November 2022

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We Begin With Love: Celebrating Forty Years of LGBTQ Funder Organizing

Last month, friends and supporters of Funders for LGBTQ Issues gathered in New York City and virtually to honor the recipients of the 2022 Pride in Philanthropy Awards and celebrate 40 years of LGBTQ funder organizing. Following the event, Saida Agostini-Bostic shared reflections on what it means to do this work to mark the one-year anniversary of her appointment as President of Funders for LGBTQ Issues. Read Saida’s full post here. 

Meet Our 2022-2023 GUTC Leaders Fellows!

Funders for LGBTQ Issues is pleased to welcome our GUTC Leaders Fellows for the 2022-2023 cycle. Jardyn Lake, Alyssa Lawther, Neish McLean, Monserrat Padilla, Kay Taylor, and Hạ Trần bring diverse experiences, goals, and perspectives to our trailblazing professional development program. The fellowship program exemplifies Funders for LGBTQ Issues’ commitment to furthering racial equity and gender justice in philanthropy by supporting trans and nonbinary leadership. Learn more about our fellows and Grantmakers United for Trans Communities. 

Join Funders Staff at the Philanthropy Southeast Annual Meeting

The Funders team looks forward to attending the Philanthropy Southeast Annual Meeting in Amelia Island, Florida, next week (November 9th to 11th). Out in the South, Senior Program Director Chantelle Fisher-Borne will be speaking at two sessions at the conference, both as a panelist on Thursday’s High-Impact Changemaking session and as moderator of Friday’s Resourcing U.S. Southern LGBTQI+ Communities breakout. Out in the South also played a role in designing Thursday’s sessions— How Can White-led Foundations Authentically Engage to Help Build a More Racially Equitable South? and Participatory Grantmaking: A Path for Grantmakers Toward Equity and Justice. 

We look forward to seeing those attending the conference at these sessions and at our joint networking reception with Grantmakers for Southern Progress on Thursday, November 10th at 6:15 PM in the Cumberland Room of the Ritz Carlton, Amelia Island. 

Welcome, Noemi!

Please join us in welcoming the newest member of our team! Noemi Mangual-Rosa stepped into her Communications Officer role last month and is already lending her wealth of communications experience to support our team. Before joining Funders, Noemi worked as an arts educator and teaching artist and most recently, as the Communications and Marketing Associate at MADRE, an organization committed to championing women’s rights globally. Welcome, Noemi!

Pride in Philanthropy

Thank you to all who joined us on September 29th for a tremendous celebration and thoughtful reflection on where we are in a long history of resourcing our movements. 

It was wonderful to get to celebrate this year's incredible awardees with the Funders' community at this hybrid event. We'd like to say one last congrats to our honorees whose trailblazing work Funders for LGBTQ Issues honors — everyday: Tzedek Social Justice Fund, Kiyomi Fujikawa, Foundation for a Just Society, and Black Trans Fund. We move forward in our mission, keeping the memory and legacy of Urvashi Vaid alive in our work.

The Pride in Philanthropy Awards would not have been possible without our sponsors: Foundation for a Just Society, Surdna Foundation, CCS Fundraising, Proteus Fund, Third Wave Fund, New York Foundation, and May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust. Without your support, this historic ceremony would not have been possible.

Click Here for a Full Recap of the Event and to Watch the Ceremony

Funders for LGBTQ Issues Annual Data Collection Deadline Extended

Help us amplify the scale and scope of funding to LGBTQ communities! Submit your foundation's CY 2021 grants data to enhance our resource tracking project. 

Deadline: Extended to November 15, 2022

Giving Big: The Impact of Large, Unrestricted Gifts of Nonprofits

Join the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) on November 15, 2-3:15pm ET for a webinar on the impact of large, unrestricted gifts on nonprofits. MacKenzie Scott’s giving has challenged conventional norms for big donors and foundations. In this special webinar, CEP will reveal new data from the most comprehensive examination to date of the experiences of recipients of Scott’s giving and engage a panel, including leaders of recipient organizations, in discussing the implications of the findings. Register today!


Bi+ Leaders Make Case for Support in Meeting with Biden Administration 

On Tuesday, Sept. 20, just in time for Bisexual Visibility Week, a diverse group of 15 bisexual and pansexual activists met with officials from the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including Melanie Fontes Rainer, the director of the Office of Civil Rights at HHS.

Funders for LGBTQ Issues GUTC Pledge Highlighted in Inside Philanthropy

This September profile takes a closer look at our work to inspire dozens of organizations, including community, health, and private foundations, to sign its Grantmakers United for Trans Communities (GUTC, pronounced “gutsy”) pledge. 

Latest National School Climate Survey from GLSEN Released

GLSEN’s National School Climate Survey examines the experiences of LGBTQ+ youth at school to provide advocates, policymakers, organizers, and other school stakeholders with an urgent call to action to make schools a safer place for LGBTQ+ youth.

Members of Congress Urge Biden to Fund Global LGBTQ+ Equality

More than 100 U.S. senators and representatives, led by Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin and Rep. David Cicilline of Rhode Island, have urged that President Joe Biden request sufficient funding in the next fiscal year’s budget to promote LGBTQ+ rights globally.

New report Probes Impact of Dobbs for Members of LGBTQ Communities

In this review of studies, researchers at the Center on Reproductive Health, Law, and Policy and the Williams Institute examine the implications of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on members of the LGBTQ community.

State of LGBTQ+ Community Resources in Central Florida

The Contigo Fund and Funders for LGBTQ Issues have conducted an extensive study on the state of funding for the Orlando area LGBTQ+ non-profits and community groups six years after the Pulse massacre that drew attention from donors and funders globally.


The New York Foundation Unlocks New Resources for Building Community Power

The New York Foundation awarded its first-ever dedicated capacity-building grants for the nonpartisan 501c4 civic engagement work affiliated with several current 501c3 grantees.

Kataly Foundation Moves Rapid Funding in Wake of Climate Disasters 

Following major climate disasters in Puerto Rico and Alaska, the Environmental Justice Resourcing Collective (EJRC) at the Kataly Foundation awarded $257,000 in rapid response funding to nine groups in both areas.


Requests for Concepts: International LGBTQ Social Justice

Arcus Foundation

Deadline: November 15th, 2022

The 7th Grant Cycle is Now Open

International Trans Fund

Deadline: December 12, 2022

Visit our website to submit and see more funding opportunities!

Notable promotions, transitions, and career updates from LGBTQ people
in philanthropy and allies.

Dimple Abichandani

Formerly the Executive Director of General Foundation Service, Dimple shared her role transition message to the community after seven years of leadership. We wish you success in your next endeavor, Dimple!

Daniel Lee

Council on Foundations announced Daniel Lee joined the executive office as the newest member of the Executive-in-Residence program. Congratulations, Daniel!

Alli Jernow

After eight years as a Program Officer at Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, Alli announced she would be transitioning out of the organization to become the Vice President of the Social Justice Program at Arcus Foundation. Congratulations, Alli! 


Funders for LGBTQ Issues is expanding our team with an exciting position as Controller! Learn more about the opportunity here: Controller, Funders for LGBTQ Issues - (Remote, United States)

Other open roles in LGBTQ Philanthropy include:

Program Associate 

Black Trans Fund


Director of Public Programs and Partnerships

American LGBTQ+ Museum

New York, NY

Prospect and Relationship Management Liaison

University of California, San Diego

Hybrid, La Jolla, California

Visit our website for more listings on our full Jobs Board.

Q Notes is a regular newsletter produced by Funders for LGTBQ Issues. Contact with questions or submissions for future publishings. The next edition of Q Notes will be released on December 15th and then each month mid-month starting in January 2023.

Rickke Mananzala, Chair (New York Foundation)
Cynthia Renfro, Vice-Chair (Civis Consulting, LLC)
Jason McGill, Treasurer (Philanthropic Consultant)
Rye Young, Secretary (Philanthropic Consultant)
Karen Appelbaum (Northwest Area Foundation)
Namita Chad (Philanthropic Consultant)
Ana Conner (Third Wave Fund)

Cathy K.K. Kapua (Trans Justice Funding Project)

Desiree Flores (General Service Foundation)

Aldita Gallardo (Borealis Philanthropy)

Jonathan Jayes-Green (Philanthropic Strategist)

Bré Rivera (Black Trans Fund)

Paulina Helm-Hernandez (Foundation for a Just Society)

Kelli King-Jackson (The Simmons Foundation)

William (Bill) Smith (May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust)

Judy Yu (Wellspring Philanthropic Fund)


Saida Agostini-Bostic


April Bethea

Director of Philanthropic Outreach 

Chantelle Fisher-Borne

Senior Project Director, Out In The South Initiative

Alyssa Lawther

Research Officer

Alexander Lee

Deputy Director

Ollin Rodriguez Lopez

Human Resources & Administrative Associate

Noemi Mangual-Rosa

Communications Officer

Andrew Wallace

Senior Advisor

Marvin Webb

Chief Financial Officer


American Jewish World Service

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Arcus Foundation

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice Baltimore Community Foundation

Borealis Philanthropy

Boston Foundation

California Wellness Foundation

Civil Rights Defenders

Cleveland Foundation

Community Foundation for Southern Arizona

Community Foundation of Northeast Florida Con Alma Health Foundation

David Bohnett Foundation

Dwight Stuart Youth Fund

Edward W. Hazen Foundation

Excelerate Foundation

Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

Ford Foundation

Foundation for a Just Society

Foundation for the Carolinas

Foundation for Louisiana

General Services Foundation

Gilead Sciences

Gill Foundation

Gilmour-Jirgens Fund

Groundswell Fund

Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Henry van Ameringen Foundation

Horizons Foundation

James Irvine Foundation

Johnson Family Foundation

JP Morgan Chase & Co. 

Kicking Assets Fund

Kresge Foundation

Laughing Gull Foundation

Levi Strauss Foundation

The Leonard-Litz LGBTQ+ Foundation

Libra Foundation

MacArthur Foundation

Marguerite Casey Foundation

Masto Foundation

McKnight Foundation

Meyer Memorial Trust

Ms. Foundation For Women

Mukti Fund

Nathan Cummings Foundation

NEO Philanthropy

New York Women's Foundation

North Star Fund

Northwest Area Foundation

Open Society Foundations

Our Fund, Inc.

Overbrook Foundation

Pacific Foundation Services, LLC

PFund Foundation

Philadelphia Foundation

Polk Bros. Foundation

Pride Foundation

Proteus Fund, Inc.

Richmond Memorial Health Foundation

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Rosenberg Foundation

Santa Fe Community Foundation

Simmons Foundation

Small Change Foundation

Southwest Florida Community Foundation

Stonewall Community Foundation

Stupski Foundation

Surdna Foundation

The California Endowment

The Collins Foundation

The Colorado Health Foundation

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

The Palette Fund

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Third Wave Fund

Tides Foundation

Trans Justice Funding Project

Transgender Strategy Center

Tzedek Social Justice Fund

Wallace Foundation

Washington Grantmakers AIDS Partnership

Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

Wild Geese Foundation

Women's Foundation of California

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