In addition to early Spanish explorers and later British settlement, Belize has a diverse population of Maya, Mestiso, Creole, Garifuna, Chinese, Indian, Mennonite, Lebanese and more recently a growing population of Americans and Canadians.
Each year we celebrate culture day to learn more about the many different cultures that make up this tiny nation of Belize. It's a fun day of wearing traditional cultural clothing, eating many different types of food, performing dances, reading about the different cultures and of course running around and having fun with your friends.
Photographed here are girls from Ms. Tanya's class, looking immaculate in their beautiful Chinese dresses. Ms. Carol and her friends cook Hudut over a traditional fire stove, and Standard 3 students wait to present a traditional Maya dance.
Click Here to see more photos and learn a little about the cultures that make up Belize. We also have many more photos on our
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