GGRWHC Board of Directors
Mary Seeger, Jo Ellyn Clarey,
Ruth VanStee,
Connie Ingham
Janet Brashler
Jennifer Bryant
Jo Ellyn Clarey
Susan Coombes
Falinda Geerling
Sharon Hanks
Connie Ingham
Kyle Irwin
Mary Seeger
Ruth Stevens
Julie Tabberer
Ruth VanStee
Celebrating Women's Equality Day, August 26
On August 26th, 1920, the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote "on an equal basis with men" was ratified. This year to celebrate the anniversary the Greater Grand Rapids Women's History Council will attempt to expand Grand Rapids's base of registered voters.
11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Patio of the Grand Rapids Art Museum
If you are not registered to vote, visit the GGRWHC registration table on the patio of the Grand Rapids Art Museum on Wednesday, August 26, between 11a.m. and 3 p.m. If you are registered, please bring someone who isn't. The rest is easy: GGRWHC will provide the form and the pen to register you with the State of Michigan. Just bring a valid photo identification (such as a driver's license or personal ID card) or check your other options here:
On the 26th, look for colorful banners and "suffragists" wearing eye-catching period garb to honor our forebears who fought for the right to be full citizens for over 70 years, achieving success only in 1920. The GGRWHC was formed over 25 years ago to research and distribute the history of Grand Rapids women. Its efforts include extensive work on the local suffragist movement, which was highly active on the state and national levels.
Women's Equality Day has been celebrated on August 26th every year since 1972. Join us this year, get someone registered to vote, and remember to exercise your own fundamental civil right. Vote freely and according to your conscience!
11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Patio of the Grand Rapids Art Museum
With queries, email
Visit our web site for other news and updates about local historical women.
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Register or renew your membership and
help offset the expenses associated with annual research and programs. Your membership helps to set the record straight on the women who've made history here in our community.
Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Vanderveen Center for the Book at the Grand Rapids Public Library. If you have suggestions for programs, oral histories, or other items, please
email us
or plan to attend a meeting.
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