Liebe TCGIS-Gemeinschaft,
Alles Gute zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit!
October 3rd, 2020, marks the 30th anniversary of German unification and the symbolic end of the Cold War. The former German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany formally became one country again after decades of separation and the occupation of Germany by the four allied powers - the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9,1989, the following year was spent formalizing the details of a reunification treaty between the West and East German governments which went into effect on October 3, 1990, and became the day officially henceforth observed as Tag der Deutschen Einheit / Day of German Unity.
In the spirit of unity, please join us as TCGIS kicks off a celebration of our own school community with its own Woche der TCGIS Einheit / Week of TCGIS Unity on Monday, October 5th, where we celebrate the unifying power of what our kids work on every day: the German language. Watch for brief daily emails next week in which we share our enthusiasm for the German language and Austrian, Swiss and German culture with you!
When you decided to send your child to TCGIS you made a very important decision about their future. TCGIS is the only German immersion school in the state of Minnesota, and is the largest German immersion school in the United States. Our mission of “Innovative Education of the Whole Child Through German Immersion” provides your child with an educational experience focused on cultivating development in academics, the arts, physical and emotional health, along with an open outlook reflecting our shared vision:
Andere hören, andere sehen, weltoffen denken und handeln. / Hearing others, seeing others, acting and thinking with an openness to the world.
This week, we invite all of you in our TCGIS community to appreciate more deeply the value of German as our means to this end.
Next week will start with a topic that’s both my favorite and one of the best tools I’ve found for language learning: die Musik! Many of us at TCGIS shared our favorite songs in preparation for Monday's email - and picking just one was no easy task! With that in mind, I’m going to use this platform to share my runners up:
A hiphop journey through the German language with some wicked illuminated scripts
Female singer/songwriter; song learned in the Waldsee BioHaus weeks for the classes of 2020 & 2021
A heavy metal appeal: It’s not your fault that the world is how it is but it’ll be your fault if it stays that way!
Check them out, enjoy and get ready for some German fun as we get ready for fall break!
Mit herbstlichem Gruß / With fall greetings -
Ted Anderson