History and Expansion of JMZ Science Outreach in Underserved Schools
Questions for Aletha Coleman
How did funding the JMZ’s Science Outreach program in underserved schools become a core initiative for the Friends?
The JMZ’s Science Outreach lessons had been offered in Palo Alto schools since the 1970s. The lessons were popular amongst children, teachers, and families. Hearing about the positive benefit Palo Alto children received, the Friends was inspired to bring the program to East Palo Alto in 1999 to address inequalities in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) between East Palo Alto schools and more affluent, neighboring public school districts.
At the time, the Friends funded one exhibit project a year for the JMZ, usually raising about $10,000. Making a commitment to fund $25,000 worth of Science Outreach lessons in East Palo Alto was a large undertaking, but aligned well with our values to expand access to science education. In 2006, Carmen Christensen gave a generous donation of one million dollars to the Friends, $200,000 of which was dedicated to Science Outreach lessons in East Palo Alto. As a result, we were able to fund lessons for eight years while beginning to fundraise for the JMZ Initiative Capital Campaign to rebuild the JMZ.