The Weather is Cold,
But Our Events Are Warming Up!
Community Menorah Lighting
Thursday, December 10th
at 5:00 PM
This year we are bringing the community Menorah lighting into your homes via Zoom. Please join us for the first night of Chanukah so that we can share the experience of lighting candles together in the comfort and safety of our own homes.

Please note, due to Covid health concerns, the downtown South Bend ceremony will not be open to the public. We look forward to resuming it in the coming years.

The program will include live streaming of the Menorah lighting ceremony in downtown South Bend with the participation of Mayor Mueller of South Bend, Chanukah music, and messages from our local Rabbis.

To receive the Zoom link, please RSVP to
Can you say...
C-H-A-N-U-K-A-H B-I-N-G-O?
Stay tuned after the Chanukah Menorah Lighting for an additional zoom program!
Join us for a community Chanukah version of bingo! Winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card! Great for all ages! 

See below for how to nominate your choice of Chanukah Covid Champion! Winner will be chosen by raffle live on the zoom program!
Chanukah COVID Champion
There once was a hero and his five sons, they won an impossible battle, few against tons. It's the story of Chanukah that we celebrate each year, "Nes gadol hayah sham", a great miracle happened there. Now we have another battle to fight, this time it's Covid ramming us with all its might. Once again, there have been those special ones, who have spread their light, more radiant than the Sun's. It is those Heroes that we want to commend, for their service to the community of South Bend.
So please take a moment or two at the most, to pen down a paragraph or even a toast. To someone who has stood out for their zeal, so they can be recognized as the Chanukah Covid Champion, for real!

Please email your nomination and paragraph to All submissions will be entered into a raffle to win a *$100 gift card.

* Co-sponsored by Temple Beth-El, Sinai, Chabad, Midwest Torah Center and the Jewish Federation. 
Thursday, December 3rd
10:30 AM-11:00 AM

Learn about Hanukkah with stories, songs, and a craft with special guest story teller, Shani Kramer, Director of Programming for the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley.

Registration is required.