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Saturdays at 5pm | Sundays at 9am & 11am

This time of year is always busy. So we'll keep you in the loop with all things going on at St. Lads during this holiday season. Here's a look at this week's events — and more!

Important Note: Mass Time Change

Friday, December 8 is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on:

  • Thursday at 7pm
  • Friday at noon

There will be no 8:30am Mass on either day.

Every weekday this week — Nine Nights of Night Prayer

Looking for something spiritual to fill you during the Advent season? Consider joining other Christians in Westlake to pray the ancient office of Night Prayer. Night Prayer, in the Christian monastic tradition, comes from the Latin verb complete, meaning to fill up. Night prayer in the Church allows the Christian to “fill the vessel of your heart” with prayer each evening before you sleep. It generally takes about 10 to 15 minutes to pray in full. 

Our Nine Nights of Night Prayer continues this week. Leading this ancient prayer of the Church are:

Monday — Father Mark Latcovich

Tuesday — Reverend R. Brooke Baker, Church of the Redeemer, UCC Westlake

Wednesday — Reverend Abby Caseman, Westlake UMC

Thursday — Reverend Charlie Woodward, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Friday — Father Mark Latcovich

Following Night Prayer on Friday, head to Cullen Hall to enjoy a special Marian-themed ice cream created by Country Parlour. 🍦

We begin at 8:15pm. Come to any night as your schedule permits!

Tuesday, December 5 — Women's Advent Evening of Reflection

Meet in the church at 6:30pm for prayer, then head to Cullen Hall for a cookie exchange plus a discussion on the Women of Advent in scripture.

Sunday, December 10 — Keep Christ in Christmas Party

You're invited to the annual Keep Christ in Christmas party hosted by the Knights of Columbus. Join us at noon for children's activities, door prizes, and a visit by St. Nick!

Sunday, December 10 — Christmas Concert

To close our celebration of our parish's 50th Anniversary, recording artist Ashley Nemeh, classical music ensemble OPUS216, and musician Patty Zinn will perform at St. Lads. Concert begins at 7pm. Fellowship and refreshments will follow in Cullen Hall.

Sunday Announcements

In this season of Advent, we will begin our weekend Masses with the lighting of the Advent candles. Parish announcements will be made after Communion.

Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be available during all Masses this weekend, December 9 and 10.

Save the Date 🗓️

December 11-16 — Cookie Drop-off for Prison Ministry

December 13 — 50+ Club Christmas Luncheon at Mahle's Restaurant (deadline to register is December 10 in the Parish Office!)

December 17 — Good Shepherd Christmas Program 

December 28 — Journey Youth Group Escape Room, Christmas Party, & Movie Night

Get details on these and other upcoming events. Click here for our weekly bulletin!

St. Ladislas is a welcoming Roman Catholic community that deepens our personal relationship with Jesus Christ by worshipping together, reaching out to others and building up the Kingdom of God as intentional disciples.

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