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Message from the CDO

Natalie Holder

As I closed out 2022, I was giddy with anticipation about the 2023 plans I had for the DEI+ Office—growing our ERGs, rolling out PIER trainings, launching a virtual DEI+ library. And then, like many of you, the news of the arc flash and our injured colleague shifted my priorities (and weighed on my heart).

With our lab’s focus on safety, it may seem off-message to forge ahead with DEI+ work like recognizing MLK Day until you remember that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., championed workplace safety in his final days. In fact, he delivered his “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech, advocating for safer workplace protocols for Memphis sanitation workers, the day before he was killed. Here are a few lesser known facts about his life:

1. His birth name was Michael and his father changed it to Martin Luther when he was five years old

2. He was only 39 years old when he was assassinated

3. His worker’s rights campaign led the Federal government to create the Occupational Safety and Heath Administration (OSHA).

Dr. King would greatly appreciate the work that our lab is doing to bolster safety. To learn more about MLK’s Poor People Campaign and his other work to bring safety and fairness into the workplace, I encourage you to visit the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute - led by Dr. Lerone Martin, who is a good friend to SLAC.


DOE announces next round of RENEW funding opportunities for 2023

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $56 million to provide research opportunities to historically underrepresented groups and institutions in STEM. The funding, through the DOE Office of Science’s Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (RENEW) initiative, will support internships, mentorship, and training programs at HBCUs, Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and research institutions. Learn more

SLAC Events

LCLS WOC Focus Groups

Jan. 25, 10am-12pm | Jan. 25, 1-3pm | Jan. 26, 10am-12pm

We invite you to have your voice heard! This focus group is conceived as part of a strategic effort by LCLS peer, Kayla Ninh, with their position in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office, to foster growth, increase engagement, discuss needs, and identify barriers experienced by women of color at LCLS. Learn more to get involved.

LGBTQ+ ERG Quarterly Meeting

Feb. 3, 10-11am | Zoom

Join the LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group for the next quarterly meeting on Feb. 3 at 10 am. The meeting is open to everyone at the lab. Contact the LGBTQ+ ERG council with your ideas and questions. Learn more.

Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research (PIER) Training Workshop

Feb. 7, 10:30am-12pm | Zoom

Join Chief Diversity Officer Natalie Holder for a workshop on the framework for developing a successful strategy for your PIER Plan. Learn more and contact Shirin Ketabforoush to RSVP.

Women@SLAC ERG: Leadership Skills for Women in the Workplace

Mar. 3-Apr. 7 | B48, Redwood Room C/D

This 6-week workshop series is designed to help professional women develop a robust leadership toolkit and achieve long-term career growth and satisfaction. Attendees will gain highly actionable and practical tools that will help them grow into leadership positions in their given fields. Register here by Feb. 15.

Other Events

Stanford News

MLK Day of Service

Jan. 16

Learn more


Webinar about SLAC's past, present, and future

Jan. 17

Learn more


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