Issue 132
With Thanksgiving in the US recently passed, we want to offer our gratitude for having you as a partner in creating a strong global metrology community. Thank you for joining us for another month of sensor and calibration tips. We wish you a happy, healthy holiday season!
Causes of Zero Offset in Acceleration Data Acquired While Measuring Severe Shock

One of the most frustrating aspects of the measurement of severe pyroshock events is the acceleration offset that almost invariably occurs. Dependent on its magnitude, this can result in large, low-frequency errors in both shock response spectra (SRS) and velocity-based damage analyses. Fortunately, recent developments in accelerometer technology, signal conditioning, and data acquisition systems have reduced these errors significantly. Best practices have been demonstrated to produce offset errors less than 0.25% of Peak-Peak value in measured near-field pyrotechnic accelerations: a remarkable achievement.

Read on to learn more about potential contributors to these offsets. Included are accelerometer mounting issues, cable and connector sources, signal conditioning amplitude range/bandwidth, digitizing errors (e.g. aliasing), and more...

Tip of the Month

While 100 channels of accelerometers has been a traditional guideline for the ROI crossover for in-house calibration, today portable vibration calibrators provide value and payback crossover for owners with as few as 50 channels.
Blast from the Past:
Aerospace and Defense Testing Considerations

The cost of mission failure in the Aerospace and Defense industry is massive. Aerospace and Defense vehicles are highly valued assets and rely upon instrumentation for both development and qualification decisions as well as operations...

Thanks for joining us for another issue of Dynamic Sensors & Calibration Tips.
As always, please speak up and let us know what you like. We appreciate all feedback: positive, critical, or otherwise. Take care!

Aaron Goosman -  Lilian Golan  - Jesse Coy
Julie Dwyer - Mike Dillon -  Patrick Timmons -  Shannon Henize 

Calibration Team
The Modal Shop
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