Twice a month, the Jewish Federation of Ottawa shares a Shabbat greeting from a member of our Board of Directors. This Friday, we are pleased to share this personal message from Alice Retik.
Dear friends,

This is my first Shabbat message as a member of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa Board of Directors. With so much happening in the world I struggled with what I wanted to say but my mind kept focusing on “unity.”

When researching Jewish unity the mitzvah of Ahavat Yisrael (the love for a fellow Jew) kept surfacing. As Jewish people, we are united through our love for G-d, Torah and each other. Being united does not mean being exactly the same or agreeing on everything. To quote Rabbi Sacks “I don’t need you to agree with me, I need you to care about me!” 
To share a personal story of Ahavat Yisrael, on a visit to Israel with my family we were enjoying drinks outside a café on Yaffa Street. We suddenly heard a loud boom and saw people running followed by another boom. Before we had time to process what was going on we were grabbed by people and taken into the café. I then noticed a young man who was a café employee standing at the door, rifle in hand telling everyone to stay back. He closed the metal doors and kept watch to ensure all our safety. Thankfully, it turned out not to be an act of terror and was sorted out within a short time by the police. The area immediately resumed the positive and active atmosphere that existed prior to the incident. I chatted with a shop owner about how we were ushered to safety by others who could have quickly run inside themselves and about the young man who protected us all at the door. The shop owner stated simply: “We are Jews, family. This is what we do.” 

Not surprisingly, In Ottawa I’ve heard variations of this statement and seen it in action many times. We are a diverse community with many different abilities and experiences. It is this diversity that makes our community strong and allows us to thrive and grow. We are different but united by our concern for each other as every Jew stood at Mount Sinai, where G-d gave us the Torah as a united Jewish nation, we remain one people, united by one G-d.

Shabbat Shalom,
P.S. Yesterday, the community gathered to mark Yom HaShoah at the National Holocaust Monument in a special ceremony attended by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Holocaust survivors, (shown at right with memorial candles), Ottawa dignitaries, politicians, ambassadors, as well as 100 students from the Ottawa Jewish Community School and Torah Day School of Ottawa. Speakers included: Shimon Koffler Fogel, of CIJA; Minister Ahmed Hussen; Israeli Ambassador Ronen Hoffman; Michael Levitt, of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre; Dr. Agnes Klein, Holocaust survivor; Annette Wildgoose, second-generation survivor; Anne Khazzam, March of the Living representative; Judy Young Drache, of CHES; Ian Sherman, Federation Board chair; Rabbi Idan Scher, of Congregation Machzikei Hadas; as well as the Tamir choir. For those who were unable to join, you can view a recording of the special event here.