NRMN Members Hail from All 50 United States
Click here  or on the above image to read about this exciting milestone in the development of the NRMN movement
Unsung African-American scientists in history

In honor of Black History Month, we take a look at the incredible contributions of American scientists of color historically, as well as the written work of Dr. Sibrina Collins, a contemporary chemist who tells the individual stories of such scientists in her series of biographic articles.

Click here to read the full article.
Tanecia Mitchell shares how NRMN helped her obtain a K01 grant

Tanecia Mitchell, Ph.D., now Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's School of Medicine, reflects on recently receiving her first K01 grant from the NIH. She credits her participation in NRMN's Northwestern University model Grant Writers Coaching Group as being a significant factor in her successful application for the grant award.

Click here to read the full story reflecting on Dr. Mitchell's K01, and her journey as an African-American biologist.
A new partnership: The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities leverages NRMN's MyNRMN and Guided Virtual Mentorships apps in new Mentoring program

NRMN is proud to announce that ABRF members will utilize MyNRMN and NRMN's Guided Virtual Mentorships as part of the Association's new Mentoring program.

Click here for more information about how this partnership developed, and how ABRF is making use of these tools for the benefit of their members.
Member Publication Highlight: Rachel Hardeman

Rachel R. Hardeman, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Health Policy & Management at the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health. 

This month, we highlight the work of Dr. Hardeman and her colleagues as they reflect on current events and national conversations about race and health in their Perspective piece,  Structural Racism and Supporting Black Lives - The Role of Health Professionalspublished in The New England Journal of Medicine this past December. 

29th Annual Curtis L. Parker Student Research Symposium at Morehouse School of Medicine

On February 8th, the Morehouse School of Medicine hosted the 29th Annual Curtis L. Parker Student Research Symposium, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. Approximately 60 attendees joined NRMN after learning more about the network from NRMN's Research Resources and Outreach Core.

Click here to read the full article.
In case you missed it: Watch "Developing Your Own Research Program" discussion panel

What are the many considerations a Principal Investigator needs to have in mind when going about designing a research program? What practices will lead to success in terms of the management of resources, both material and human? Our panelists explore and discuss these topics and more.

Click here to view the recording on iBiology's post-event recap page.
NRMN Health Research Talks - Complete series of 8 videos now viewable

The National Research Mentoring Network, in partnership with the UAB Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center (MHRC), is pleased to announce that all 8 videos in our series on health disparities research entitled NRMN Health Research Talks are now available to watch here on

Click here to learn more about the 8th installment, and to watch the series!
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