Connecting People with Purpose - Celebrating 50 Years of Volunteering


This past year has been a memorable one at HandsOn Suburban Chicago. We celebrated our 50th anniversary chronicling significant milestones from our past, and recognizing our impactful programs of today. Our just published 2019 Annual Report has more details on our current successes. We thank everyone that has contributed to our success of over the past half century! 

In honor of our golden anniversary and to allow HOSC to continue connecting people with purpose for many more years to come, we ask, if you have not already done so, to consider making a donation of $50. Make your donation here today.
Thank you, and best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a happy and healthy new year!

Jordan Friedman, Executive Director
HandsOn Suburban Chicago

We are excited to share the release of our 2019 Annual Report. In it you will find:
2018-19 Annual Report

  • The impact of our programs.
  • Success stories about program participants.
  • Photos of our programs in action.
  • Accolades from our community partners.
  • A snapshot of our finances.
  • Recognition and appreciation of our funders and donors.

Support us through Target Circle

We're participating in the Target Circle program! You can vote for us and help direct Target's giving to benefit HandsOn Suburban Chicago.

HandsOn Suburban Chicago
Connecting People with Purpose