ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU A young man was able to make ends meet by driving for both Uber and Lyft services. When he suffered a seizure, it was discovered that he needed a surgery that would disable him from driving for six months. Not able to meet his rent the current month, the man called the SVdP Helpline requesting assistance (206-767-6449). Thanks to your support we were able to pay enough of their rent to relieve his burden until unemployment payments were established. Thank you! Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or
EAGERLY SEEKING A YOUTH MINISTER AND COORDINATOR OF YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES St. James Cathedral has an opening for a Youth Minister who will also serve as mentor to our Young Adult community. Applicant must be an active member of a Catholic parish, have excellent people skills, and relevant experience. This is a full-time position with an Archdiocesan Benefits package. Interested applicants should email resume and cover letter to Larry Brouse,
CHOIR CAMP 2022 REGISTRATION IS OPEN All children and youth with unchanged (treble) voices entering grades 1 through 8 are encouraged to register. All are welcome: parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Camp occurs daily August 8-12, Monday through Friday, 9:00am until 4:00pm. Camp concludes with all choristers returning at 9:00am, August 14, to sing for the 10:00am Sunday Mass. Campers will sing, laugh, learn, and play in a beautiful and welcoming environment and discover a variety of music spanning the Church's history, from ancient to modern. Campers share their music through outreach at a mid-week mini-concert, a concert in the Cathedral on Friday, and the Sunday 10:00am Mass. Tuition is $150 per chorister. Scholarships are available. Information, Youth Music Office,; 206-382-4876;
ST. JAMES REACHES OUT TO LOCAL FIRE VICTIMS Last month, a fire devastated The Madison and Vito’s Restaurant, just one block away from the Cathedral. The Madison is a low-income apartment building whose residents have had to move temporarily (and some have had to move permanently) because of lingering safety issues. Recently, St. James staff was able to meet with a number of the residents to offer financial and spiritual support, thanks to your generosity and prayers. All of the residents were most appreciative to the Cathedral. Thank you!
CARE FOR THE HUNGRY BY CARING FOR THE EARTH Come join Cathedral parishioners and First Hill neighbors to tend our urban garden in creative, safe ways through the pandemic—and the results are nothing short of miraculous! The garden is beginning to burst with summer growth, and we need your help now more than ever. All the produce supports our Cathedral Kitchen. Information, Maria Tally, 206-264-2091 or
BECOME GOD'S HANDS THAT FEED THE HUNGRY Did you know that St. James Cathedral is one of the only places in Seattle that provides breakfast to the homeless on Sunday mornings? We can do this through the efforts of dedicated volunteers who take turns coming in once a month on Saturdays, 3:30pm to 5:30pm, to cook the breakfasts. Our rotating menu consists of breakfast burritos, frittatas, and bread pudding. Little cooking experience is needed! Information, Patrick Barredo, 206-382-4515 or
HYGIENE ITEMS FOR OUR UNSHELTERED NEIGHBORS The St Vincent de Paul Society is seeking donations of hygiene items for Seattle’s unsheltered neighbors. Donated items will be assembled into individual hygiene kits which will then be distributed in person by SVdP volunteers. Hygiene items being sought include: travel size shampoo/conditioner/lotion; bar soap; hand sanitizer; disposable razors; deodorant; lip balm; dental floss, toothbrush, travel size toothpaste; small packets of Kleengloves. The donation box is located in the Cathedral Bookstore, which is open Monday through Friday, 11:00am-3:00pm and after weekend Masses.
CATHEDRAL CHOIR AUDITIONS The St. James Cathedral Choir has limited volunteer openings for all voice parts, beginning in September. The choir rehearses Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30pm and sings for the Sunday 10:00am Mass (generally a 9:00am call time). Singers must know how to read music, and regular attendance is expected. To request an audition, send an email to with your voice part and a brief synopsis of your previous choral experience, or call the music office at 206-382-4874.
ARE YOU A NATURALLY CARING, COMPASSIONATE, AND GIVING PERSON? Were you blessed with parents and other role models in life from whom you learned that the joy of living is giving? If you answered YES to either of the above questions, join us for an Information Meeting on Thursday, August 4 at 7:00pm via Zoom for people interested in learning more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Information and registration, Blake Steller,
OUTREACH AND ADVOCACY NEWSLETTER Learn about upcoming events and opportunities as well as stay informed on Catholic social teaching by receiving this monthly newsletter. Subscribe,
CONSIDER A LITURGICAL MINISTRY Lay ministers support liturgies at the Cathedral in a variety of ways, serving as ushers/greeters, altar servers, readers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you would like to support the parish in this way, or just want to find out more, contact Corinna Laughlin,
MINISTRY OF PRESENCE IN THE CATHEDRAL Each weekday afternoon from 1-4pm, a Cathedral parishioner sits at a welcome desk in the Cathedral to greet visitors and answer questions. It’s a chance to spend some quiet time in the Cathedral and to be a welcoming presence to all who pass through the Cathedral’s doors. Information, Caroline Okello, or 206-654-4650.
REST IN PEACE Please pray for the repose of the souls of Chuck McHugh, Richard Durnan, Thomas Goff, Cuc Ipsen, and D.J. Rosete.