Celebrating NNW and Nightingale Moment

Don't forget to celebrate this year's Nightingale Moment

The Nightingale Moment occurs on the final day of National Nurses Week, May 12, 2012, Noon, your local time. At that moment, every nurse around the world is invited to pause, take a moment of silence or create a healing ceremony or ritual in celebration of holistic nursing on the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth.
The Nightingale Moment is an ideal opportunity to share the spirit of holism during NNW with your nursing community. Encourage your friends, employees, nurse managers and others to join this special event. Help spread the word by sharing this press release with your local media. Also, follow this event on Facebook and invite your friends. 


Learn more about celebrating Nightingale Moment on our website. The AHNA site offers a flier to help promote the event, a copy of the Blessing of the Hands, ideas for celebration activities and other resources.

Let us know how you will celebrate by emailing a 30-word description of your local event* to supportservices@ahna.org. Please include date, time, place and who to contact to get involved. Or find a local event here. Let's make sure that the 13th Annual Nightingale Moment is a grand success!


*Free event listings are limited to Nightingale Moment or National Nurses Week activities promoting holistic nursing and the AHNA.

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