CBHA's Public Newsletter
February 5th, 2021
A Message From CBHA Leadership:
Celebrating Black History Month
Dear Colleagues,
As we celebrate Black History Month, CBHA would like to highlight and honor the tremendous contributions of Black Americans to this nation. A timely example of these contributions is the recent election of Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the first Black Vice President, Woman Vice President, and Indian Vice President of the United States. CBHA celebrates the achievements of a community that has been historically marginalized in this country and yet has continued to strive to create an equitable and just nation.
As we continue to grapple with COVID-19, we must also take stock of the other pandemic that has commanded our attention—a racial reckoning that challenges us to stand up against the systematic and structural racism that has resulted in repeated injustices and inequities against Black people in America. We also realize that self-work is necessary before pursuing action and advocacy for the needs of Black lives in America. It is imperative that we use our collective platform to help steer the societal conversation in the direction of compassion, patience, tolerance, and selflessness.
This month, CBHA has been highlighted in presentations that are culturally specific to Black Americans. Earlier this week, we participated on the California Department of Aging’s webinar: Equity In Aging Series - Culturally Informed Policy & Programs for Black Elders. We are also looking forward to participating as part of Fresno County’s DHCS event on What is Code Switching? Click here to register!
As budget season is upon us, we know our allies are working to advocate for needed funding to our healthcare system. This is why CBHA is proud to have partnered with the NASW-CA chapter to co-sponsor our first Budget and Workforce Summit focused on demystifying the budget that looms over our behavioral health delivery system. The Summit was a huge success with a star studded line up of presenters. Thank you to the many allied organizations and community members who dialed in and participated!
We also want to thank our members and our elected leaders in the California Legislature who have participated in our 2021 Virtual Advocacy Days! We have scheduled more than 50 legislative appointments to discuss our 4 legislative proposals this year (Click here for meeting materials; fact sheets, talking points, etc.). If your organization is interested in supporting our proposals, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Senior Advocate, Policy and Legislative Affairs, Robb Layne, at rlayne@cccbha.org to find out how to join our advocacy!  
CBHA is committed to continuing to engage in critical behavioral health policy discussions with our elected leaders and striving to have an equitable and just nation. We invite you to partner with us in this endeavor. 

In Service,
Le Ondra Clark Harvey, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Budget & Workforce Summit 2021
Mayor Darrell Steinberg giving
Welcoming Remarks
The Mental Health Services Act Panel, including Elizabeth Landsberg (OSHPD), Toby Ewing (MHSOAC), Michelle Cabrera (CBHDA), Elia Gallardo (CBHDA), Dawan Utecht (Fresno County)
CBHA Advocacy Days
CBHA staff and member representative from Children's Institute meeting with Assemblymember Mike Gipson
CBHA staff and member representative from HealthRight 360 meeting with Assemblymember David Chiu
CBHA staff and member representative from Seneca Family of Agencies meeting with Assemblymember Marc Levine
CBHA staff and member representative from Children's Institute meeting with Assemblymember Cristina Garcia’s Office
CBHA staff and member representatives from Pacific Clinics & Maryvale meeting with Assemblymember Blanca Rubio’s Office
CBHA staff and member representative from YMCA of San Diego meeting with Senator Brian Jones’s Office
Behavioral Health in the News
Biden Administration Adds National Council for Behavioral Health’s Tom Hill to Office of National Drug Control Policy
The Biden-Harris administration today announced the appointment of Tom Hill, MSW, to the position of senior policy advisor at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).
Hill leaves the National Council for Behavioral Health after nearly four years.

He served in the Obama administration until January 2017 as a senior advisor on addiction and recovery at the Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), prior to his tenure at the National Council.

“I’m honored to serve in my second administration, although it’s not easy leaving the National Council,” Hill said. “I’m in awe of the organization’s expertise, depth of knowledge and the ability of our dedicated workforce to support the members who provide treatment and recovery services to more than 10 million people with mental illness and substance use disorders.”
Stay Hopeful During COVID-19
No one predicted the widespread impact COVID-19 has had on day-to-day life — life events were put on hold, vacations postponed, and we’re spending more time at home than we have in decades. But for all of the challenges we experienced in 2020, we also had a few triumphs that gave us hope for the future.

Late last year, the Food and Drug Administration approved two COVID-19 vaccines, and they’re currently being distributed to people across the country. The vaccine approvals are the light at the end of a long tunnel, point us toward a time when the COVID-19 pandemic will be behind us. Normal activities will eventually resume, and we’ll be able to do the things we had to put on pause last year. There’s cause for hope!

Staying hopeful can take a bit of practice, but it is an important component of resilience. It helps put things in perspective – reminding you that tough times don’t last and there are always better days ahead (even if it doesn’t seem like it).
We appreciate our Business Associates for their partnerships that both provide our members exceptional services and sponsor our advocacy efforts.