A publication of
The Town of Cave Creek
37622 N Cave Creek Rd.
Cave Creek, AZ
Editor: Nina Spitzer
Cheri Jensen
Deborah Hietpas
Click HERE for the Town of Cave Creek's official website.
Find previous
Cave Creek Corner e-newsletters by clicking HERE.
Some email providers may not load this newsletter in its entirety, in which case you will need to scroll to bottom left and click "View Entire Message" (in the white field). You may also need to click at the top to see images. You'll know you've reached the end of the newsletter when you see the word "END."
The Town of Cave Creek is still at
fire danger
Stage 2 Fire Restrictions.
It's important to click the campfire image (above) for a detailed explanation of Stage I & 2 restrictions per Town code.
We love our desert home.
Let's protect it!
Spark Generating Work
Take spark-generating preventative measures.
Have an active hose nearby.
Cave Creek Town Manager Announces Retirement
After more than 35 years of government service, the past 25 years with the Town of Cave Creek, Town Manager Carrie Dyrek has announced her retirement. Read more HERE.
Cave Creek Weather
Click the image for Cave Creek weather info direct from the Town website.
Monsoon Season
Monsoon season begins in June and continues through September. With it comes higher humidity, which can lead to thunderstorms, heavy rain, lightning, hail, high winds, flash flooding, dust storms and extreme heat.
Take a moment to be prepared! Click HERE for ADOT instructions on how to drive safely during a monsoon storm.
Sept 4: Labor Day- Town Hall Closed
Sept 5: (6 pm): Council Meeting - Town Hall (Canceled)
Sept 7 (6 pm): Special Planning Commission Meeting - Town Hall (Info HERE)
Sept 8: Teen STEM Class Application Deadline (Info HERE)
Sept 13 (5:30 pm): Carefree*Cave Creek Chamber Monthly Mixer- (Info HERE))
Sept 18 (6 pm): Council Meeting - Town Hall (Info HERE)
Sept 21 (7 pm): Planning Commission Meeting - Town Hall (Canceled)
Sept 23 (10am-2pm): Senior Resource Fair - Holland Center (Info HERE)
Sept 26 (2 pm): Taste of Cave Creek Meeting (Info HERE), Stagecoach Village, Suite 105
Sept 28 (7:30 - 9:30 am): Carefree*Cave Creek Chamber Business Breakfast at Harold's (Info HERE)
| Click HERE for the calendar and Zoom links on the Town site. | Harold's Annual Hawaiian Luau |
Please Note:
A portion of ticket & alcohol sales and ALL proceeds from the raffle and silent auction will be donated to the Maui Strong Fund.
Info HERE.
Click HERE for
Town of Cave Creek's
Aug 2023 Informative Quarterly Newsletter!
Cave Creek Tourism Bureau
Summer Hours
Fri/Sat/Sun 10am-2pm
October 1st
Back to Regular Daily Schedule
Our tourism bureau has a couple of volunteer openings for the new season.
(starting Oct 1)
If you're a friendly person who loves
Cave Creek ...
this spot could be for YOU!
For more info email Nina HERE.
Next (& Final)
Taste of Cave Creek
Sept. 26
@ 2pm
Stagecoach Village, Tate Studio,
Suite 105
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Stroke
What to Look For...
What to Do...
CDC info to know before you need it is HERE.
Maricopa County has confirmed
12 heat associated deaths since
July 2023.
Please be careful.
Aging: Is it Scary?
Resource Fair
Sept 23
Holland Center
This is a free event of valuable information and support for seniors and their families as they plan for the future and navigate the aging process. The event features booths and speakers with valuable insights on topics such as fraud prevention, caregiver support, staying active, in-home care, and navigating Medicare intricacies. The event’s goal is providing a holistic understanding of resources available regarding the journey through the various stages of aging.
Click HERE for info
| Foothills Caring Corps Corner |
Putting Purpose Behind Play
Become a Sponsor for the Foothills Caring Corps 12th Annual Golf Classic on Monday, December 4 at Mirabel.
Your sponsorship fuels our mission of promoting independence and providing critical transportation services to over 400 older adults and those with disabling conditions throughout our 256 mile service area that includes North Phoenix, Scottsdale, Cave Creek and Carefree.
Join us in making a difference at our only fundraising event this year!
Sponsorship deadline: October 27th. Click HERE to learn more. “
Maricopa County
has confirmed
12 heat associated deaths since
July 2023.
Please be careful.
If you find yourself lost while hiking, stranded in a broken-down car, or in any other emergency situation....Before your cell phone runs low or out of power, change the voicemail message to include the following information:
1. Your situation (lost, injured, out-of-gas, broken-down)
2. Approximate location
3. Time/Date
Include any other pertinent information such as whether you’re staying where you are or going in search of help and, if so, in which direction.
Remember, if your cell phone dies or stops working, voicemail continues to work. Anyone calling or looking for you will hear the message and know how to best get help to you.
| Supporting Our Locals Corner |
Supporting Local Merchants
When the temps go UP, the numbers of visitors to our town go DOWN.
And, so does business for the local merchants we love.
Summer season is when supporting local merchants is most important!
Remember...Cave Creek shops and restaurants are the BEST for something special that can't be found anywhere else! Plus, they're convenient and friendly, too.
We love our local shops, restaurants, and services. Let's be sure to support them, especially during their slow season.
Local merchants:
We love you!
| Carefree*Cave Creek Chamber Corner |
The Carefree
Cave Creek Chamber
Announces Its 2023-24
Board and Staff. Click HERE to view list.
Where Can You Find this Handsome
Ol' Fella?
August Answer: The "Out of Your Mind" sign can be found in the window of Western Delights next to Cryin' Coyote BBQ. For another look at it, click HERE and scroll to the August "Guess It Corner."
Photo Credit: D. Hietpas
Gals Playing Canasta at the Library
Photo Credit: D. Hietpas
| Click HERE to access the latest Desert Foothills Library program listing. |
Supporting one another is what it's all about!
Photo Credit:
Jodi Collier Leazenby
| Merchant Marketing Corner |
Marketing Opportunities
Community Partners is a "One hand washes the other!" marketing opportunity where both local small businesses and local non-profits support one another. Check it out and get more info HERE!
Instagram: Dale Samar, of the Cave Creek Visitors Guide offers free promotion on The Cave Creek Visitor's Guide's Instagram account. contact Dale at 602-799-7335.
Taste of Cave Creek: Call "Taste" organizer Patty Pollnow at
(480) 204-0140 for ideas on how you can market your business through this upcoming event.
Senior Resource Fair: Vendor Booths Available:
And don't forget: The Cave Creek Tourism Bureau is a free marketing opportunity for licensed Cave Creek businesses. Yes. It's a free service of the Town of Cave Creek. For info and sign-up form, go to the tourism bureau webpage by clicking HERE.
Safety First!
CodeRed is an emergency alert system. Cave Creek residents and business owners are encouraged to participate in order to receive electronic alerts in the event of an emergency.
Be Safe-Don't Be Sorry!
Click HERE to register now for direct alerts from the Town of Cave Creek in the event of a crisis.
You don't see it?
Remember....Some email providers may not load this newsletter in its entirety, in which case you will need to scroll to bottom left and click "View Entire Message" (in the white field). You'll know you've reached the end of the newsletter when you see the word "END."
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“When the sun came up… I couldn’t tell where heaven stopped and the Earth began.”
— Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump
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Volunteering: Is It for Me?
By N. Spitzer
We all know friends and family members who volunteering in their community. We may wonder what they get out of it and why they would work without pay. On the other hand, we may admire and respect their efforts, but think, “That’s great for them, but it’s just not for me.” And, why not?
A thought might be that volunteering is just for retirees. Not true.
Many companies provide volunteering incentives for full-time employees because volunteering both teaches and reinforces work skills, promote diversity and equity, as well as enforces a sense of commitment and purpose. According to Goodera, a company managing corporate volunteering, “Studies have shown that up to 90% of employees who volunteer are more likely to be engaged, have a positive attitude at work, and feel more connected to the company’s mission and values.” All good reasons for corporate support of volunteering. Out of work? Volunteering provides on-the-job training of new skills, job prospects, and valuable resume updates.
For teens, volunteering is invaluable to gaining self-esteem as well as a glimpse into work force experiences and possible careers. A summary of accumulated volunteers hours makes for stronger college and scholarship applications. Teens who volunteer also tend to earn better grades. In addition, including volunteer hours on job applications helps a young candidate's chances of employment.
"Volunteering allowed me to make connections and get ahead in life," says Sierra, a Cave Creek Museum teen volunteer.
Of course, those who’ve retired and have left the full-time work force can definitely benefit from joining the volunteer work force. Retirement brings a welcome sense of new-found freedom, but with it sometimes comes a sense of emptiness from the additional time on hand. Volunteering offers a sense of purpose and life satisfaction from helping others and giving back to the community.
Study after study show that volunteering improves physical and mental health (and combats depression) for all of us. According to the Mayo Clinic, the reduced stress that comes from volunteering “… further decreases the risk of some physical and mental health problems, such has heart disease, stroke, depression, anxiety and general illness.” The American Heart Association also touts numerous reasons (link) why volunteering can result in positive health benefits.
Relationships are important to all of us, no matter what age. Volunteering nurtures our existing relationships and offers opportunities for creating valuable new ones. What better way to improve social and relationship skills while helping in our community! Often, families (parents, children, grandparents) volunteer together in ways that strengthen family bonds. And, all this while enjoying time together!
Reasons (and excuses) for staying away from volunteering may include lack of time or physical restrictions. Actually, neither of these reasons limits the ability to volunteer. Valuable volunteer opportunities fitting all schedules and abilities abound and welcome individuals with open arms. Types of volunteer opportunities include weekly scheduled commitments, one-time events, and even remote volunteer work. Requirements? Only a desire, passion, positive attitude, and commitment.
Local psychologist, Dr Tamara Causey states, “I often recommend that patients volunteer. If a person is feeling stuck, lacks direction or feels isolated due to life circumstances, volunteering can help with all of those things." According to Dr. Causey, "Volunteering helps a person see life from a different perspective. It is common to start to get unstuck and develop purpose and passion from the act of helping others. People often find that they start to feel a part of their community and develop life-long friends by working alongside other volunteers united by a common goal.”
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So, do you now see that volunteering can indeed be for you? What are you waiting for? Find something you’re passionate about and believe in, then seek it out. Helping others? Animals? Community support or events? The environment? Your religious community? Select a volunteer opportunity where you can share your acquired skills and/or learn new ones - office work, assisting others, manual labor, computer work and more. You can begin now by clicking HERE for a list of volunteering opportunities in our community.
“Help others, help yourself.”
– American Heart Assoc.
Click HERE for an article on volunteering and cognitive function.
Photo Credits:
Top -Volunteers Betty, Sandy, Pat, Linda, Chris and Mary
Photo: Courtesy of the Foothills Food Bank
Bottom - Volunteers doing ceramics work for the Empty Bowls Event (Article from Daily Independent HERE)
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Dear Cave Creek Residents and Merchants,
The tragedy in Lahaina, Maui has been on my mind, yours, and I am sure many others. We grieve with those who have lost loved ones as the casualty count increases daily.
Of course, Cave Creek knows of the chaos and danger of wildland fire. Since the 2020 Cave Creek fires, the Town has been working to ensure rapid and decisive wildland fire emergency response while they’re small and controllable. Our fire department and town has its own engine, brush truck, water tanker and help of the entire automatic aid system if a brush fire breaks out.
But, prevention is the key! That’s why electronic signs are flashing warnings along roadways during fire season. Shoulders of roads with Town rights-of-way are sprayed to kill combustible brush and weeds so dragging trailer chains or careless disposal of cigarettes don’t have fire starting fuel. The Town also sponsors annual brush cleanup programs before fire season.
We also have a prohibition on fireworks and open flame during fire season. Permits are required ensuring work activities, like welding, can proceed safely after sufficient precautions are taken.
Further, the Town is currently constructing an emergency evacuation exit to the east along Arroyo Road for residents in the north and northeast portions of town. It will connect to Cave Creek Road at the eastern boundary. When finished, there will be directional signs. This will provide an escape route if Spur Cross or Schoolhouse Roads are blocked.
After Lahaina, the Town reviewed CodeRED, our system for evacuation and other emergencies. So far, over 5,300 local residents and businesses have already signed up for this early alert system and are called directly by the Town in the event of an emergency. CodeRED recently notified residents to cut water usage when a power upset caused a reduction in water flow. The overwhelming response kept the short-term loss of water to about 20 customers. This same system will alert the community if an incident like wildland fire should occur. If you have not signed up for this alert system, I highly recommend doing so and please encourage family and friends to also sign up.
I think it is essential for every resident to sign up on CodeRED. That early phone warning saves lives and provides more time for evacuating animals and/or precious goods. And, by the way, our rodeo grounds is used whenever there is an animal evacuation in the north valley.
So, please go HERE to the Town website today and sign up. You will not be barraged with calls. It is used only in emergencies.
CodeRED: Sign Up!
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Mayor Robert Morris
Town of Cave Creek
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Dear Cave Creek Residents and Merchants,
Recently, I announced my upcoming retirement after twenty-five wonderful years with the Town of Cave Creek. I began my career with the Town in March 1998. The first 19 years I served as your town clerk until I was hired as town manager in 2017. Over these years, I have enjoyed every aspect of serving this very special community especially all those I've met along the way.
I've worked with four mayors and many council members who have entrusted me in my leadership roles. Together we've tackled difficult matters and succeeded in adding valuable services for the community. These efforts have increased public safety making Cave Creek an even more desirable place to work, live and allow our businesses to grow and thrive. I've been incredibly fortunate to build a team of dedicated professionals who provide quality governmental services to all who work or reside in Cave Creek.
The time has come, however, to move on to the next phase of my life. I am looking forward to spending more time with my husband, three daughters and grandchildren. My last day with the Town will be in early 2024. In the meantime, I will continue to serve the community with the same dedication and passion that has taken me here through the years.
Carrie A. Dyrek
Cave Creek Town Manager
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Greetings from the Marshal,
Many of you have commented on the Town’s efforts to slow and calm traffic throughout the town core. For those of you who've noticed, we are attempting to address the vehicles failing to realize that 30 MPH means actually driving 30 MPH (or less). Unfortunately we are still finding people driving between 40-55 miles per hour through our town core. We will continue our efforts at having drivers obey our speed limits. Our goal is a safer Cave Creek for all residents and visitors who like walking and traveling in our town.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Captain Laterno from MCSO as the new District Four Commander of The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. Captain Laterno was in command of our district many years ago. He will bring over thirty years of leadership experience to Cave Creek and will be a welcomed partner to our community. Welcome back Captain!
I also wish to congratulate Lieutenant Baranyos on his retirement from MCSO after a long and distinguished career. Lieutenant Baranyos represented the best of the best in law enforcement and we wish him well in his new position as a captain in Estes Park, Colorado. Congratulations my friend!
Stay Safe,
Marshal Adam Stein
Running a Town
Have you ever wondered what it takes to run a town? Cave Creek Vice-Mayor Kathryn Royer helps us understand by breaking it all down in a recent Sonoran News article HERE.
Summer Hiking
We can't emphasize this enough...
The heat of summer is not the best time to be hiking in the desert, but if you must, please remember the following:
1.Start out and return early, when the worst heat of the day has not yet set in.
2.Let someone know where and when you'll be hiking.
3.Hike with at least one other person.
4.Select the correct hike difficulty and length for your ability.
5.Wear a light-weight, long sleeved shirt and cool long pants.
6.Wear a hat that protects your face.
7.Apply sunscreen (preferably SPF 50).
8.Wear appropriate closed hiking shoes.
9.Carry plenty of water, and then hydrate-hydrate-hydrate.
10.Turn around after you have consumed half your water of liquid hydration.
11.Carry a hiking whistle (many areas don't have cell service).
12.Let your contact person (#2) know when you've returned from your hike.
Maricopa County
has confirmed 12 heat associated deaths since July 2023.
Please be careful.
| Taste of Cave Creek Corner | |
"The Taste" 2023
The Excitement is Building
Once again, Taste of Cave Creek organizer Patty Pollnow and guest speakers played to a full-house at the August 29 meeting. Excitement is building as the October 18/19 event gets closer by the day. Patty started off the meeting by introducing the newest restaurants and merchants sign ups. Currently, event attendees will be offered delicious “tastes” from 30 restaurants…and the number keeps growing.
First up as guest speaker was Starletta Brown from the Maricopa Health Department. Starletta discussed the nuts and bolts of county regulations, required permits, and gave suggestions on how to make the evenings process easier for restaurant participants.
Jen Miles, of Tech4Life, advised they would be covering event website updates as well as social media. She reminded participating merchants they would be eligible to have a clickable logo on the “Taste” site once event applications have been turned in. (A Cave Creek business license is required to apply.) Jen also asked anyone with photos from previous “Taste” events to please share them with her for the site.
Brittni Bennett was up next advising all participants (anyone with a physical space or booth) a required to provide a certificate of insurance to Stagecoach Village by an October 1 deadline. Event insurance requirements can be obtained by clicking HERE.
Patty assured parking around town will be plentiful with buses from lots starting at 4:45 and the event opening at 5pm. Event entry gates will be at Stagecoach Village north and south ends.
Come to the “Taste” with an appetite because there’ll be plenty of tempting “tastes” to satisfy. Many other vendors will display their best. There will also be music, dancing, and an opportunity to enjoy the evening with neighbors and new friends. If this sounds like fun and you'd like to volunteer your help, then come to the volunteer meetings on October 9 and 16 at Stagecoach Village (suite 105).
Contact Patty for more information or to volunteer. Still interested in event participation, then click HERE. Patty would love to hear from you. Please note, the final meeting before the big event is set for September 26. Bring a pillow, bring a chair, because it will surely be the biggest event gathering yet.
Finally…Tickets are already selling like hotcakes on the “Taste” site, as well as at Stickhorse Gallery and Ortega’s. Get yours early and beat the crowds at the gate.
For additional information, go to the "Taste" website HERE or contact Patty Pollnow at (480) 204-0140 or by emailing her HERE.
Photo: Patty Pollnow, Taste of Cave Creek organizer
Photo Credit: N. Spitzer
| Concierge Tour '24 Corner | |
Cave Creek Concierge Tour
The Cave Creek Tourism Bureau (CCTB) is already thinking ahead to 2024 and organizing yet another exciting concierge tour. The event, called Cave Creek Concierge Tour 2024 (CCCT24), is on the calendar for January 9, 2024. Valley concierges and tourism affiliates will be invited on a bus tour through Cave Creek town core and a visit to Spur Cross Ranch, as well.
This event is sponsored by the Town of Cave Creek in support of local merchants. Event attendees will learn about Cave Creek shops, restaurants, history, points of interest and especially pointing out Cave Creek's special Local Landmarks. The event will end with dinner at a local restaurant, a group photo, and a goody bag full of wonderful, unique items representative of our town’s merchants.
This will be the second concierge tour organized by the Cave Creek Tourism Bureau (CCTB). The first, in March of 2022, was well-attended, extremely successful, and enjoyed by all. Our Cave Creek merchants were amazing at contributing swag bag items for the goody bag best representing their businesses. Attending guests walked away happy and asking, “When is the next one?”
The CCCT24 Committee is made up of dedicated CCTB volunteers Deborah, MaryF, and Hank, and they're already busily working on the 2024 event details. Cave Creek merchants can expect to hear from them soon with more event info. Merchants, be thinking about what swag bag item (attached to your promo-material) might best “show-off” your business at CCCT24. What a fantastic way to promote our local merchants! Thank you, Town of Cave Creek and the CCCT24 Committee.
Additional updates on this event will appear in future editions of the Cave Creek Corner. Questions about the concierge tour? You can email Committee Chair Deborah by clicking HERE.
Photo Credits: Dunn Transportation and N. Spitzer
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Cave Creek Concierge Tour 2022 Goody Bag
chock-full of merchant promo items
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Parents of Teens!
STEM Classes
Cave Creek Museum is offering a FREE electronics and computer coding class to seventh and eighth graders beginning October 2, 2023. Classes will be held at The Holland Center once per week after school on Mondays at 4:00 p.m. for 20 classes. The Holland Center is located at 34250 N. 60th Street, Scottsdale, AZ.
This class is open to any student who has completed pre-algebra and has a desire to explore the exciting work of electronics and computers. Students will be challenged with hands-on exercises which will advance their computer and electronics knowledge while building organizational skills and self-confidence.
The classes will focus students’ attention on the following:
- Electronics and computers
- Steps leading to video game design
- Skills for building a robot or a video game
- Writing computer code to control lights, motors, servos
- Learning about engineering and computers careers
Course instructor Greg Barnhart says, “The course is designed around online learning so the students can proceed at their own respective pace. As a retired electrical engineer, I am in the classroom and available on line to answer questions and provide context.”
Interested students are encouraged to visit the museum’s STEM page HERE to see the schedule, course description and find an application. Classes are limited to 25 students and the deadline for application is September 8. Cave Creek Museum thanks Kiwanis of Carefree for its support of this educational program.
Photo: Instructor Greg Barnhart instructing students Aubrie and Chace
Local Landmarks Corner
The Town of Cave Creek was honored to make the following Local Landmark presentations
in August.
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Black Mountain Feed Store
~ A Local Landmark ~
August 15 was a special day at the Black Mountain Feed Store. Cave Creek’s Mayor Bob Morris and Councilman Thomas McGuire presented current owners Lee and Nicole Banning, with the brass plaque commemorating the location as one of Cave Creek’s coveted Local Landmarks.
The Plaque Reads as Follows: The Black Mountain Feed Store was built by Frank Wright in 1929 as a home for his mother. Mr. Wright was known as “Mr. Cave Creek,” and when he passed in 1982 at the age of 89, he had lived in Cave Creek for sixty years. Mr. Wright founded and built the American Legion Post in 1934 and established the first water company in the Town. Tragically, the original building burned down in 2020 the same year as both the East Desert and the Ocotillo fires occurred. The feed store was rebuilt which includes a façade paying respect to the original building.
Photo: Councilman Thomas McGuire, Nicole and Lee Banning, and Mayor Bob Morris
Photo Credit: Courtesy Town of Cave Creek
Le Sans Souci
~ A Local Landmark ~
The site of Cave Creek’s only French restaurant, Le Sans Souci, was honored with the coveted brass Local Landmark’s plaque for its building on August 16. Presenting the plaque to owner and Chef José Rivera was Cave Creek's Mayor Bob Morris. Also representing the Town at the event were Vice-Mayor Royer and Councilman McGuire. Friends, family and Cave Creek Museum representatives celebrated, too. Chef José included some of his amazing pastries into what turned out to be a joyous celebration.
The Plaque Reads as Follows: Before becoming a restaurant, the building in which it currently operates was originally the private home of Dr. and Mrs. Marty Chapman, designed by Architect Fred Osman. In 1995, Chef Louis Germain and head Chef Jose Rivera, opened the French restaurant known as Le Sans Souci. Serving an exquisite dining experience to diners from all over the world, this restaurant is described as a true “Hidden Gem in Cave Creek.”
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Photos: Owner and Chef José Rivera and Cave Creek's Mayor Morris and Chef José pastries
Photo Credit: Courtesy Town of Cave Creek
| Cave Creek Tourism Bureau Corner | |
Cave Creek Tourism Bureau
~ We're Back! ~
Summer Season Hours of Fri/Sat/Sun from 10am-2pm
Yep! We're back in business with September Summer Season hours after our month of August break. We expect visitor traffic will still be at a trickle as we prep for the incoming "Season." This is a good time, however, for participating merchants to review rack card needs, reorder (if necessary), then drop off additional cards for the new season. This enables tourism bureau volunteers to restock promotional material for sharing with visitors who stop by as we roll into Season '23-'24.
What? You're not yet a participating Cave Creek business? Remember, local business promotion at the tourism bureau is a free benefit of having a Cave Creek Town Business License. Click HERE for the form.
Also, our tourism bureau has a couple of volunteer opportunities available. Are you a friendly person who loves Cave Creek? Then, volunteering at the Cave Creek Tourism Bureau would be perfect for you. What a wonderful way to support the Cave Creek community while meeting people from all over the world! For more info about volunteering click HERE to email tourism bureau coordinator Nina. See photo of our CCTB team below.
Happy Cave Creek September!
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August 8 Week: Town Core Median Re-vegetation
The week of August 8th saw lane restrictions in the town core due to re-vegetation of the medians. Now...Lookin' Good!
Photo Credit: D. Hietpas
August 12: Annual Larry Allen Wendt Memorial Tractor Parade
Friends and family participated in the annual tractor parade held in honor of Larry Allen Wendt, former owner of the Buffalo Chip Saloon in Cave Creek, who died August 2021 at the age of 65. The parade included not only tractors, but also horses, classic cars, trucks and motorcycles. Read more about the parade HERE.
Photo Credit: D. Hietpas
August 13: Terre & Johnny
"Tie the Knot"
| On Sunday, August 13, Terre and Johnny "Tied the Knot" in front of Cave Creek friends and family at Harold's Cave Creek Corral and became Mr. & Mrs. Ringo. Congratulations to the newlyweds! | | |
Tourism Bureau Participants
A Couple of Green Thumbs, Adelante, Arizona Fine Furniture & Tack Brokers, Arizona Horseback Adventures, A Place in Time, Arizona Territory Antiques, Bags & Rags Boutique, Beth Zink Art, Baudine's Mad About Shoes, Big Bronco, Big Earl's Greasy Eats, Bilinda's Vintage Treasures, Black Mountain Adventures, Black Mountain Coffee Shop, Black Mountain Dental Care, Black Mountain Fitness, Blue Coyote, Bodhi Coyote Yoga, Bronco Studio, Buffalo Chip Saloon, CactusFlower, Caligos, Carefree Adventures, Cave Creek BBQ School, Cave Creek Candles & Gifts, Cave Creek Museum, Cave Creek Olive Oil Company, Cave Creek Shuttle, Cave Creek Visitor's Guide, Ciolim, Charlie Green Make-Up, City Creamery, Cowboy Pizza Company, Coyote Crossing Studio, Cyber Threat Intelligence Network, Desert Dream Realty, Desert Foothills Library, Desert Treasures, Designs by Jenny, Discovery Map, Easy Street Boutique, El Encanto Mexican Restaurant, Elysian Desert Distilleries, English Rose Tea Room, Erika Willison PLLC, Essence of Massage, Extreme Arizona, Fantastico's Mexican Food, Farm Bureau Insurance-Leslie Jensen, Finer Arts Gallery, Fiorra CBD, Fiorra Life, Gail H. Garrett Massage Therapy, Gift Gal, Glass-Art-Fusion (Ro Scarbrough), Glory Bee's, Grace Reneé Gallery, Grateful Grasshopper,The Grotto Café, Hideaway Grill, Harold's Cave Creek Corral, Holland Community Center, Jeff D. Hill PLLC, Horny Toad Restaurant, Indian Market, Indian Village, Ink Therapy Cave Creek, Journey Rides, Keeler's Steakhouse, KI Healing Arts,Kiki Rae's, Kiwanis Marketplace Thrift Store, Lance Headlee, Lara Bistro, Laughing Glass Studio, Lazy Lizard, Leigh Siegel-Realtor, Le Sans Souci, Leslie Nestingen (Berkshire Hathaway), Levanah Acupuncture, Lifestyle Balance with Qigong TaiChi, Lifestyle Goods, Lisa Nocella/Russ Lyons Sotheby's, Living Landsdcapes, Inc., Look at Me Now, Lucy Dickens Fine Art, M & E Stoyanov Fine Art Gallery, Magic Bird Festivals, Michael D'Ambrosi Sculpture, Monika Cheang Photography, Mountain View Pub, Natural Habitat Inc, Oregano's Pizza Bistro, Petsuites, Pizzicata, Pillar to Post Home Inspections, Prickly Pear Inn, Puppy Luv Flea Market, Rancho Mañana Golf Club, Rare Earth Gallery, R.C. Gorman Navajo Gallery, Rattlesnake Ready, Rattlesnake Solutions, Retablo, Roastery of Cave Creek, Salon Chella, Sanctuary Tactical, Sticks Golf & Cigar Lounge, The Sculpture Studio, Sharon J. Edwards (Berkshire Hathaway), Smith & Western, Sonoran Arts League, Soroptomist International of Saguaro Foothills, Southwest Bedazzle Boutique, Spur Cross Cycles, Stagecoach Village, Storyteller Indian Store, Studio West, Sunshine Sparklefaced, Teeslanger, The Finer Arts Gallery, The Honey Baked Ham Company, The Meading Room, The Star Barn, Thunderbird Artists Gallery, Time to Ride AZ, Tonto Bar & Grill, Tox Bar LLC, Trailhead Ranch, True West Magazine, Udder Delight, The Village Coffee Shop, Villas of Cave Creek, Vintage Vixen Rarities,Watson's Hat Shop, Western Delight Gift Shop, Western Sky Helicopters, Z's House of Thai
Our list is growing and we LUV it! - Let me know if I've ooopsed & forgotten your name. - Ed.
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