Cradle-to-Career Summit
Fall 2021

Every year, Partners gather in the Fall to learn from each other across the Cradle to Career continuum, deepen partnership relationships, and see Marin's entire education ecosystem in action. This year, during the months of October and November, we are transforming the annual event into an engaging on-line, multimedia, asynchronous experience.

Welcome to Week 2 of this year's Partnership Summit!

This week, the Summit Site features an engagement exhibit highlighting Partners in their own voice, as well as a collaborative word cloud of universal values shared by Partners from across the Partnership.
Check out the Summit Site throughout this week to learn more about the incredible work other Partners are doing, and make sure to add your voice to the Partnership's shared value word cloud!!
Fall Partnership Summit - an exciting new asynchronous...

Every year, Partners gather in the Fall to learn from each other across the Cradle to Career continuum, to deepen partnership relationships, and to see Marin's entire education ecosystem in action. This year, during the months of October and...

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Marin Promise Partnership |