For more than 30 years, March has been designated as Brain Injury Awareness Month. The Nebraska Department of Education, Nebraska VR, is proud to be a part of this annual celebration. It is an opportunity to promote the supports and services available to people living with brain injury in Nebraska and celebrate the work being done to improve the lives of individuals and their families.

Nebraska VR is one of 28 recipients of a five-year cooperative agreement from the Administration for Community Living. The funding is being used to create and strengthen systems of services and supports that maximize the independence, health, and well-being of individuals with brain injuries, their family members, and support networks

Nebraska VR’s goals include:
  • Increasing culturally diverse and rural membership on the statewide Brain Injury Advisory Council.
  • Enhancing the state’s Resource Facilitation program by piloting a surveillance-based service delivery model in the Nebraska VR employment program.
  • Making Peer to Peer Supports available for individuals with brain injury and their families across the state.
  • Increasing the number of mailings to individuals in the state who experience a brain injury or concussion and are listed on the Nebraska Health and Human Services Traumatic Brain Injury Registry. Materials help to connect individuals and their families to resources close to home and are age-related, including brain injury support groups, school, employment, and senior services.