We will hand out 40 Christmas bags to children living in local motels on Friday. These bags are full of games, school supplies, toys, books, and candy.
We will also give out 80 food bags to families and individuals in these hotels that are full of peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, canned meats, shampoo, soap, and more.
As we deliver these bags of love, we will have coats and blankets to help battle the cold and hot meals provided by the Macon Rescue Mission.
Our prayer is that the needy in our community will see the love and hope of Jesus as we serve Him.
Thank you to each person who donated toys, school supplies, coats, blankets, and financial gifts. Because of you, this is possible. We are the Lord's hands and feet.
We also want to thank the volunteers who helped pack these bags, those who will help deliver, and those who have helped organize.
Please be in prayer as we go out into the community and love like Jesus loves.