A Father for Brixton

At just one month old, Brixton came into foster care severely malnourished and neglected. He was placed in the home of Anthony. 

“I remember the pediatrician commenting during his first visit how emaciated he was,” Anthony said. “He just hadn’t been receiving the love and care that he needed and that’s why he was placed with me.”  

Anthony had never been a parent before, but he instantly fell in love with Brixton and began to pour into him the love he needed. Under Anthony’s care, Brixton thrived and the two formed a special bond that is apparent to anyone who meets the duo. 

Almost two years later, Brixton was adopted by Anthony. 

“He is incredible,” Anthony said. “He is my mini-me. He is my son. It’s a little surreal to think about sometimes.” 

Watch Their Story Here

Foster Teen Finds Her Forever Family

Erianne spent most of her life living in foster care and as she became a teenager, she feared she would soon age out of the system. It felt like fate when she was introduced to Morgan and Nate who were interested in growing their family through adoption. Together the family has formed an undeniable bond to last throughout their lives. 

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"It was the best thing we ever did by far. There is no greater reward in life than being able to help these children,"

-Bailey, Foster and Adoptive Parent

Explore Foster Care and Adoption

We believe every child matters and deserves a family where they can feel comfortable. We work with both single and two-parent families and welcome any individual regardless of race, color, religious beliefs, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression to consider foster care or adoption.

If you have been considering becoming a foster or adoptive parent, please join us at our next Agency Meet & Greet. During this virtual meeting, you will learn about the needs of children in care, what your role in meeting those needs will be, the licensing and certification process, as well as the support and resources offered to foster and adoptive families.

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Child Crisis Arizona’s mission is to provide children and youth in Arizona a safe environment, free from abuse and neglect, by creating strong and successful families.

Torrie A. Taj, CFRE

Chief Executive Officer

Lisa A. Ricci, CPA

Chief Financial Officer

EJ Hughes

Chief Operating Officer

Kristin Andrew

Vice President of Programs

Justin Duran, CFRE

Vice President

Resource Development & Communications

childcrisisaz.org | 480.834.9424

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