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National Black History Month: Feb. 1 - Mar. 1, 2024

From "A Proclamation on National Black History Month 2024" issued by the White House:

"Unbowed by the forces of hate and undaunted as they fought for centuries against slavery, segregation, and injustice, Black Americans have held a mirror up to our Nation, allowing our country to confront hard truths about who we are and pushing us to live up to our founding ideals."

Read the entire proclamation by clicking here.

"No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

John 15:13 NABRE

About the Legends of Black History featured above

“There is no room for pride before the Lord, however high and privileged our service of Him may be.”

― William Still

William Still

William Still was born in Burlington County, New Jersey, and had little formal education, but studied whenever he could. In 1844, William moved to Philadelphia, and eventually found a job as a clerk and janitor for the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery. He soon began aiding fugitive slaves, often sheltering them until they could find their way farther north. One fugitive was his older brother, Peter, who had been left behind when his mother escaped forty years earlier.

Click here to read more.

Harriet Tubman

Known as the “Moses of her people,” Harriet Tubman was enslaved, escaped, and helped others gain their freedom as a “conductor" of the Underground Railroad. Tubman also served as a scout, spy, guerrilla soldier, and nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War. She is considered the first African American woman to serve in the military. 

Click here to read more.

"Now I've been free, I know what a dreadful condition slavery is. I have seen hundreds of escaped slaves, but I never saw one who was willing to go back and be a slave."

― Harriet Tubman

There's no one thing that makes a good astronaut. I don't know any person with determination and will that can't go to space.

― Edward Dwight

Edward Dwight

Ed Dwight, the first African American to be trained as an astronaut and the sculptor of major monuments, was born on the outskirts of Kansas City, Kansas in 1933. His father, Ed Dwight, Sr., played second base for the Kansas City Monarchs in baseball's Negro League. Child rearing fell primarily on Ed's Catholic mother, Georgia Baker Dwight, who convinced her son that he could accomplish almost anything. Dwight grew up as an avid reader and a talented artist who was mechanically gifted and enjoyed working with his hands.

Click here to read more.

Zora Neale Hurston

Although Hurston claimed to be born in 1901 in Eatonville, Florida, she was, in fact, 10 years older and had moved with her family to Eatonville only as a small child. There, in the first incorporated all-Black town in the country, she attended school until age 13. After the death of her mother (1904), Hurston’s home life became increasingly difficult, and at 16 she joined a traveling theatrical company, ending up in New York City during the Harlem Renaissance.

Click here to read more.

"No matter how far a person can go the horizon is still way beyond you."

― Zora Neale Hurston

A man is a man, until that man finds a plan, a plan that makes that man, a new man.

― Dred Scott

Dred Scott

Dred Scott was born a slave in Southampton county, Virginia, around 1799. His original owner, Peter Blow, moved to Alabama in 1818 and then relocated to St. LouisMissouri, in 1830, taking with him his property—including his slaves—as he moved west. Blow died in 1832, and Dr. John Emerson, an army surgeon, purchased Scott.

Click here to read more.

Mildred Fay Jefferson

A surgeon, right-to-life activist, and noted speaker, Mildred Fay Jefferson was the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School in 1951.

Click here to read more.

I became a physician in order to help save lives. I am at once a physician, a citizen, and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow the concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live.

Mildred Fay Jefferson

A man holds a sign which reads: 'If Negro men can carry guns for Uncle Sam, surely they can drive milk wagons for Bowman Dairy.' World War II, Chicago, July 1941.

John VVachon/Anthony Potter Collection

The Black history that isn't taught: Historians share lesser known moments in US racial history

By Kiara Alfonseca | ABC News

The deadly voting rights campaign known as Freedom Summer, the successful Black labor rights movement during the Great Depression, and the long fight for desegregation in schools are among the many lesser-known stories that help shape our understanding of U.S. Black History.


How an enslaved man helped create these iconic monuments in Washington, D.C.

By John Yang, Kaisha Young and Sarah Clune Hartman

Some of Washington, D.C.’s most familiar landmarks were built with the labor of enslaved people, their accomplishments largely lost to history. In part three of our series, “Hidden Histories,” we learn about one of those enslaved laborers, a sculptor named Philip Reed.


Philip Reid was the only known slave working on the Freedom statue.

The National Black Catholic Congress XIII Pastoral Plan of Action is here!

The last gathering of Black Catholics was held July 20-23, 2023 (Congress XIII), and using the survey results from the attendees, the Pastoral Planning Committee created a draft plan. The draft went to several Black Catholic theologians, academics, pastors, etc. for review. The final document reflects their considered feedback, and we believe this PPA will prove to be the best yet.

The Pastoral Planning Committee was tasked with creating a guideline that Offices of Black Catholic Ministry or Multicultural Ministry could use to construct a Pastoral Plan that was targeted to the issues of concern to the Black Catholic communities within each (arch)diocese. We believe they surpassed our expectations and have written a document that is easy to follow, and provides parameters that are infused with spirituality.

We would like to thank the Pastoral Planning Committee, Therese Wilson Favors (chair), Howard Roberts, Fr. Stephen Thorne (consultant), Patricia A. Waddell, and Sharon H. Winchester, for their time, talent, and dedication to this project. Click the image to download the pdf.

Click Here to Downloadthe Pastoral Plan of Action

An old proverb:

"A vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a vision is just drudgery. But a vision with a plan can change the world."

NBCC 2024 Webinar Series Take advantage of learning opportunities from Congress XIII presenters through these upcoming webinars:





Apologetics Without Apologies

Presented by

Dr. Mario E. Dance

6:30 PM EST; 5:30 PM CST; 3:30 PM PST



Synodality, Black Catholic Spirituality and the Racial Divide

Presented by

Daryl Grigsby

2:00 PM EST; 1:00 PM CST; 11:00 PM PST



Living Your Best Life

Presented by

Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI

5:00 PM EST; 4:00 PM CST; 2:00 PM PST



Walking Humbly With God: Revitalizing the Church through Fellowship and Community

Presented by

Deacon Gerard Marie Anthony

6:30 PM EST; 5:30 PM CST; 3:30 PM PST



Leveraging Mental Health: Thriving Through Our Stories

Presented by

Regina Boyd, LMHC and Sr. Josephine Garrett,CSFN

1:00 PM EST; 12:00 Noon CST; 10:00 AM PST




Introduction to the Called & Gifted Program

Presented by

Luana Lienhart

6:30 PM EST; 5:30 PM CST;3:30 PM PST



Acquiring P.E.A.C.E.:

A Prescription for Navigating Child Loss

Presented by

Deacon Gerard Marie Anthony

6:30 PM EST; 5::30PM CST; 3:30 PM PST



"I have given everything to my Master: He will take care of me. The best thing for us is not what we consider best, but what the Lord wants for us."

- St. Josephine Bakhita




Feast Day of St. Josephine Bakhita

International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking

The Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita on the 8th of February each year, her life was a journey from slavery to freedom and faith. The patron saint of Sudan, her life story inspires hope in the face of modern day indifference and exploitation.


LENT 2024

February 14 - March 28









Five Ways to Prepare for Lent

Lent will be here before you know it! Are you ready? Fr. Claude and Fr. Ambrose look at how we can prepare for this holy season.

Fr. Ambrose Criste, O.Praem.

Fr. Claude Williams, O.Praem.


Check out "A Lenten Journey to Greater Love" from ChristLife.

Many thousands of Catholics have gratefully benefited from Fr. Erik Arnold’s personal and compelling teachings in the ChristLife Process. Now, the ChristLife community has an opportunity to receive further spiritual teaching and guidance from him through this book.



Litany of Trust

The Litany of Trust is a prayer composed by one of the Sisters of Life, Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, SV. In it, we ask Jesus to deliver us from the things that hold us bound, and we place our trust in His promises.

Nihil Obstat:  

Reverend Matthew S. Ernest, STD Censor Librorum


Reverend Monsignor Joseph P. LaMorte, VG

Vicar General, Archdiocese of New York

May 1, 2023“



Apostolate for Holy Relics

Call from the Crucified Heart - Relics of the Passion

The Relics of the Passion presentation is organized into a one-hour meditative program with supporting musical pieces that serve as a guide to help you accompany Jesus through His suffering during the Passion. The program ends with an opportunity for personal veneration of the relics.

February 17 at 10:00 AM-2:00 PM ES

National Shrine of Divine Mercy 2 Prospect Hill Rd., Stockbridge, MA

February 22 at 7:00 PM-9:00 PM ES

Church of the Transfiguration 268 S. Broadway, Tarrytown, NY

February 25 @ 2:00 PM-5:00 PM ES

St Mary of the Assumption Church 

1021 St Marys Road, Pylesville, MD

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Maya Angelou, trapped in a living hell and banned for speaking up

Dr. Maya Angelou experienced a traumatic childhood that changed the trajectory of her life. For years, out of fear for her safety and the safety of her family, she lived in silence. America couldn’t handle her truth when she finally shared what happened, and was quick to ban her story but it caught like wildfire.

Employment Opportunity:

Director of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)

LOCATION: Washington, DC, USA; *Locations in or around the following locations could also be considered: San Francisco, CA, Hartford, Connecticut and Boston, MA

SALARY RANGE: $98,000 - $115,000 / yr; full time

CONTACT: Cover letters and resumes to: jshea@ewsndden.org

Download the PDF

Employment Opportunity:

Vocation Outreach Promoter,

Ministry of Welcome

This individual supports the mission and vision of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur East-West Province and directs and coordinates all vocations-related activity.


SALARY: $60,681 - $75,851/Full time

CONTACT: Cover letter and resume; forward to jshea@ewsndden.org

Download the PDF

The National Black Catholic Congress Rosary

The rosary is made of Genuine Hematite Beads with Silver Ox Crucifix and photo center featuring Anthony VanArsdale's portrait of the Madonna and Child Jesus.

The zipper-top rosary pouch is tan sateen fabric with the National Black Catholic Congress (NBCC) logo on the front and the mission statement on the reverse side: "We hold ourselves accountable to our baptismal commitment to witness and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ."

$25.00 per rosary & pouch set ($20.00 for rosary and pouch, $5.00 S&H)

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National Black Catholic Congress XIII Photobook

This 8"x8" photobook contains 24 pages of full-color images from Congress XIII. If you attended Congress XIII in July 2023, you'll enjoy this visual reminder of the gathering. If you weren't able to attend, the pictures and captions will give you a sense of what happened at this event.

Standard Cost: $57.48* + S&H

*IMPORTANT: Shutterfly offers discounts on a regular basis. Click the blue "Manage Promos" button in the shopping cart and scroll through the discount offers and select the best option; they often offer up to 50% off.

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Black Firsts: 500 Years of Trailblazing Achievements and Ground-Breaking Events

(The Multicultural Heroes & History Collection)

by Jessie Carney Smith Ph.D. (Author)

$18.99 for Paperback on Amazon

Order Now
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