Accepting cash or credit cards in the Student Involvement office during the event.
Who is the student sitting before you? 
Presented by Aaron Bird Bear
UW Madison Tribal Relations Director
Tuesday, November 16
11:30 - 12:30pm | Virtual
This presentation will cover factors influencing the identity development for Native American students as they relate to campus racial climate. A brief introduction to contemporary race relations, the achievement gap, and mass incarceration rates in Wisconsin will set the
context for stories regarding the well-being of Native American youth and young adults in Wisconsin schools. Racial and/or cultural identity remains important for any discussion on interventions since racial and/or cultural identity affects all areas of students’ lives in Wisconsin, particularly Native American students. 
Tune to NWTC Campus Radio  all week to hear music from around the world!
Did you know NWTC
has students from 26 different countries?
Learn a little more about them
by visiting the International
Student Poster Display in the Commons this week.
Food for Thought: Puerto Rican Song Book
Students enjoy a free meal while attending this presentation!
(While Supplies Last)
Enjoy The Puerto Rican Song Book, a musical presentation that celebrates Puerto Rican composers and their contribution to the world of music. The repertoire highlights the rich, diverse and complex history of the oldest colony in the world.

Wednesday, November 17
11:30am - 1:00pm
Free lunch for students while attending, while supplies last.
Virtual Global Spotlight
Italian-American Immigration

Tuesday, November 18
11:30am - 12:30pm

Amy Greil, UW-Madison Community Development Educator, talks about Wisconsin microcosm of Italian immigration - struggling, surviving, thriving. 
Celebrate international cuisine in the NWTC cafeteria this week! Each day will feature a meal from around the world.
If you would like to request an accommodation due to a disability,
please direct inquiries to (920) 498-6904 or
at least three days before the event.
NWTC does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, disability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or other protected classes. Inquiries regarding the College’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Chief Officer for Diversity & Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator at (920) 498-6826 or