Annihilator of the Hordes of Passion
Nöjin Shenpa Marnak
Oath-Bound Dharma Protector
February 11 - 21
Empowerment with Tulku Thadral Rinpoche

This Losar rings in the year of the Water Rabbit. We will again be doing the wrathful Vajrakilaya practice, a powerful purification ritual traditionally done to cleanse and pacify all accumulated negativities, defilements and obstacles, in order to start the New Year afresh. 

We invite you to join us in person or by streaming for the Vajrakilaya practice and accumulation of prayers to the oath-bound dharma protector, Nöjin Shenpa Marnak.
On February 11, Tulku Thadral Rinpoche will give the empowerment for Putri Rekphung Vajrakilaya. This must be received in person.

We will accumulate the Shenpa prayer February 12-15. Our Lord of Refuge, Dudjom Rinpoche III, Sangye Pema Shepa, told our sangha in 2017, "It is very important for all of you, while you are under the guidance of qualified lamas, to practice Vajrakilaya with protectors, in particular the Three Red Protectors, and especially to accumulate prayers of offering, praise, fulfillment, and invocation to Shenpa Marnak. Make the aspiration that all beings in the whole world have virtuous minds and experience the glories of peace, equanimity and happiness...(See Rinpoche's full 2017 letter here.)

On Gutor Day, the twenty-ninth day of the 12th lunar month, we will carry out the averting ritual (Dokpa), where the Zorchen torma is thrown into a bonfire to dispel negativity of the past year.

On Losar Day, we will do Lake Born Vajra and Orgyen Khandro Norlha pujas with tsok and consecration of treasure vases for long life and prosperity. In the afternoon, we will do a Riwo Sangchö smoke offering puja while we raise our new Prayer Flags. You are welcome to make offerings for Prayer Flags and any of our Losar-related activities here.

Please join us in person or by streaming according to your schedule. Clear away all negativity and welcome the Year of the Water Rabbit!

For the benefit of all beings,

Pema Osel Ling Dharma Programs
We are happy to share with you our Annual Yearbook, the summary of our activities at Pema Osel Ling during 2022. See photos of our pujas, retreats and art activities, catch up on the progress of our Stupa and Tara/Arhat projects, and enjoy stories of wedding attendees who have had transformative experiences here.
2023 Dharma Events
Dechös This Week
Jan 9, 4:30 pm - Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche's Decho - Streaming Only
Jan 12, 4:30 pm - Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche's Decho - Streaming Only
To offer butter lamps, tsok and to support our ongoing activities, please click here.

Jan 9, 4:30 pm - Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche's Decho - Ka Ter Vajrasattva - Streaming Only
Jan 12, 4:30 pm - Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche's Decho - Ka Ter Vajrasattva - Streaming Only
Jan 21, 11:30 am - New Moon - Vajrakilaya Daily Practice
Jan 29, 8:00 am - Medicine Buddha Day - Orgyen Menla

Troma practice Tuesday evenings and Yeshe Tsogyal practice Saturday mornings by streaming
February 11 - 21

Plan now to join us for the Vajrakilaya (Putri Rekphung) Empowerment with Tulku Thadral Rinpoche and all our traditional Gutor-Losar activities.

Registration and information coming here.
Ri Chö Advice for Mountain Retreat with
Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche
March 10 - 12

Registration and information coming soon.
Ngondro Retreat
with Sam Bercholz
April 1 - 9

Registration and information coming soon.
Save the dates!
Summer Retreat

May 26 - June 2 Tseyang Khatrod (Tsokye Tuktik and Khandro Norlha)

June 4 - 13 Troma Ngondro, Sadhana and Four Feasts

June 15 - 17 Shitro Ngakso and Neydren

June 20 - 28 Drupchen and Children's Retreat
Programs & Activities
  • Group Q&A online sessions
  • Group accumulation sessions
  • Personal mentors
  • Special resources

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche will give Dudjom Tersar Ngondro Lungs and Teachings on "How to meditate with confidence" - January 25th 5-6:30 pm Open to the public.
Three-Year Retreat (Drubdra)

We are now inviting applicants for our next traditional three-year retreat, which will start in late 2023 or early 2024. 

For more information email [email protected]
DONATE to create an auspicious connection with our three-year retreat.
Siddhi Dung Nyen
Ongoing - 64 million

Due to the great obstacles the world is facing, we are accumulating 100 million Vajra Guru mantras. 

We invite you to be part of this great undertaking by sending your accumulations to [email protected]
Numbers will be updated on our homepage). 
Completion of the Stupa Mandala is moving forward, as we prepare to install the auspicious fence, mandala tiles and stone stupas.
Sacred objects empowered to promote abundance, prosperity, healing, and protection from unwanted circumstances
Our Pure White Treasure Vases will be on sale
$100 off January 15 - 22 for Lunar New Year!
Treasure Vases of the Dudjom Lineage