St. Patrick Parish News & Updates

September 29, 2023 | Issue 39

A Word from the Pastor

September 29, 2023

This year we celebrated 80 years as a parish community. Thanks to all those who have gone before us, today St. Patrick Parish is a vibrant community of faith. I can say without hesitation that every week someone comes up to me and tells me what a welcoming and dynamic parish we have. I thank God every day for calling me to minister in such a beautiful community.

At the same time, we need to build on the foundations that others have laid. We need to look to the future with hope but also to make plans for how we can sustain and expand our efforts to continue the mission of Christ in this part of the world. 

We will continue to study ways to deepen the faith of our parishioners. We will seek to expand our outreach to those in need. We will continue to welcome people of all ages and backgrounds, looking for ways to include them in our community. We will increase our efforts to evangelize those who are not a part of our community and who might seek a spiritual home. We will continue to call more parishioners to our various ministries and positions of leadership.

At the same time, we need to lay a firm financial foundation that will support our ministries and programs. In the next few weeks, you will hear more about our upcoming program which we are calling Celebrating Today, Planning for Tomorrow.

I ask you to spend some time reflecting on all of the ways our parish community has been blessed. I also ask you to reflect on how you can increase the financial contribution you make to the parish. The reality is that we have fewer regular contributors at a time where costs are rising exponentially. Please consider how you can help.

In a couple of weeks, you will receive a letter from me in a brochure which highlights the many good things we do as a parish. It also gives you a snapshot of our most recent fiscal year. You will see that we had a significant deficit. That is a situation we are working to correct but it can’t be done without increased giving.

On October 14-15, I will speak at all the Masses that weekend. I will ask you to think about what commitment you are able to make as we plan for tomorrow. The following weekend, we will have Commitment Sunday when you will be asked to tell me what you can contribute on a regular basis.

We have much to celebrate today as a parish. We also need to plan for tomorrow, assessing our resources – spiritual, human, and financial resources. Let us be good stewards who are eager to strengthen our community of faith.

In one Heart,

Fr. Ron 

To send an email to Fr. Ron Bagley, please use [email protected]

Other addresses may not work.

Mass for Anointing of the Sick 

This Saturday ,September 30 at 11:00 am, we will celebrate the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick within a Mass. The sacrament is open to anyone who has a chronic illness or is physically weakened because of old age or a serious health problem. The sacrament of the sick will be offered in both English and Spanish. Anyone is welcome to join in the prayers of the Mass. Come and celebrate the Lord’s healing.

What is Eucharistic Adoration / Exposition?

Eucharistic Adoration is a Catholic devotion dating back to the early days of the Church. It involves prayers of praise and silent reflection in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, allowing people to rest and pray in the presence of the Eucharistic Christ.

Adoration specifically refers to any prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament whether in front of a closed Tabernacle or in front of the exposed host in a monstrance. Exposition refers specifically to prayer in front of the exposed host in a monstrance. You may sometimes hear these terms used interchangeably.

During Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, it is appropriate to do any of the following:

  • Read and reflect on readings from the Bible or other spiritual writings
  • Pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet or any other favorite devotions
  • Converse with God through spontaneous prayer or journaling
  • Sit quietly and listen or just enjoy being in the Eucharistic presence of Christ

At St. Patrick Parish, the church is open for private prayer on most days throughout the week (except holidays). Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament occurs on Tuesdays, 2:00 – 6:00 pm. It also occurs on the First Friday of each month, 8:30-10:00 am and 6:00-10:00 pm. Stop by and make a visit!

Classical Guitar

Gabriele Leone plays Introduction and Rondò No. 2 Op. 2

by Dionisio Aguado as part of the Siccas Media program. Enjoy this beautiful arrangement.

Watch Daily and Sunday Masses Livestreamed from  St. Patrick Church here:

Sunday Collection for 9/24/2023

 Envelope Collection    $5,064.00

 Plate Collection             $8,245.00

 Online Giving     $10,775.28

     Total Collection: $24,084.28

  We are grateful for the generosity of all of our parishioners and visitors.

Online Giving Reminder

Please remember to log in to your Online Giving account frequently. You can increase your giving to our Sunday collection, and make sure your payment method is up to date.

For help with forgotten passwords, please contact Online Giving technical support at 800.348.2886, ext. 2.


Click on the Online Giving icon below to create or access your account.


We appreciate your support!

Catholic Trivia

"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.

  1. Who was that saint who translated the Bible into Latin (the vernacular of that time) and said: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ”?
  2. Who was the saint who rejected the Christian faith of his mother, St. Monica, and pursued everything the world had to offer? After converting, he said: “There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future.”
  3. Who was the Italian Franciscan saint with the stigmata (the wounds of Christ) and counseled: “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.”
  4. Who was the Native American saint who is referred to as “The Lily of the Mohawks”?
  5. Who was the young African girl who was sold as a slave in Italy and after being freed joined a religious order?

Feel free to email Fr. Ron with ideas for future Catholic Trivia questions [email protected]

If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at [email protected] We will be pleased to add them.

Masses are available on our website

We have a YouTube channel where we have daily and Sunday Masses.
YouTube channel here...
Answers to Catholic Trivia here!
Online Giving
Read all of Fr. Ron's newsletters here

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

First Reading

Ezekiel 18:25-28

It is possible to turn from sin and preserve one’s life.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 25:4-9

A prayer to God for mercy.

Second Reading

Philippians 2:1-11

Be like Christ who humbled himself and was exalted by God.

Gospel Reading

Matthew 21:28-32

Jesus poses a question to the chief priests and elders on the meaning of obedience.

Background on the Gospel Reading

The context for today’s Gospel is the mounting tension between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders. Jesus has entered Jerusalem and overturned the money changers’ tables in the Temple. Jesus has caught the attention of the religious authorities; the chief priests and elders question Jesus about the source of his authority. Jesus refuses to name for these religious leaders the source of his authority. Instead, he questions the priests and elders through the parable we hear in today’s Gospel. The answer given by the religious leaders is correct, but it convicts them for their failure to heed the call of John the Baptist and for their inability to recognize the Kingdom of God.

The situation Jesus poses is rather straightforward. Given the same task by their father, one son asserts his disobedience in words, but then obeys in his actions; the second son obeys with his words but disobeys in his actions. The question that Jesus poses is pointed and direct: Which son did what the father wanted? All would agree that “actions speak louder than words” and that even if his words were disobedient, the son who did the work as ordered did the father’s will.

Jesus’ conclusion is also direct. The chief priests and elders, the ones who speak most often about God, did not act accordingly. They did not respond to the message of repentance announced by John the Baptist with a change of heart. Instead, John’s message was heeded by those one would not expect to repent—tax collectors, prostitutes, and other sinners. Because of their actions, these sinners will enter the Kingdom of God ahead of the religious leaders.

Jesus could ask us the same question. Do our words indicate our obedience to God? If not our words, do our actions? God desires a full conversion of heart, that our actions (and our words as well) will give evidence of our love for God.


The Knights of Columbus would like to invite our parishioners and friends to our annual Oktoberfest celebration this Saturday, September 30 from 5:00 – 8:00 in the Parish Hall.

We will have Traditional German music, a raffle, German food and German beer. Tickets will be $20.00 each and will be on sale at the parish office and on the patio after all the Masses this weekend. Hope you can join us!!

More info here....

Trumpet Voluntary

Reaching back into the programs that were offered by famed organist Diane Bish, we can enjoy this well-known Trumpet Voluntary by Clarke. Dianne is joined by trumpeter Stacy Blair at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

“Un taller sobre la Salud Mental para los Jóvenes” Haga clic aquí:

Un Saludo de

parte del Diacono Miguel,

Entonces Jesús les dijo: "Yo les aseguro que los publicanos y las prostitutas se les han adelantado en el camino del Reino de Dios. Porque vino a ustedes Juan, predicó el camino de la justicia y no le creyeron; en cambio, los publicanos y las prostitutas, sí le creyeron; ustedes, ni siquiera después de haber visto, se han arrepentido ni han creído en él''. (Mateo 20:28-32). Imagínense lo que sintieron los sumos sacerdotes y los ancianos del pueblo al oír Jesús decir, “ustedes, no le creyeron a Juan, en cambio los publicanos y las prostitutas si le creyeron”. Obviamente nos les gusto y es por eso buscan motivos para condenar a Jesús a muerte. Los sumos sacerdotes y los ancianos del pueblo, los elegidos de Dios estaban muy confiados en su lugar en el plan de Dios. Creo que esa es la advertencia para nosotros. A veces, porque estamos en las cosas de Dios, pensamos que tenemos una aventaja sobre otros que sólo vienen a misa en vez en cuando. O porque hemos tomado clases de catecismo o teología nos sentimos mejores que otros. Cuidado, esa actitud de superioridad o autosuficiencia es nuestro ego, y el ego afecta nuestra habilidad de escuchar a Dios cuando nos habla por medio de personas o circunstancias. Escuchemos la invitación de Jesús de escuchar la voz de Dios. Dios nos ve con ojos de amor y misericordia y sólo desea que sepamos cuanto nos ama. Y nos pide que miremos lo que estamos haciendo o no haciendo, especialmente esas cosas que nos desrayen del amor de Dios, de esas cosas que nos quitan la paz y nos traen más dolor a nuestras vidas. Y que nos arrepintamos y veremos cómo Dios cambia nuestras vidas.

“Dios está en lo Ordinario” - Haga clic aquí:


Hablemos de Si o No

Estudios Bíblicos en Español del Padre Ricardo Chinchilla, cjm... clic aquí

3821 Adams Street

Carlsbad, California 92008


  • The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe is open

  • Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm

  • In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.

  • If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.

To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the address below:

[email protected]

Read our Sunday Bulletin here
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