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Message from the CDO

Natalie Holder

Celebratory observances such as Women’s History Month are not just performative; they force us to stop and think about the hidden figures who have made important contributions to our workplaces, society and lives. 


Women’s perspectives in STEM are critical. Research suggests a positive association between women’s participation as leading authors in medical research and a study’s likelihood of including sex and gender as analytical variables (Nielsen et al., 2017). Yet, there are many challenges to their participation and advancement. For instance, a recent study found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, publication rates for women scientists dropped more markedly than for men (E. B. Madsen et al. eLife 11, e76559; 2022). Such research suggests opportunities for more institutional support—cue the Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).


Our Women@SLAC ERG has been a driving force for the recruitment and retention of women at our lab. With courageous and award-winning leaders like Mary Nelson and Nicole Neveu at the helm, and executive sponsors like Lisa Bonetti, the number of women at our lab has steadily grown. Initiatives like the Women@SLAC Leadership Series and networking luncheon have broad appeal and over 50% of participants have credited the series with contributing to their professional development and growth. For over 60% of the attendees, this series was the first ERG event that they have ever attended. These sessions create greater awareness of the obstacles in the career paths of women and other historically underrepresented groups and share strategies for improvement. (Hint, hint: If you are a Principal InvestigatorI who is struggling to write a PIER Plan or a manager who wants to develop better practices for supporting women’s careers, I highly encourage you to attend the next session.)


Happy Women’s History Month!

Event Highlight: SLAC Reads

SLAC Reads is a book club driven by our ERGs and is open to everyone at the lab. Each ERG selects a book and leads a discussion that provides insight into the unique experiences that have impacted the people who make up our lab community. The DEI+ Office provides a number of free copies (hard copies, audio books and e-books) to employees interesting in participating. Join the #slac-reads-book-club Slack channel to learn more.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

by Rebecca Skloot

Join the Women@SLAC ERG for an in-person discussion of the book “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot on Mar. 29, 11am-1:30pm. A presentation will be provided by Stanford Associate Professor Dr. Reena Thomas, followed by an open discussion. The event will be hosted hybrid via Zoom and in the Toluca conference room (053-4002). Learn more.

DOE & Stanford Events

Interlaboratory Event | Beyond Limits: A Physician-Scientist's Story of Overcoming Challenges

Mar. 24, 8-9am | Virtual

Join Dr. Farzana Ali for a special session discussing her journey through medicine and the challenges she overcame. This event will be hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory. Learn more and join.

Department of Energy | Women's History Month Celebration

Mar. 28, 9-10am | Virtual

Join the Department of Energy in celebrating "Women Who Tell Our Stories". The event will feature opening remarks from Secretary Jennifer Granholm, a keynote from Under Secretary for Science and Innovation Dr. Geraldine Richmond, and a message from POWER Director Veronica Jackson. Learn more and join.

Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection and Bridging Divides

Apr. 12, 1-2pm | Virtual

Join Geoffrey Cohen for a discussion of his book, Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection and Bridging Divides, offering research-based strategies for establishing rapport, empathy, and a sense of self-integrity in diverse social environments, including home, work, and school. Cohen will be interviewed by Beverly Tatum, president emerita of Spelman College. Learn more.


Stanford University now accepting nominations for the President's Awards for Excellence in Diversity

The President’s Awards for Excellence through Diversity honors individuals and programs that have made exceptional contributions to enhancing and supporting diversity (broadly defined) within the Stanford University community. All members of the Stanford community are encouraged to nominate and recognize those around university that have contributed to the university's institutional excellence by broadening and strengthening the university's mission of teaching, learning and scholarship. The deadline for nominations is March 31. Learn more


Stanford News

Religious observances in Stanford's multi-faith community

Read full article


SLAC ERG's attend the Best at the Tech Interactive in San Jose

Read more 'In the Loop"


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