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A Publication of Pathway to Living

Officially Open! 

Aspired Living of La Grange celebrated an official ribbon-cutting ceremony with the community’s first resident, Nick, doing the honors. Thank you to the La Grange Business Association, La Grange Chamber of Commerce and Village of La Grange for warmly welcoming us to the community. We look forward to working together to help area seniors live life to the fullest!

Read more about Aspired Living's pledge to keep seniors healthy, happy and safe in their new home :

Pick-A-Pie Event
 Offers a Slice of Goodwill
Thank you to local business owner Danielle from  The Sweet & Savory Spot for baking 185 pies and to all of our friends and neighbors who bought pies. Aspired Living of Westmont’s curbside Pick-A-Pie event raised $2,000 for the  Alzheimer's Association Illinois Chapter !

Special guests included Westmont Mayor Ron Gunter, Police Chief Jim Gunther and Fire Chief Steve Riley . Our friends from the  Darien Garden Club - IL  also stopped by and wrote on our Facebook page,  “Toot, Toot – thanks again for the pies, smiles and spirit!”

Standing Ovation for
Songs by Heart  

The music plays on for Aspired Living’s A Knew Day memory support residents in Prospect Heights thanks to the now virtual Songs by Heart music therapy program. 

Residents typically enjoy in-person weekly performances by professional singers who are trained in therapeutic techniques to engage audience members who have dementia and inspire them to clap, sing along and dance.

This online Songs by Heart performance deserves a standing ovation for the way the singer gets our songstress to sing along.

Watch the video!
Family Welcome

Aspired Living of La Grange resident Delores and her family enjoyed a socially distanced visit in the community’s garden under the cool shade of the gazebo.

Aspired Living of Westmont resident Lorrie hosted her granddaughter Angela, who is pregnant with Lorrie's second great-grandchild, due imminently!

Family visits can be scheduled through your community’s concierge.
Gifted Artist
Continues to Create
A former commercial artist, Aspired Living of Westmont resident Robert is a talented artist who continues to pursue his passion by creating lovely, nature-inspired pieces that brighten the community and impress all who view his artwork.

Lucky Curbside Raffle

Aspired Living of Prospect Heights’ curbside raffle raised money for the Alzheimer’s Association and attracted lots of visitors hoping to win a prize. Special events like the raffle bring our residents, team members and the larger community together for a good time and worthy cause. 
Growing Goodness…
At Aspired Living of Prospect Hieghts …Thanks to our gardeners’ care and green thumbs, the Victory Garden is producing a bumper lettuce crop and herbs galore! The culinary team incorporates these homegrown goodies into the menu for our version of “local produce.”
At Aspired Living of La Grange …residents Ellie (blue shirt) and Arlene (pink shirt) flexed their green thumbs while tending to the community’s first Victory Garden. All residents are welcome to help plant, water, weed and, best of all, enjoy the garden’s bounty!
Rescue dogs are in for a real treat! Aspired Living of Prospect Heights residents baked homemade doggie treats with love
to donate to a local animal shelter.
Silver Linings in a Crisis
Despite the challenging times, many inspiring and heartwarming stories have emerged during the pandemic. Pathway to Living’s Vice President of Culture and Brand Loyalty Mike Ulm shared a few uplifting Pathway examples with  Seniors Housing , a publication of the nonprofit National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care.

The Pathway to a New Normal

Life’s changes caused by COVID-19 came fast and furious. They say that with change comes growth, and we at Pathway to Living have grown exponentially. 

The degree to which we have experienced significant success in unprecedented conditions is primarily due to quick and decisive action, a detailed road map and consistent follow-through. As a result, we are ready to welcome the next big change – relaxed sheltering. The path to a new normal, while not easy, leads to the renewal of long-awaited freedoms to move about, gather in small groups and, last but not least, visit with family in person once again. 

Pathway to Living is proceeding with caution and progressing on the path to a new normal. 

Temporary and permanent positions are available.
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Pathway to Living
30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 1300
Chicago, IL  60606
Phone: 1-888-342-4111