Have you ever wondered who responds when international disasters occur, like Ebola public health crises in central Africa, hurricanes in the Caribbean, and conflict in Syria? We do.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an integral part of America’s international disaster response, particularly the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA). At USAID/BHA, we are humanitarians. We provide life-saving assistance to people affected by disasters around the world.
As we celebrate Black History Month, we invite you to explore a career in humanitarian assistance through the eyes of USAID’s Black humanitarians. Black people have been serving as humanitarians in various capacities throughout USAID’s history.
You are invited to the Black Humanitarian Experience, an event exploring careers in humanitarian assistance and disaster response. Hear from several USAID/BHA's Black humanitarians who will share their personal stories—their education and work experiences—that led them to careers at BHA. There is no one path to a career in humanitarian assistance: our staff have degrees in engineering, public health, business, social work, public relations; and serve in a variety of roles. Learn how your skills and educational background can translate to a rewarding career at USAID/BHA.
This will be an exciting afternoon of conversations with USAID/BHA staff who work in Washington, D.C. and in countries around the world. If you have any interest in making an impact—saving lives, alleviating suffering, and reducing the impact of disasters—mark your calendar: Wednesday, February 24, 2021, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm on BlueJeans.
Submit your questions and get ready to plot your next career move. You don’t want to miss this opportunity. At the end of the event, attendees will be able to sign up for a follow-up, one-on-one conversation with a Black humanitarian.