You're Invited!
Celebrate Black History Month #BHM2022
Featured Resources
Clint Smith's Black History Crash Course on YouTube

Guest blogger, Alejandro Granados Vargas (he/him), writes "Black Linguistic Justice in the Classroom."
Learning for Justice seeks to work in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people. Free educational resources to teach Black history are freely available. Explore today!
From the National Writing Project
Join the Louisville Writing Project and NWP colleagues for a day of learning, connecting and sharing about teaching argument writing. This one-day conference, March 18, 2022, Argument Writing and Inquiry: New Directions for P-16 Classrooms, features keynote speaker Jennifer Fletcher, author of Writing Rhetorically.
"Making Someone Wrong"
Guest Blogger, Jennifer Fletcher
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Do you want to share your classroom research, empirical studies, thoughts, ideas, or experiences with thousands of others? Be our guest...blogger! We are accepting submissions for our blog.