Minnie’s Food Pantry was named after Dr. Minnie Hawthorne-Ewing (1945-2015). As the daughter of Helen Allen, she was taught how to serve others at a young age. Ms. Minnie spent her life building a foundation of giving that continues on in her seven children and everyone she came in contact with throughout her lifetime and her spirit and legacy continue to live on within the walls of this facility!
The City of Plano lost a jewel and a legend.  She was a bold, visionary who infused Minnie’s Food Pantry and the thousands of families served here with her message of hope, love and her warm embrace.  Her strong faith and her passion for life was an inspiration to all who met her.  She was a force of love, beacon of light and ambassador of hope who commanded us to give our best and be our best, all in love for one another.

Her legacy of teaching dignity, respect and integrity for others will impact many generations to come. In her final message she said  “I love God and I love his people.”  Our commitment is to show the love she had for people every day and show compassion to everyone who visits this beautiful place called Minnie’s Food Pantry.  

Although she’s gone, the mission lives on. Her heart will beat here forever.