Living Desert Alliance

Keep our Desert and Community Livable and Thriving

October 17, 2024

Cell Tower Construction

Back on the Table for

Picture Rocks &

Seguro National Park West

They're at it again!

Construction of a new 80-foot cell tower on the outskirts of Saguaro National Park West and adjacent to the homes of our friends and neighbors in Picture Rocks has been presented by developer, Vertical Bridge, to the Pima County Planning and Zoning Commission. If constructed, this installation would tower over area homes, reduce property values, block views of Panther Peak, and disrupt official County designated wildlife habitats.

As in the past attempt to build such a structure back in 2022, the proposal presented by the developer violates the Pima County code on multiple points and proposes a form of "camouflage" not allowed at this location. Plus, the site is within the Buffer Overlay Zone around Saguaro National Park West, which carries related protections, limiting the kind of camouflage used on such installations to native plants of a much-reduced height. 

We’ve heard it all before. Especially the developer's claims of "community need". But these claims are baseless. Even T-Mobile's own coverage map shows the area is already 100% covered. In addition, the immediate surrounding community is unanimous in opposition to this proposed installation. Bottom line, there is no community need for this tower. It will only benefit the developers' wallets.


How you can help!

Write a brief letter addressed to the Pima County Planning and Zoning Commission. Pick a few talking points from the information link below, sharing your personal feelings of opposition to the Commission.

Click here to view opposition letter talking points

and other important information.

Send your letter to, She will collect them, then pass them along to the law firm of Andrew Campanelli. His firm is representing the interests of the Picture Rocks Community. He will present all letters together in his legal brief to the PCZC at their October 30th meeting.


Attend the Planning and Zoning Commission permitting meeting on Wednesday, October 30th, in person or on-line.

In-person participation would be wonderful. However, if you are unable to attend, there will be an on-line option as well. (details to be announced). Your attendance in person or online sends a clear message to the commission of community opposition not just in Picture Rocks but throughout Pima County.

Click here for Planning and Zoning Commission meeting address.

Working together, we can stop this cell tower from being constructed, and protect our precious Saguaro National Park West, its wildlife, and the residents of Picture Rocks.

Copper World 101

Open Pit Mine Presentation

Tonight: Oct 17, 2024, 5:30-6:30 PM

Anna Darian, Save the Scenic Santa Ritas (SSSR) Director of Advocacy and Community Engagement will be the featured speaker at TONIGHTS Green Drinks monthly gathering located at Motosonora Brewing Co, 1015 S Park Ave, Tucson, AZ.

Anna will give a brief Copper World 101 presentation, as well as the latest on their current actions and how you can get involved.

For those not familiar, Green Drinks Tucson is a monthly happy hour for conservationists and community members to hang out and network. These gatherings are open to anyone who shares an interest in conservation and the environment, so bring a friend or two! This meeting will be a great opportunity to learn more about the Hudbay, Copper World open pit mine project that is in the process of review and approval by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) 

Join in at: Motosonora Brewing Co, 1015 S Park Ave, Tucson. 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

River Run Network Restoration Workshop:

Saturday, October 19th - 8:00am to 12:00pm

Watershed Management Group’s River Run Network is excited to tackle the removal of an invasive species, Arundo donax (giant reed), from along Tanque Verde Creek in east Tucson.

Arundo is harmful because it drinks up to 3-4 times as much water as native desert plants, crowds out native species and habitat, and increases the risk of flooding and wildfire. By helping to remove Arundo at this workshop, you’ll be helping to restore groundwater levels and surface flow in the Tanque Verde Creek.

Temperatures are falling. It's great outside. Come work with WMG staff and other River Run Network volunteers in a beautiful riparian area to remove this invasive species and contribute to the restoration of surface flows and the riparian forest. They will be working around an area that has recently seen a return of extended, seasonal flows!

Click here for more information and to register.

Archaeology Day at Mission Garden

Every Fourth Saturday


Next one is October 25th!

Join volunteers and staff at the Mission Garden's Archaeology Day, every fourth Saturday in the Youth Garden.

Representatives of Tucson's archaeology community come to teach practical hands-on skills. Archaeology Southwest will teach their Hands-on Archaeology program. It allows kids of all ages to experience fascinating ancient technologies. Old Pueblo Archaeology Center is also presenting interactive programs about topics like pinch pots, pendants, and cordage. John Palacio speaks about and demonstrates making replicas of petroglyphs.

Come join in any time between 8am and 11am.

This event is FREE. No RSVP necessary. All gifts are appreciated.

Click here for additional information about this family fun event!


Voting is the single best way to

initiate change in our community.

  • October 9th: Early voting began.
  • October 25th Last day to request a ballot by mail.
  • November 1st: Last day for early voting.
  • November 5th: General Election.

Click on buttons below for additional information.

Arizona Voter Information
Living Desert Alliance Website.Stop by for a visit 

Living Desert Alliance