A publication of

The Town of Cave Creek

37622 N Cave Creek Rd.

Cave Creek, AZ



Nina Spitzer

Contributors: Council Members Mayor Bob Morris and Kathryn Royer


Click HERE for the Town of Cave Creek's official website.

Find previous
Cave Creek Corner e-newsletters by clicking HERE.
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The Town of Cave Creek is at


fire danger


Stage 1 Fire Restrictions.

It's important to click the campfire image (above) for a detailed explanation of Stage I & 2 restrictions per Town code.

We love our desert home.

Let's protect it!


Baby, it's cold outside!

Let's be pro-active to avoid the expense of frozen pipes. Click the image (above) for easy and helpful suggestions.

You can also click HERE.

Cave Creek Weather


Click the image for Cave Creek weather info direct from the Town website.




Feb 1 (3:00 - 4:30pm): Town Manager Carrie Dyrek Retirement Party - Council Chamber (Info HERE)

Feb 3 (6:00 am): Elephant Mountain Race - Cave Creek Regional Park (Info HERE.)

Feb 5 (6:00 pm): Town Council Meeting - (Info HERE.)

Feb 10 (10:00 am - 2pm): "Experience the Beauty of Nature": Open House - Cave Creek Regional Park (Info HERE)

Feb 19: Presidents' Day Holiday - Town Hall > CLOSED

Feb 20 (6:00 pm): Town Council Meeting - Cave Creek Town Council Chamber (Info HERE)

Feb 21 (5:30 pm): Carefree * Cave Creek Mixer at Fit6 (Info HERE)

Feb 24 (2 pm): Legends Rough Stock Rodeo (Info HERE)

Feb 29 (7:30 am): Carefree * Cave Creek Breakfast - Harold's Cave Creek Corral

Click HERE for the calendar and Zoom links on the Town site.

You're Invited!

Feb 1

3 - 4:30pm

Join in at wishing

Carrie Dyrek well at a retirement party in her honor.

The festivities will begin in the Council Chamber and then continue at Harold's Cave Creek Corral.

Carrie has been an amazing town manager. Let's send her off to the exciting next chapter of her life with all our hugs and best wishes!

You are invited to join in on the celebration.


Cave Creek Rodeo Days posters will be available for pick-up and display as of Feb 9 at the Cave Creek Museum and the Cave Creek Tourism Bureau.

Community Grants

Non-profit organizations serving the perimeters of Cave Creek and Desert Foothills will now be able to apply for grants from the Town of Cave Creek with more ease, speed, and transparency. At its Monday, December 18, 2023, regular meeting, the Council voted unanimously to update and streamline the process of the Community Grants Program.

Click HERE for info and a timetable on receiving financial support for your 501c(3) organization.

A Cool Site for a list of Businesses & Events in Cave Creek


Click HERE.

Candidate Packets for the upcoming Town of Cave Creek 2024 local Primary Election are now available for pickup by appointment.

This is an opportunity to become involved in your town's government. You can learn more about it by clicking


Cave Creek Merchants

A reminder that the Cave Creek Concierge Tour 2024 has been moved to Oct 9, 2024. We will be in touch on how you can promote your business through this event.

Guess It


A Bozo Driving in Cave Creek!

 Is he speeding? WHERE??

January's Answer:

The hungry school of fish you saw in the January Cave Creek Corner are hanging around at the home decor shop in Cave Creek called Caligos. Click HERE to see the fish again in our last newsletter or stop by at Caligos and see them for yourself.

A Day-in-the-Life Corner

Tammy, of The Print Shop in Cave Creek, and her family have kept busy providing smiles and quality work to their clients for over 10 years.

Fire Safety Corner



By Melissa Paxton

Have you seen this plant in your yard? It is a major fire hazard! This is Globe Chamomile, an introduced weed sprouting all over the valley. This plant is often left undisturbed because of the pretty, yellow, globe-like flowers, but the prolific nature of 'stinknet' (its other name due to its stinky aroma) is out-competing the native Arizona flora. Its successful nature also means it can be a major fire hazard during summertime.It will quickly go to seed in February so, it's important to remove it now.

Stinknet Info HERE


Melissa Paxton

Supporting Our Locals Corner

Lovin' Our Locals

We enjoy giving the very BEST to those very special people in our lives, and what better place to find something special and unique than in one of our local Cave Creek


Gift shopping locally is quick, easy, and will always result in finding the PERFECT gift for your loved one and for yourself, too.


We love our local shops, restaurants, and services. Let's be sure to support them.


Click HERE to access the Desert Foothills Library's program listing called

Information Highways.


Supporting one another is what it's all about!



Photo Credit:


Marless Fellows

(Art by Marless)

Merchant Marketing Corner

Hear Ye - Hear Ye!

Cave Creek Guide is website chock-full of Cave Creek town core info created by a fellow Creeker for the benefit of residents, visitors and Cave Creek town core brick n' mortar businesses. For info on free promotion click HERE!


Community Partners is a "One hand washes the other!" marketing opportunity where both local small businesses and local non-profits support one another. Check it out and get more info HERE!


Instagram: Dale Samar, of the Cave Creek Visitors Guide offers free promotion on The Cave Creek Visitor's Guide's Instagram account. contact Dale at 602-799-7335.


And don't forget: The Cave Creek Tourism Bureau is a free marketing opportunity for licensed Cave Creek businesses. Yes. It's a free service of the Town of Cave Creek. For info and sign-up form, go to the tourism bureau webpage by clicking HERE.

Spark Generating Work


Take spark-generating preventative measures.

Have an active hose nearby.


Safety First!


CodeRED is an emergency alert system. Cave Creek residents and business owners are encouraged to participate in order to receive electronic alerts in the event of an emergency.

Be Safe-Don't Be Sorry!

Click HERE to register now for direct alerts from the Town of Cave Creek in the event of a crisis.



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Some email providers may not load this newsletter in its entirety, in which case you will need to scroll to bottom left and click "View Entire Message" (in the white field). You'll know you've reached the end of the newsletter when you see the word "END."

"Love is being stupid together."

~ Paul Valery



Feature Corner


Making Every Minute Count

By Nina Spitzer

Paul Diefenderfer, also known as Dief, has been committed to making every minute count in a positive way since adopting the life-motto “1440” (minutes in a day) in 2021 after a health emergency. However, this is not a new philosophy for Diefenderfer, who has always lived his life with this mindset.

During February, a month traditionally dedicated to matters of the heart, Diefenderfer shines as his heart beams love for his fellow man, animals, the environment, family, and his community. Despite his busy schedule, Diefenderfer manages to fit it all into his daily 1440. A small sign in his workshop is a constant reminder of this commitment.

Diefenderfer is a man of many talents. He is a rock climber, canyoneer, white water rafter, blacksmith, artist, computer information systems person, and owner of Phoenix Rock Gym. His technical and creative skills, combined with his passion for giving, enable him to share his knowledge and compassion in community service. His list of volunteer accomplishments and contributions are many and continue growing.

For over 25 years, Diefenderfer has volunteered at Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center. He is especially skilled at animal rescues, often putting himself in dangerous situations to save animals in need. “He has a very special relationship with the animals,” says director/founder Linda Searles, “They all accept him in a way I have not seen with many people.”

Diefenderfer’s wildlife rescues have been numerous, and his skills make him adept at wild animal rescues many others are unable to attempt. “He’s my hero,” says Searles. Diefenderfer has rescued bobcat kittens, cut a javelina out from a wrought iron fence, crawled through culverts, scaled down cliffs, shimmied down mine shafts, and even been slung down elevator shafts to rescue an animal.

Saying “No,” to community neighbors in need when it comes to the rescue or relocation of snakes, raccoons, raptors, or domestic animals is not an option for Diefenderfer, especially if the animal is injured.

In 2018, Dief read on Facebook of a border collie named Sophie who had fallen down a 50-foot dry well. Despite being sick with the flu, he went to help. He made a 50-foot noose pole from plumbing pipe and, with much difficulty, reached down, wrapped the rope around Sophie’s head and legs and pulled her to safety, surprisingly with only a scratch to her head.


“Dief is a ‘Cave Creek Citizen Extraordinaire’,” according to former Town of Cave Creek Planner/Trails Coordinator Bambi Muller. Diefenderfer has volunteered with the Town of Cave Creek for more than 20 years, working on the creation and maintenance of the Town’s community trail systems as well as at Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area. He’s put in hours of work creating original artwork banner poles for the medians and the many safety gabions around the town core. Diefenderfer has also volunteered as a Town Council member.

The beautiful monument at Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area is Diefenderfer’s work and represents the organizations and individuals who came together to preserve the park. Two years ago, Diefenderfer created the non-profit group “Friends of Spur Cross” for which he’s currently a board member. Through his leadership in the group, Diefenderfer has supported Steve and Lori Greenberg’s conservation of Harmony Hollow adjacent to Spur Cross. By speaking on its behalf at public meetings, Diefenderfer was able to rally the community around this amazing conservation effort. “Honestly, he is an incredible person!” says Steve Goldberg.

Diefenderfer was instrumental in the preservation of 180 acres for the creation of Pinnacle Peak Park and is founding board member of (501C3) “Friends of Pinnacle Peak Park.” He’s also built a park donation container which now collects a substantial amount of funds in support of purchasing ramadas and trail equipment.

In 2008, a 1,000lb ten-stamp mill arrived in hundreds (perhaps thousands) of pieces to Cave Creek Museum from its former location at Continental Mountain’s Golden Reef Mine. Diefenderfer's work on rigging, welding, and antique part fabrication was monumental. “The stamp mill would not have been operational as quickly if we did not have the expertise of Dief,” say Executive Director Evelyn Johnson. It’s currently the only fully operating mining stamp mill in Arizona.

These days, school children at the museum enjoy a blacksmith demonstration by Diefenderfer on the pioneer way of making nails. Kids interested in blacksmithing can attend a monthly workshop with Dief. Board president Darlene Southern sums it up best: “Dief is awesome!”

Paul Diefenderfer is an invaluable member of the Arizona Foothills 911 group. He knows every nook and cranny of Cave Creek and immediately springs into action when the rescue organization searches for a missing person. In addition, he has joined group founder, Sunny Parker, in creating and facilitating a search and rescue class to increase their trained volunteer base. On multiple occasions, Diefenderfer has also been to Harmony Hollow filming training videos on desert survival, utilizing native plants for nutrition and fluids.

When local fires occur, Diefenderfer is there to help and now carries a fire pack in his vehicle for small brush fires. On the subject of rodent poison bait boxes and glue traps Dief says, "No." Rodents killed with poison are picked up as food by other animals (birds, bobcats, coyotes, etc.) who then also die from the poison. With just a call, Diefenderfer offers free use of humane traps and then helps relocate the critters.

In addition, Diefenderfer leads food drives at his Phoenix Rock Gym. Over the past 10+ years he’s collected over a thousand pounds of food yearly as donations for the Foothills Food Bank.

Residents and visitors may turn to the Cave Creek Guide website for information about the town's businesses, events, and things to do. This site is created and maintained by Diefenderfer as a free service to merchants, the community, and the town he loves.

“Paul is selfless; his contribution to community is endless,” says Lisa Nocella, neighbor and local realtor. Sometimes a neighbor or friend has a sudden home security issue and Dief steps in to help. He is also quick to clean up trash in the desert. “If you have the power to do something and you don’t, you’re just as complicit,” he says.

Despite his busy schedule, Diefenderfer still has heartfelt love and time for wife Maggie, dog Kiska, and the construction of their unique container home in the desert. He’s a man who enjoys life and everything he does. “I’m not going to do anything I don’t enjoy.”

Paul Diefenderfer is a man who values his time and makes every minute count. While a complete account of the wonderful ways Dief uses his 1440 minutes would require a book, it’s clear that he is true to his goal. Diefenderfer is not only respected, but also appreciated and loved by his community, neighbors, and friends. His commitment to making the most of his time is truly admirable.

“It’s amazing what you can do

if you don’t know you can’t do it!”

- Paul Diefenderfer

Photos: Paul Diefenderfer, Cave Creekers Infamous Bulletin Board, Cave Creek Museum, and Nina Spitzer

Town Manager's Corner

Meet Cave Creek's New

Town Manager

~ Grady Miller ~

On January 16, 2024, the Cave Creek Town Council unanimously appointed Grady Miller as Town Manager to manage and oversee the day-to-day operations of the town.


“Grady is a local government professional who is known and respected by his peers in other cities and towns and regional organizations that interface with Cave Creek,” stated Mayor Robert Morris. “His experience will benefit the residents by improving services from our strong financial base. The Council and I are delighted to have him as our Town Manager and representing Cave Creek.”

“I am very grateful to the Mayor and Town Council appointing me to serve as their manager,” stated Miller. “I look forward to working with the Mayor and Council and the talented employees in the Town of Cave Creek. Retiring Town Manager Carrie Dyrek has left the organization in a very strong position, and I plan to implement the Council’s priorities and initiatives to build on her past successes,” explained Miller.

Grady Miller has over thirty-five years of experience in cities and towns in Arizona, California, and Rhode Island. From July 2015 to June 2023, Miller was the Town Manager of Fountain Hills. Just prior to being appointed in Cave Creek, Miller had served as interim City Manager of Kingman, Arizona, where he helped the City Council address a number of important issues.


Miller grew up in Huntington Beach, California, and started his career in public service working for the City of Santa Ana in Orange County after graduating from San Diego State University. He went on to work for the City of Burbank in the Los Angeles area before relocating in 1990 to Peoria, Arizona. While at the City of Peoria for nineteen years, he held the positions of Assistant to the City Manager, Communications Director, and Deputy Community Services Director before becoming Town Manager of Narragansett, Rhode Island, in 2010.


In addition to his career in local government, Miller has been a leader in the region and the community. He previously served on the Management Committee of the Maricopa Association of Governments, a metropolitan planning organization for cities and towns; he has been the chair and vice-chair of the board of directors for the Arizona Metropolitan Trust, a nonprofit organization providing group medical benefits to municipal employees in Arizona; and is currently a member of the Four Peaks Rotary Club and a board member of the Four Peaks Rotary Foundation.  

Miller holds a Master of Public Administration degree from ASU and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration from San Diego State University. In 2020 Miller received his Credentialed Manager designation from the International City/County Management Association, one of the highest professional achievements a city manager or town manager can attain. The Credentialed Manager designation is awarded to less than five percent of city managers nationally and only 9 city and town managers in Arizona have the distinction. In 2023 the International City/County Management Association also recognized Miller for his distinguished local government career by granting him an ICMA Life Membership. 

Welcome to Cave Creek Town Manager Miller!

New Town Manager Miller speaks at the mic for the first

time at the January 16 Cave Creek Town Council Council meeting.

Photos: Top-Town of Cave Creek

Bottom - Council Member Kathryn Royer

Mayor's Corner

The Wastewater Flow Has Stopped!

Imagine you’re a utilities department employee at work and notice there’s no wastewater flow to the Water Ranch. There’s still water coming into the system, but it has no place to go. A raw sewage spill could occur. What is going on? What do you do?

That was the situation faced by Town staff just before the weekend of January 20-21. The equipment and pipe were inspected to find the problem. A massive truck operation began to bypass the wastewater line and contractors. Backhoes and trucks were brought in for the repair work. All of this on a weekend! I am proud to say the worst case was prevented.

So here are some facts about what happened:

·      Wastewater flow stopped unexpectedly.

·      Staff troubleshooting identified a general location.

·      Cameras were brought in to identify the exact location.

·      It was determined that there was a crushed pipe about 20 feet below Carefree Highway at the Cave Creek Road intersection.

·      Two additional problems were discovered deep underground.

·      Traffic was rerouted for the safety of the workers, causing substantial inconvenience to motorists.

·      The site was excavated and shored safely and repairs completed.

·      Additional work remains identifying possible other weak pipes needing repair before a similar emergency occurs.

I am proud of the response by our staff! It was quite a success, especially considering the high stakes.

So, next time you see a Town staff member working the weekend at fixing streets or water pipes, or repairing Town infrastructure, please give them a friendly wave! They are working on your behalf.

Mayor Bob Morris

The Marshal's Corner

Greeting from the Marshal,

As most of you have heard, our beloved town manager, Carrie Dyrek is retiring after 26 years with the Town of Cave Creek. Carrie brought a level of dignity and respect as the town manager and has been known as a true leader for Cave Creek. I have had the privilege and honor of working alongside Carrie for 22 years and am blessed to count Carrie as not only my colleague but as a true friend. Carrie was able to bridge the divide amongst all parties and find the path to our common goals as a community. Cave Creek is a much better community thanks to Carrie’s leadership. Carrie will be missed by many, however we are all excited for Carrie to begin the next phase of her life.


It is with great sorrow that I share the passing of John Wintersteen, the former Town of Paradise Valley Police Chief. Chief Wintersteen was a decorated Marine who served in the Vietnam War and who became a Law Enforcement leader upon his retirement from the Marine Corps. Chief Wintersteen was my mentor and a true friend. Chief Wintersteen served as a marshal, police chief and director of public safety for the Town of Paradise Valley prior to his retirement. Rest in peace Chief.

Stay Safe,

Marshal Stein

Rodeo Days Corner

It's Rodeo Time Again

Yeeee Hawww!!!

Mark your calendar because it's that time of year again! The 2024 Cave Creek Rodeo Days will be held March 21-24 and tickets are now on sale.

For over 45 years the sport of rodeo has been alive and kicking in the Sonoran Desert. Cave Creek Rodeo Days (CCR) consists of a parade, mutton bustin', rodeo dances, a cornhole tournament, All Bulls, All Night, three action packed PRCA rodeo performances and more to round out a week-long celebration of an Arizona town’s Western heritage.

Proceeds from the rodeo are used to support charitable organizations throughout the Sonoran Desert and in assisting the Town of Cave Creek with continued maintenance and enhancement of the Cave Creek Memorial Arena. CCR relies heavily on the hard work of volunteers, the generous support of sponsors, the talents of participants, and the patronage of rodeo fans from throughout the country.

The Rodeo Days website has info about rodeo competitions, its calendar of events...plus vendor, volunteer, and sponsorship opportunities. Most important of all, the site HERE is where you can purchase your rodeo tickets before they sell out!

Merchants: Rodeo Days posters will be available for pick-up and display as of Feb 9 at the Cave Creek Museum and the Cave Creek Tourism Bureau.

Foothills Food Bank Corner

Making a Difference!

Foothills Food Bank's 2024 Shred-a-Thon on January 27 was a huge success! The entire Shred truck, as well as two vans, were filled with documents for shredding. In addition, Tech 4 Life destroyed data on over 1,000 personal devices, the Desert Foothills Library collected a van full of used books and magazines. Goldmine Thrift Shop received multiple pickup loads of gently used clothes and household goods. North Valley Junk Removal trailers were full of recycled and other items for disposal. AND – The Foothills Food Bank collected over 1,200 pounds of food and $4,500 in donations. Wow!!! A great day in the community! 

“So, grateful for all of the organizations who pull together to support each other and do good in the community,” says Executive Director Leigh Zydonik.

Town News Corner

Grants for Non-Profits Serving 

Cave Creek and Desert Foothills Area

By Council Member Kathryn Royer


Non-profit organizations serving the perimeters of Cave Creek and Desert Foothills will now be able to apply for grants from the Town of Cave Creek with more ease, speed, and transparency.


At its Monday, December 18, 2023 regular meeting, the Council voted unanimously to update and streamline the process of the Community Grants Program.


The Town provides financial support for non-profit, 501c(3) organizations to help protect the health, safety and welfare of its residents, and encourage arts, history, education, science, technology, humanities, preservation, heritage and culture of our community.


For the first time, a new 5-member Community Grants Committee comprised of one current Council member, two residents, one business leader and one senior staff member will review all applications based on stated eligibility criteria.


Recommendations for funding by the Grants committee will be forwarded to the Town Council for final approval.


Here’s the timetable for grants to be awarded in 2024:


  • February 5: ​​ Applications released via the Town’s website and social media
  • March 4:​​ Applications due back to Town Hall
  • March 25​​: Community Grants Committee reviews and scores applications
  • April 15:​​​ Council reviews and approves recommendations for grant awards


Since the Town derives much of its income from sales tax revenues, this funding will come directly from our residents and visitors to Cave Creek retailers. Thanks to all of you for supporting our Town Core merchants and businesses along the Carefree Highway Corridor. Our community will be an even better place because of it.


For those of you who may be interested in volunteering for the Community Grants Committee, please contact Deputy Town Manager Teresa Riza by clicking HERE.

Carefree*Cave Creek Chamber Corner

Celebration of Excellence

Carefree*Cave Creek Chamber

The 2023 Results are In!

Small Business of the Year

  • Dale Samar-Realty Executives - Winner
  • Angie Cahoon-Gift Gal
  • Pamela Schenk-Zona’s Oils

Medium Business of the Year

  • Dynamic Appliance Repair-Scott Marine
  • Stumblina’s Cantina-Sonia Pasciuta
  • Tech 4 Life-Steve Woods - Winner

Large Business of the Year

  • Acoya Troon
  • Harold’s Corral - Winner

Non-Profit of the Year

  • Foothills Caring Corp
  • Foothill Food Bank - Winner
  • Purse Impressions

New Business of the Year

Noah & Tricia Pettavino - Mosquito Squad - Winner

Chamber Champion of the Year

Eric Towhey - Uncorked Media - Winner

Mick Ennis Service Award

LeeAnne Gardner - Unbridled Pathways - Winner


Click HERE to read about the winners.

You can get a head start on the 2024 Celebration of Excellence registration and Early Bird Tickets by clicking HERE.

Carefree*Cave Creek Chamber's Executive Director Steve Feld presides over the Celebration of Excellence event.

Cave Creek Tourism Bureau Corner

Cave Creek Ad

City Sun Times

Cave Creek Tourism Bureau 's HopeKids toy collection box design won a 1/2 page ad in the February City Sun Times. Thank you for your votes! Here's a "Sneak Peak" at the Cave Creek ad you will find in their February edition on page 32. The ad was created over a beautiful image of a Cave Creek sunrise by local photographer Bob Hughes. Sunrises like this are a common sight to those who rise up early in beautiful Cave Creek.

The Cave Creek Tourism Bureau is here for you!

The Winning Design

New Biz Corner


Cave Creek welcomes the new McDonald's on Carefree Highway to the neighborhood. Take a moment to stop by and say "Hello."

Happenings Corner

Jan 13: Celebration of Excellence

Was it Mrs. Peacock in the Pantry?

The game "Clue" was the theme of Carefree*Cave Creek Chamber's 2024 Celebration of Excellence event. Attendees were encouraged to take on the attire of the game. Here, Jen Miles of Tech4Life shows how it's done.

Photo: Courtesy of Carefree*Cave Creek Chamber


Jan 20: Antiques Appraisal Fair

with Sean Morton

Trash or Treasure?

Antique appraiser, Sean Morton, made his annual appearance at the Cave Creek Museum offering his anecdotal value assessments for attendees! Sean has a remarkable knowledge of the history and value of antiques, from readily recognizable to obscure.

Photo: Courtesy of the Cave Creek Museum


Jan 20: Royalty Competition

Presenting the Rodeo Royalty

A big CONGRATULATIONS to the 2024 Cave Creek Rodeo Days Royalty, Teen Queen Elisabeth Cunningham (Left) and Queen Montana Cook (Right). Standing center with the incoming royalty is the 2023 Queen Mary Norton. The royal coronation will be held at the rodeo in March.

Photo: Brittany Gavegan Photography


Jan 26/27: American Legion Auxiliary Rummage Sale

Great Deals-A Great Cause

Determined shoppers rummaged through many bargains for the best finds at Cave Creek's American Legion Auxiliary Rummage Sale. Proceeds from this annual fundraising event go toward assisting our veterans in need.

Lovin' Our

Cave Creek Friends



Happy Valentines Day!


Tourism Bureau Participants

A Couple of Green Thumbs, Adelante, Arizona Fine Furniture & Tack Brokers, Arizona Horseback Adventures, A Place in Time, Arizona Territory Antiques, Bags & Rags Boutique, Beth Zink Art, Baudine's Mad About Shoes, Big Bronco, Big Earl's Greasy Eats, Bilinda's Vintage Treasures, Black Mountain Adventures, Black Mountain Coffee Shop, Black Mountain Dental Care, Black Mountain Fitness, Blazing Boulders, Blue Coyote, Bodhi Coyote Yoga, Bronco Studio, Buffalo Chip Saloon, Cactus Flower, Caligos, Cave Creek BBQ School, Cave Creek Candles & Gifts, CAve Creek Cowboy Company, Cave Creek Museum, Cave Creek Olive Oil Company, Cave Creek Shuttle, Cave Creek Visitor's Guide, Ciolim, Charlie Green Make-Up, City Creamery, Cowboy Pizza Company, Coyote Crossing Studio, Cryin' Coyote Barbecue,Cyber Threat Intelligence Network, Desert Dream Realty, Desert Foothills Family YMCA, Desert Foothills Library, Desert Treasures, Designs by Jenny, Discovery Map, Easy Street Boutique, El Encanto Mexican Restaurant, Elysian Desert Distilleries, English Rose Tea Room, Equinimity Art, Erika Willison PLLC, Essence of Massage, Extreme Arizona, Fantastico's Mexican Food, Farm Bureau Insurance-Leslie Jensen, Finer Arts Gallery, Fiorra CBD, Fiorra Life, Firehouse Subs, Gail H. Garrett Massage Therapy, Gift Gal, Glass-Art-Fusion (Ro Scarbrough), Glory Bee's, Grace Reneé Gallery, Grateful Grasshopper,The Grotto Café, Hideaway Grill, Harold's Cave Creek Corral, Holland Community Center, Jeff D. Hill PLLC, Horny Toad Restaurant, Indian Market, Indian Village, Ink Therapy Cave Creek, Journey Rides, Keeler's Steakhouse, KI Healing Arts, Kiki Rae's, Kiwanis Marketplace Thrift Store, Lance Headlee, Lara Bistro, Laughing Glass Studio, Lazy Lizard, Leigh Siegel-Realtor, Le Sans Souci, Leslie Nestingen (Berkshire Hathaway), Levanah Acupuncture, Lifestyle Balance with Qigong TaiChi, Lifestyle Goods, Lisa Nocella/Russ Lyons Sotheby's, Living Landsdcapes, Inc., Look at Me Now, Lucy Dickens Fine Art, M & E Stoyanov Fine Art Gallery, Magic Bird Festivals, Michael D'Ambrosi Sculpture, Miguel Camarena Art Gallery, Monika Cheang Photography, Mountain View Pub, Natural Habitat Inc, Oregano's Pizza Bistro, Petsuites, Pizzicata, Pillar to Post Home Inspections, Prickly Pear Inn, Puppy Luv Flea Market, Rancho Mañana Golf Club, Rare Earth Gallery, R.C. Gorman Navajo Gallery, Rattlesnake Ready, Rattlesnake Solutions, Retablo, Roastery of Cave Creek, Salon Chella, Sanctuary Tactical, Sticks Golf & Cigar Lounge, The Sculpture Studio, Sharon J. Edwards (Berkshire Hathaway), Smith & Western, Sonoran Arts League, Soroptomist International of Saguaro Foothills, Southwest Bedazzle Boutique, Spur Cross Cycles, Stagecoach Village, Storyteller Indian Store, Studio West, Teeslanger, The Finer Arts Gallery, The Honey Baked Ham Company, The Meading Room, The Star Barn, Thunderbird Artists Gallery, Time to Ride AZ, Tonto Bar & Grill, Tox Bar LLC, Trailhead Ranch, True West Magazine, Udder Delight, The Village Coffee Shop, Villas of Cave Creek, Vintage Vixen Rarities,Watson's Hat Shop, Western Delight Gift Shop, Western Sky Helicopters, Z's House of Thai

Our list is growing and we LUV it! - Let me know if I've ooopsed & forgotten your name. - Ed.