"Building Community for the Journey" -------- December 2023

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“A little more fun, a little more love, a little more light every night.

That’s the joy of the holiday season.” Unknown

Celebrating the Holidays with

Self-Care & A Great Attitude

by Carrie Beale

I‘m naturally a very positive person. Christmas takes me to a whole other level of joy! It is so fun and busy, in the best of ways.


With my Parkinson’s, the excitement and activity of the season can also be challenging. There is so much going on and I want to do everything! I have family and friends to make cookies with and for. There are glitter snowflakes to hang everywhere. There are lights to look at and to walk through. I love all the fun activities and don’t really want to miss any of them! However, I have learned that sometimes I need to choose between fun activities and self-care including staying rested which helps with my positive attitude. To be at my best, I balance Christmas joy with down time and naps.


Exercising daily and getting my heart rate up are especially key in keeping healthy and joyful. I love getting up and fighting Parkinson’s in this way. It truly makes me feel great! Even through the holidays, I know how important it is to keep up with my routine. My favorite workout right now is Rock Steady Boxing. There is something about hitting those heavy bags that energizes me like nothing else.


I drink plenty of water and try to eat healthy (most of the time) which really seems to keep me moving ahead with a positive mindset. Holiday treats are fantastic, but I balance them to keep my metabolism regulated.


I’m fortunate to be a member of an active Parkinson’s Support Group in Redding lead by Kim Hawkins. This talented group of people have been so helpful to me during this journey. They have become like family, and I can’t imagine this experience without them.


Throughout the holidays, I am reminded of how grateful I am for ALL that I have and am blessed with including wonderful family and friends with whom to share this special time of year. You see, with my Parkinson’s and all that could be wrong, this season of love and light reminds me of ALL that is right!    


Redding Support Group Members Share What

Keeps Them Positive

Over the Holidays

  • "I bake!"
  • "I cook and bake."
  • "I’m always positive and have always been."
  • "I play cards with friends, and I have a great wife."
  • "My wife and kids help keep me positive."
  • "I socialize by going out for coffee with friends or by calling my friends."
  • "I drink 100 oz of water each day and I work on old cars."
  • "Shared family time keeps me positive."
  • "I have always been a positive/optimistic person...my whole family is."
  • "Happy wife, happy life!"
  • "Some days I am just positive, other days I pull out all of the good things of each day."
  • "I just stay positive. I have projects and I get up in the morning and look forward to doing them."
  • "Every day is a good day. Some days are better than others but there is always some good in each day."

The PANC Board of Directors and staff wish you and yours

the blessings of hope and gratitude this holiday season


To allow our employees to spend time with loved ones, the PANC office will be closed on

Monday & Tuesday, December 25 & 26

Monday, January 1

Holiday Resources for Care Partners

Exciting Progress on the

National Plan to End Parkison's Act

Last week, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held the mark up on the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act, and it's exciting to report that the bill passed out of committee! This bill will next go to the House floor, hopefully for unanimous consent, which means unless a member objects, the bill will be passed.

It is so rewarding to see Congress working together on legislation that will improve the lives of all of those impacted by PD including the million Americans with the disease along with care partners, researchers and physicians. 

The lead sponsor of the bill Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) said he wants it completed this year as the only Christmas present desired. His family has been considerably affected by the disease and has tirelessly worked with the Michael J Fox Foundation to get this legislation passed.

Please watch the incredibly inspirational 15-minute video of the hearing here or click the video above. A few timestamps for special moments are: 

  • 00:50 – Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) Remarks 
  • 07:07 – Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) Remarks 
  • 11:10 – Congressman Tonko shares comments from Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) 
  • 13:00 – Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers recognition of and standing ovation for Congresswoman Wexton who has Parkinson's disease
  • 13:50 – Remarks by Ranking Member Frank Pallone 


Let’s keep the momentum going! Click here to add your support and urge your representatives to support the bill on the House floor and for the Senate to follow the House’s lead and advance this bill. 

2024 PANC Sponsorship Opportunities Here

ParkinsonWISE® Training for

Exercise Professionals in Santa Rosa on January 13!

Cost: $40 -- Register & Info Here

Please share with your favorite exercise instructors, coaches, and teachers

Developed by Kaiser Permanente and PANC

for exercise professionals, coaches, teachers, and mobility instructors

on how to work with clarity and confidence with the PD community. Flyer here

This Is a Great Time of Year to Make a Financial Gift

While 2023 brought many advancements, we are experiencing increased inflation and other financial uncertainty. Nonprofit organizations struggle under the same circumstances. Charities are facing increased demand in services, while also attempting to fundraise during these uncertain times. Inconsistent giving complicates matters according to local, state, and national non-profit reports. In the past two years, certain sectors have suffered more including small nonprofits like PANC, arts-based nonprofits, and urban-based nonprofits. 

If you’ve remained financially stable, or charitable giving is important to you, year-end donations to PANC could be incredibly beneficial to you by generating tax deductions and offsetting IRA taxes. In addition to effectively spreading the wealth and helping our NorCal Parkinson's constituents, you can improve your own circumstances and sense of well-being. Making a financial gift to PANC, or even donating a car, is a generous way to embark on the new year with the right financial footing. Check with your financial advisor on the best ways to boost your benefit. Thank you in advance for your contribution!

Donate to PANC Options Here

December Free PD Webinars

Wednesday, December 13 at 10 am

Parkinson Terminology by Banner Health

Things your neurologist or healthcare provider may ask you to do and why that is important. We will also become more familiar with disease terminology to help make your next office visit more informative. Register and info here

Wednesday, December 13 at noon

Discover Music Therapy for PD by Brian Grant Foundation

A discussion of how music therapy has been shown to improve the quality of life for individuals living with Parkinson's by addressing various physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of PD. Info and register here

Thursday, December 14 at 1 pm

Environmental Exposures in Veteran's with Parkinson's by Parkinson's Foundation

Research suggests that PD can be linked to genetic and environmental factors. This webinar will discuss how, for some veterans, environmental exposure and toxins can increase the risk of PD, and the role head trauma plays in the development of PD. Info and register here

Sunday, December 17 at 9 am

Tremble Clefs by Twitchy Woman

Tremble Clefs is a therapeutic singing group for people with Parkinson’s. The speaker will talk about Tremble Clefs and lead attendees in song. Info and register here

Tuesday, December 19 at 4 pm

Holiday Coping (for people with PD and care partners) by Michigan Parkinson Foundation.

Link at webinar time click here

Meeting ID: 660 963 7129 Password: MPF2020 (letters are all capitalized)

Or participate by phone at 646-558-8656

Thursday, December 21 at 9 am

Tools for Diagnosing and Visualizing Parkinson's disease by Michael J Fox Foundation

This year the Fox Foundation announced the discovery of a biomarker, a test that uses spinal fluid, that can detect PD at the cellular level. Researchers are also working on a tool to visualize clumps of alpha-synuclein protein in the living brain. Expert panelists will discuss how these tools work together, how they are different, and how clinicians and researchers apply them in the field. Info and register here

Editor's Note: The recently distributed PANC annual year-end appeal letter included an error in reporting. The estimated number of individuals worldwide who have Parkinson's disease is 10 million and just over 1 million in the U.S.

* Contact Jan Whitney here if you are interested in

placing a sponsor article in the Update.

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