The horses of Gwyddon Garanhir were poisoned by the water of the stream into which the liquor of the cauldron ran, and the confluence of that stream was called "The Poison of the Horses of Gwyddon" from that day until this.

Enraged, Cerridwen, shifted her shape and chased him as he ran home. But Gwion could also shift shape! 

"And she went forth after him, running. And he saw her, and changed himself into a hare and fled. But she changed herself into a greyhound and turned him. And he ran towards a river, and became a fish. And she in the form of an otter-bitch chased him under the water, until he was fain to turn himself into a bird of the air. She, as a hawk, followed him and gave him no rest in the sky. And just as she was about to stoop upon him, and he was in fear of death, he espied a heap of winnowed wheat on the floor of a barn, and he dropped among the wheat, and turned himself into one of the grains. Then she transformed herself into a high-crested black hen, and went to the wheat and scratched it with her feet, and found him out and swallowed him."

Cerridwen knew at that exact moment that she was now pregnant with the boy Gwion, and she resolved to kill the child as soon as he was born. But he was so incredibly beautiful that she could not find it in her heart to kill him.

He was also born with all his memories of all his incarnations, as well as the skills of a Master Bard. Unable to carry out her plan, Ceredwen placed him in a seal-skin bag, and cast him into the sea to the mercy of the Sea God, Manawyddan, on the twenty-ninth day of April. And so it was, that The Great Bard Taliesin - The Radiant Brow, The Twice-Born, made his entrance into this world.

The radiant child Taliesin was rescued from the sea by the Celtic Prince Elphin (Elffin), whom Taliesin served faithfully for many years. He grew to become the greatest of all Gaelic poets with the gift of perfect poetry that could blow the seas into a rage, heal all wounds and foretell the events of the future.

Neud amug ynghadeir o beir Cerridwen!
Handid rydd fy nhafawd
Yn adddawd gwawd Ogyrwen.

Is not my chair protected by the cauldron of Cerridwen?
Therefore, let my tongue be free
In the sanctuary of the praise of the Goddess.
-The Bard Taliesin

Reconnect with Your Inner Cerridwen:
Carry an orange stone to help Cerridwen's powers become apparent in you. Become the magickal being you need to be - shape-shift and adopt a totem's magical properties in order to help you achieve your ambition.

Consider What Would Cerridwen Do?
If she were in your situation, she would she her project through to fruition. She would change her approach to find the path of least resistance. She may even change her appearance - whatever it takes to turn the situation to her advantage.


Pronunciation: ker-EED-wehn
Other Names: The White Sow, The Old One, White Lady of Inspiration and Death, The Ruler of Bards, Rvyf Bardoni, Dark Queen of The Lake, Lady of The Cauldron, Goddess of Druids and Bards.
Alternate Spellings: Ceridwen, Caridwen, Cereduin, Ceredwen, Kerridwen, Kyrridwen
Origin: Welsh
Gemstones: Hawks eye, carnelian, coral, agate, brown jasper, amethyst
Color: White

Ruling Planet: The Moon
Element: Water, Fire
Animals: Pig, hen, white sow, otter, hawk, salmon
Trees: Apple, hazel
Plants: Vervain, acorns, sow's thistle
Herbs and essences: blue chamomile, jasmine, vanilla, almond and bergamot

Crafts: Astrology, science, poetry, spells, pottery
Music: Rattles or rain stick
Magickal Tool: Cauldron
Sense: Clairvoyance, clear vision, to see with the third eye names, symbols, and visions
Healing Techniques: Herbal Brews

Holy-days: July 3rd - Festival of Cerridwen, Oct 21st - The Day of Cerridwen
Interesting Fact: Welsh bards once called themselves 'Cerddorion' ("sons of Cerridwen") meaning they received their initiation from Cerridwen Herself.
Mantra: Determination
Key Words: Death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magic, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, knowledge.

Compiled from various sources including:
The Encyclopedia of Spirits
Raven Emrys
Jones' Celtic Encyclopedia
What Would Goddess Do
Goddess School

Moon Phases Pendant with Black Onyx and Moonstone
Cerridwen Locket and other items here!
Archangel Raphael & other Angels here!

Egyptian Falcon God Horus Canopic Jar
Egyptian Bast Goddess
Miniature Brass Ganesh

Rainbow Goddess of Manifestation Necklace
SALE! Goddesses of the Elements
SALE! Large Astrology Wheel Pendant
Calendar Sept. 16-Oct. 28

Sep 16: Greek Rites of Goddess Demeter 
Sep 17: Hildegarde of Bingen Feast Day
Sep 19: Feast of Thoth, Egyptian scribe god
Sep 21: 
-Nativity of Blessed Mary, Eastern Orthodox Church
-Birthday of Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom also known as Sophia
Sep 22 or 23: 
-Autumn Equinox, Mabon, Ishtar's Day: The Fall Equinox always begins the forty day All Hallows season, which culminates with Halloween, All Saints Day and then All Souls Day (Oct. 31, Nov. 1, Nov. 2 respectively). 
Sep 26 - Oct 5:
-Navaratri: Hindu Festival of the Great Goddess. Huge holiday in India when Goddess destroys evil and restores cosmic order
Sep 27: 
-Day of the Willows,
-Mesopotamian Festival of Astarte/Asherah
Sep 29: 
-Michaelmas- one of the oldest Christo-pagan holy days
Sophia- Holy Female Wisdom
- Feast of the Holy Archangels Day
Sep 30: 
-Feast day of Saint Sophia, mother of Faith, Hope & Charity, saintly version of Goddess of Wisdom. Alternative feast days for her are August 15 or 17.

Oct 2: Druid Feast of the Guardian Spirits
Oct 4:
- St. Francis of Assisi Day, one of the most pagan of the christian saints, he coined terms "brother sun, sister moon", and honored the covenant between humans and the animal kingdom
Oct 9-11: 
-Feast of Divine Wisdom - Source of all knowledge: honoring God-Goddess as Odin- Frigg (Norse); and Goddess as Sophia/Wisdom (Christian), Truth/Maat (Egyptian), Metis (Greek), Sarasvati (Hindu), & Manat (Arabic-Sufi).
Oct 18: English Great Horn Fair - Festival of Herne.
5 Archangels Mini Set

Oct 24: 
-Raphaelmas, Feast of Archangel Raphael, whose name means, "The High One Heals."  Since 1970, the Catholic Church no longer recognizes this day for Raphael, ending more than a thousand years of tradition by opting to lump him in with Gabriel and Michael for a Feast of the Holy Archangels Day on  Sept 29 .
Oct 24: Druid Feast for Spirits of Air
Oct 28: Feast of Baba and Dedo - Slavic protectors of families and elders.
Oct 28 - Nov 3: 
-Isia: Egyptian festival recalling Set (God of Destruction) killing God Osiris; Goddess Isis mourning Him, resurrecting Him, and conceiving God Horus with Him; and Osiris becoming Lord of Amenta, land of the dead. He weighs souls against the Feather of Truth on Goddess Maat's Scale of Justice, but defers to Isis for those who fail the test.
The Goddess Encyclopedia

Interested in learning more about Goddesses?
Check out The Goddess Encyclopedia on YouTube! Where you can see informational videos with descriptions and photos of many ancient cross-cultural Goddesses.
Pagan-Wiccan Happenings

1.Greater New Orleans Pagan Pride Project announces: Flood Help Volunteer Day
Sep. 18th. 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana; starts at 9am
Help the people and the animals of the Baton Rouge area return home!
Everyone who lives in New Orleans is aware of the devastating floods that have occurred in Baton Rouge and the surrounding parishes. Baton Rouge is getting some volunteers, but as time passes, fewer volunteers will become available. The Greater New Orleans Pagan Pride Project is organizing as big a group of volunteers as possible to help out on Sunday, September 18th. We have identified three places that could use our help:
1. Various Baton Rouge neighborhoods who need help gutting their homes
2. Cara's House/Lamar Dixon Expo Center, which has been turned into an animal shelter
3. Animal Rescue New Orleans (ARNO) , which has been getting some of the overflow of the animals from BR.
We will assemble in front of the Peristyle in City Park (the big Coliseum-looking thing on Dreyfous) so that we can carpool to Baton Rouge. The third option listed is for people who cannot travel far/do a full day of volunteering. Please wear sneakers, bring a hat, plenty of water, and a lunch. Don't wear clothes you can't get dirty. At the Peristyle, we will divide up into groups depending on where you want to volunteer. Please bring a little cash to help with gas. Plan to be back in the city by sundown, if not before.
1. Your name, email, and phone number
2. Where you would like to volunteer (Baton Rouge, Cara's House, or ARNO)
3. If you have a car and can help drive carpool.
4. How many people are coming with you.
We will post updates to the event, along with suggestions for donations to bring with you to your volunteering location. PLEASE, SHARE THIS EVENT WIDELY. We are greatful to any non-Pagans who want to come...we just want as many bodies out there as possible to help. Because of possible health hazards, please don't bring anyone under the age of 14 to help, and any minors should volunteer with the animals instead of gutting homes.
Location: 42 Dreyfous Ave. in New Orleans
Directions: We will gather for carpooling at 9am at the Peristyle in City Park, on Dreyfous Avenue.

2.Temple Los Angeles & LA Queer Healers announces: Gather Mabon / Autumn Equinox  Sep. 17th. 2016 in Los Angeles, California; approx. 11am-1pm
Gathering together again to create a Magickal space for the Autumn Equinox. We're launching off the Wheel of the Year teaching from the Mystery traditions, and soaring on ritual to form an altar out of found things, to create the space of Mabon, letting things fall.
GATHER is a build an altar and circle event. We take fallen things, we design a magick space. We do our magick and leave the beauty of creation for others to find.
Bring apples for the altar, rose quartz will be given to all participants. Ritual in the park, vision work, please feel welcome to bring items for outdoor altar you can carry in and out.
Vision work will be rooted in the seasonal release, letting go. And circle will release our magick into the roots. The underworld. Plan for seating, blanket or chair if needed as this is in the back of the Park; down the back, last path for privacy. Building an open circle out of fallen things. Chanting to raise energy. Vision work in the form of meditative ritual. Releasing on the form of cutting fruit, divination via tarot / oracle, and burial.
Suggested donation: $10.00 / No one turned away for lack of funds. Donations go towards Temple Los Angeles for future events, gathers, essential functions, participants gifts (stones, incense, etc) and partially to the ministerial training I (Scott) am in.
There is a facebook event for this page, but please RSVP via meetup so I have a headcount. If we are a smaller group we have a different dynamic than if we are larger, and the ritual can change based on the groups size. Please RSVP only if you are coming.
About Temple LA: Temple-LA and LA Queer Healers have teamed up for these events and welcome you to GATHER. Temple LA is Queer owned, but open to all community who come in love and respect. A portion of our magick makers are students and friends we play with as well. It's a very diverse circle of folks.
Be welcome! Love ya. Scott K Smith,
Location: 4325 Monterey Road in Los Angeles
Directions: Please note that we are in the park off Monterey road, NOT Glendale.
We are in the back of the park. Park is wide, walk the paths to the back of the park, take the twisting road, find us there beneath the trees. I will post GATHER as a sign to follow.
Phone: (213) 2545302
Questions? Feel free to send a message. Also check out:

3.Alison SpiritWeaver announces: Drumming Circle
Every other Tuesday Evening in Croydon, England; 7:30-9pm
Shamanic, Arabic and Celtic Drumming
Drumming has been a part of Megan's life for many years and she would like to share this journey with you. Come and join in, learn the drum rhythms, feel the energy of the drum beat, explore the journey that drumming can take you on as we lead you through Arabic, African and Celtic sounds and take you on a shamanic journey of drumming.
These fun evenings filled with drumming are open to all and please bring your own drums if you have them.
The circle is held every 2nd Tuesday (fortnightly) starting at 7.30pm at Shamanic Spirit in New Addington, Croydon, Surrey near the Kent borders and will cost you £10 per circle.
If you would like to join me and Megan then give me a call on 07952 041477... Spaces for this circle are limited so calling in advance is advised.
Location: Alison SpiritWeaver in Croydon
Directions: I am based in New Addington, Croydon in the beautiful county of Surrey, very close to the borders of Kent in the south of England with access to lovely countryside all around.
Conveniently located for the Croydon Tram Line 3 and lines 1 & 2 from Beckenham and Elmers End; East Croydon Mainline Station running from Brighton, Gatwick, London Victoria and London Bridge; and many local bus routes including 314 from Bromley, 64 from South Croydon and 130 from South Norwood and Streatham
Phone: () 07952041477

What events do you have planned? offers you free publicity for your Pagan or Wiccan event in our newsletter, emailed to more than 4500 subscribers.

Email information to: 
Please make "Pagan Wiccan Happenings" the subject line.

Ancient 'Herstorical' wisdom associated with each Goddess makes the website worth visiting for an educational journey. Remember when feminine characteristics were honored and adored through inspiring and affordable gifts for the beautiful Goddess within each of us.
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Namaste, Sisters and Brothers
Suzan, Alice, Duane, Rayn and Ashley