Business News

[ From your Economic Development Department ]

BDC's Small Business Week (SBW) is October 15-21 this year, a time for Canadians to celebrate entrepreneurship. During SBW, we recognize the key role small businesses play in our local and national economy and acknowledge that small businesses improve our community's access to goods and services, provide local jobs, keep money in the local economy, and support many community projects.

SBW also provides small business owners with an opportunity to learn from each other's successes and address common challenges. This year, BDC is focusing on continued labour shorages and retention difficulties facing all businesses.

You can download their recent report, "The Challenge of a Decade: How to Navigate Canada's Labour shortages from the BDC website and learn about other business events being hosted this week.

We hope that the information and resources we share in this edition are helpful!


The Cornwall Business Entreprise Centre and Cornwall Chamber of Commerce present...

There's still time to register for tomorrow's SBW luncheon! Keynote speakers Sheena Brady (the founder and CEO of Tease Tea) and Pierre Cléroux (BDC Economic Analyst) will share their expertise, insights, and success stories with business owners. For more information and to register, please visit:

Connect and learn about HR recruitment & retention strategies

Having thoroughly enjoyed the last Breakfast Connections event held in Alexandria, I highly recommend carving time from your hectic schedule to attend. Enjoy a free breakfast, connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, and learn new strategies to overcome today's business challenges.

Please click the Breakfast Connections link below to learn more and to register for the event.

Breakfast Connections

Ontario Connects: making high-speed internet accessible in every community -Interactive Map

As part of the Government of Ontario's multi-year plans to improve internet access across the Province, they introduced an interactive project map to allow users to search their location and see existing and planned internet projects that will impact their lives and businesses.

Please click the button below for the most recent project updates and to try this tool.

Visit Interactive Map
Jennifer Treverton Photo

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting, call or email me.

Jennifer Treverton

613-347-1166 ext. 2106

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