Youth Ministry Update for November and December!
As a special resource for Youth, Midyouth, and their families we provide a monthly round up of our upcoming activities.
Midyouth (5th-7th) at a glance:
Youth (8th-12th) at a glance:
THIS Sunday November 20th! 5:30-7:15PM
Thanksgiving feast!

Midyouth (5th-7th) bring soda or juice pouches (individually canned/packaged please!)

Youth (8th-12th) bring desserts (does not have to be individually portioned!)

Midyouth and Youth will eat together in Wesley Hall, then Midyouth will move to the gym for games!

Midyouth and Youth are invited to dress formal (optional!) and walk the red carpet before they eat!

What's on the menu?

Chicken and Dressing
Green Beans
Mashed Potatoes
And all the desserts brought!

Youth small groups will be competing weekly for the next month--who can bring the most cans of soup and boxes of cereal. Each week we'll text out the tally so groups can see their leaderboard.

Bring your cans and boxes to youth on November 20, December 4, 11, and 18!
Winners will be given a prize and a $10 discount on their OMP or YOUTH 2023 registration!
Shop and Wrap is Back! Sunday, December 4th from 11:00-3:00PM

  • 11:00 Worship (In either worship venue, youth and Midyouth will sit together)
  • 12:00 Lunch in the youth room (Cane's Chicken!)
  • 1:00-2:00 Shop
  • 2:00-3:00 Wrap!

We are adopting 20+ children from Wakefield this year! Youth can bring their money with them the day of the mission, or give ahead of time using the button below! We suggest every youth brings/contributes about $25.

We are in need of drivers, volunteer by clicking HERE.
Youth (8th-12th) grade leadership team is opening spots for the spring--want to join our team? Apply using the button below!

Leadership team meets once a month after church. The team works together to plan our youth events, and direct the culture of our group. If you have questions reach out to

8th-12th Grade Wednesday Nights At Pulaski Heights
7:00PM-8:30PM: Youth Bible Study

8th-12th grade youth are invited to take a deep dive into interpreting the Bible!
This semester we are taking a look at the women of the Bible, the role of Women in Christianity, and how our faith is shaped by their stories.

Sunday Morning Service Teams Sign ups for 8th-12th!
NEW Sunday School model launch September 18th.

Want more info on why and how our Sunday School program for 8th-12th grade is changing? View our parent meeting below.

Service teams will have their training and first day of service on September 18th. There are 5 teams forming this fall:
  • 9:00AM Usher/Greeters Classic Service
  • 9:00AM Usher/Greeters Modern Service
  • 10:00AM Children's Ministry Volunteers
  • 11:00AM Usher/Greeters Classic Service
  • 11:00AM Usher/Greeters Modern Service

Participants must be present for at least 50% of Sunday mornings.
10:00-10:45AM Will be intentional community time with breakfast and free play in the youth room.

Click below to sign up for a service team!

We need adults to help lead our service teams and serve breakfast, click below to help!
Food News!
Youth Food Fund covers meals and snacks when volunteers are not available to provide them. Midyouth meals are covered by Youth Food Fund unless otherwise specified by Rod.
Ellen Rowland, Minister to Youth and Families
469-865-3691 (Cell)

Rod Hocott, Director of Midyouth Ministries
501-804-4065 (Cell)