Weekly Newsletter E-Blast

Thursday, December 22, 2022

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Weekly Schedule

Friday, December 23

Church Office is Closed

Community Meals and Mission Project

Saturday, December 24

3 p.m. - Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion Service

5 p.m. - Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion Service

Sunday, December 25

Merry Christmas

10 a.m. - One Morning Worship Service

Monday, December 26 -

January 2, 2023

Church Office closed

Tuesday, December 27

7 a.m. - Men's Prayer Breakfast


The Church Office will be closed from Friday, December 23, 2022 to January 2, 2023.

If you need to get in touch with the church office, please call 478-987-1852 and leave a voicemail if we do not answer and we will return your call as soon as possible.

We will also check the mailbox at the office daily.

We hope that you each have a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family as you celebrate the birth of our Savior!

We Are Hiring! Come Work With Us!

Are you or someone you know experienced in financial work and looking to join the incredible staff at Perry UMC?

Perry United Methodist Church is seeking to hire an experienced Staff Accountant to perform accounting, bookkeeping and other tasks. 

This will be a full-time, salaried position. For a detailed description of the position and how to apply, visit  

Registration is open until TOMORROW,

Friday, December 23, 2022, on our website.

Community Christmas Missions

We will hand out 40 Christmas bags to children living in local motels on Friday. These bags are full of games, school supplies, toys, books, and candy.

We will also give out 80 food bags to families and individuals in these hotels that are full of peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, canned meats, shampoo, soap, and more.

As we deliver these bags of love, we will have coats and blankets to help battle the cold and hot meals provided by the Macon Rescue Mission.

Our prayer is that the needy in our community will see the love and hope of Jesus as we serve Him.

Thank you to each person who donated toys, school supplies, coats, blankets, and financial gifts. Because of you, this is possible. We are the Lord's hands and feet.

We also want to thank the volunteers who helped pack these bags, those who will help deliver, and those who have helped organize.

Please be in prayer as we go out into the community and love like Jesus loves.

Blue Christmas:

A Service of the Longest Night

JOY Choir

The JOY Choir sang Christmas carols to residents at Summerhill Nursing Home on Tuesday.

Rhapsody in Bluegrass:

A Christmas Jubilee

On Sunday afternoon The Sanctuary Choir and The JOY Choir presented Rhapsody in Bluegrass: A Christmas Jubilee to a crowd-filled room in the Family Life Center.

Making a Commitment in 2023

As followers of Jesus, we give out of thanksgiving for what God has done and as a sign of faithfulness, devotion, and commitment to God. To do so may require taking a step of faith out of our comfort zone, but there is joy, peace, and blessings that come when we rely upon the Lord and choose to honor him.

We hope that you will prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to contribute financially to Perry UMC in the coming year. 

You can make a commitment to PUMC in several different ways. We have cards in the church office and in the narthex of the Sanctuary. You may also go to to make an online commitment for 2022.

If you would like a commitment card mailed to you or if you have any questions, please contact the church office at 478-987-1852.

We have several ways to support our ministries with your gifts and offerings.

For more information or to give online, click here.
We would love for you to worship online with us on Sunday Mornings at 11 a.m.!

Click here to tune in!
We are thankful for your support of the Family Life Center. We are excited to see how God uses this wonderful new space.

If you would like to donate to this project or make a pledge of support, please click here.