'Be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world.' - author Pema Chodron

Make Someone's Day!

Feb. 14-20 2023

Random Act of Kindness Day is a great opportunity to pay it forward, it is a perfect way to show you care. Random Acts of Kindness Day Feb 17, 2023 is a day to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness and having a paying it forward mentality.

Here are some examples to show kindness.

  • Pay for the person behind you in line
  • Hold the door for someone
  • Give a stranger a compliment
  • Tell a friend how much they mean to you
  • Thank a family member for a time they helped you
  • Volunteer your time somewhere
  • Treat someone to lunch at Sumo OR Give a Gift Card from Sumo

Sumo Steak House and Sushi Bar Restaurant

1745 ParkSide Drive Madison WI 53704

608-661-5533 https://www.sumomadison.com/