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An initiative of Connecticut Community Care

We were honored to present to an amazing crowd at last week's Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Annual Convention -- the very same event where we made our public debut in 2022! Thank you to everyone who attended our talk, and special thanks to Mayor Ken Lesser of Wethersfield and Walter Glomb, Director of the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities, for joining us as presenters.

This year's convention also marked the public launch of our new campaign to disrupt ageism and ableism in Connecticut -- we're calling it 'Every Age, Every Ability.' Learn more about the campaign on our website, and watch for future updates in e-news and on social media. You can find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and X.

A collage of photos from our day at the 2023 CCM Convention
2024 Age Well Academy Meet Our Campaign

If you missed seeing us at the CCM convention last week, we'll reprise our talk during the first Age Well Academy of 2024, taking place virtually on Thursday, January 4, from 11am to noon.

This session introduces our new campaign to disrupt ageism and ableism. We’ll examine the pervasive and sometimes unseen nature of ageism and ableism. We’ll share current campaign visuals and discuss our community-informed process that guided their creation. And we’ll underscore that these moment-in-time products are not “the finished campaign,” but rather a catalyst toward statewide conversation, local inspiration, and ongoing feedback.

Please join us in learning about this co-creative process with the Connecticut Age Well Collaborative and your community. Click here to register.

Eligible for Certified Connecticut Municipal Official Credit (CMMO) with the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM).

2024 Age Well Academy Schedule announced

Aging, dementia and disability-inclusive communities tend to demonstrate deeper connection, improved health, and higher rates of economic growth. Successfully shaping policies, practices, and resource flows that support residents across the lifespan first requires us to look at the implicit beliefs we hold about aging, dementia, and disability. Our 2024 Age Well Academy will focus on the campaign we are launching to disrupt ageism and ableism in Connecticut.

Join us to learn about our statewide campaign, the invitation to co-create it with us, opportunities for education and support in your community, how to adapt and locally implement your own campaign, and what inspiring efforts are happening in Connecticut to deepen a sense of belonging for all residents.

View the complete schedule and find links to register on our website.

The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative is a statewide, cross-sector initiative that fosters Connecticut communities where we all thrive as we grow up and grow older. Delegated by the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity, we’re leading the state's livable communities initiative (Conn. Gen. Stat. Section 17b-420a).

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