Living Desert Alliance

Keep our Desert and Community Livable and Thriving

February 6, 2025 Having trouble viewing newsletter? View it as a Web page.

Picture Rocks

Cell Tower Permit



A Victory for the

Picture Rocks Community

The Pima County Board of Supervisors (PCBS) denied a conditional use permit to build an 8-story cell tower in the Picture Rocks community adjacent Saguaro National Park West. Representatives of the applicant, Vertical Bridge, failed to convince the Board of the necessity of the tower despite their claims of lack of coverage.

Attorney Andrew Campanelli, representing Picture Rocks, dispelled all arguments presented by Vertical Bridge and provided additional documentation proving current cell coverage was more than adequate. He also cited numerous Pima County building codes that would be violated if the tower were built.

Dozens of Picture Rock residents (see photo above) and their supporters attended the meeting, with several speaking passionately about the need to stop the tower and its negative effect on their community. In the end, all but one supervisor voted to deny the request.

This is an astounding victory and proves that when communities unite, victories are obtainable. Vertical Bridge now has 30 days to challenge this defeat by filing suit against the county. While this seems unlikely, it is still a possibility. We will keep you posted.

A special thanks to all the

Living Desert Alliance members who attended this meeting.

We helped to make a difference!

Santa Rita Mountains

Open Pit Mine

Site Visit

On Saturday, February 1st, LDA members gathered with members of Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, The Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection, the Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club, Great Old Broads of the Wilderness, and numerous concerned citizens to monitor Hudbay’s proposed open pit mine and its ongoing destruction of the Santa Rita Mountains.

This 20-year “Copper World-Rosemont” open pit mining plan, if approved, will destroy the Northern Santa Rita Mountains changing its majestic appearance forever and contaminating surrounding environment and communities.

This gathering is the first of many being planned for this year to monitor the site and keep Pima County residents, public officials, and adjacent communities informed and aware of this disastrous project and its negative effects on the land, air, water and wildlife.

As the renderings below illustrates, approximately 2.5 miles of the mountain top will be removed forever as well as surrounding land, leaving tons of poisonous tailings, a contaminated water table and unhealthy air quality lasting generations after the Hudbay mining conglomerate has reaped their profits and run.

Proposed horizon modifications

Images below render the west & east side destruction of the Santa Ritas

This is not a lost cause!

Environmental and community groups have appealed the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s recent decision to grant an air pollution permit to the Copper World mine, the final permit required to begin mining operations. Oral arguments of the apeal begin on March 6th. Click here to review the full SSSR Press release.


Click here to learn more.

Click here for educational video:

Copper Mine Toxins: an interview with Dr. Stanley Hart.

How you can help!

The LDA supports the efforts of all involved groups and citizen in opposing this project. We will keep you informed as conditions warrant. In the meantime, you can help by contacting Governor Hobbs to voice your objections and concerns. She has yet to take a stand on the issue. Her rejection of this permit is crucial in halting the mine. If you do not feel comfortable writing a letter on your own, a draft sample letter will be available in next week's LDA newsletter.

More to follow!

Marana Town Council

Open Position

A Unique Opportunity to

Become Involved

in Your Community!

If you are a current resident of Marana looking for an opportunity to become involved in your community, this is your chance to make a difference. Applications are now open to fill a vacancy on the Marana Town Council.

This comes following the January 7th passing of Mayor Ed Honea. Vice Mayor Jon Post was appointed as Mayor and Council Member Roxanne Zeigler was appointed Vice Mayor The Town must now fill Zeigler’s vacant council seat.

The newly appointed council member will serve for the remainder of Mayor Post’s unexpired term, which runs until the results of the Town’s next council election in 2026 are finalized.

To qualify for appointment, applicants must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be a qualified elector residing within the Town of Marana
  • Have lived here for at least one year prior to the appointment

If interested, complete and submit an application. provide a resume and any other supporting materials requested by the Town Council.

Applications will be accepted until 12:00 noon on February 10, 2025.

Late submissions will not be considered.

Official requirements and application form.
Additional information.

Ensuring our children have clean air and a clean environment right now, and for their future.

Moms clean air Force was introduced to the LDA by one of our members. They report that the Moms mission is to protect children from air pollution and climate change. They envision a safe, stable, and equitable future where all children breathe clean air.

They are a community of over 1.5 million moms and dads united against air pollution—including the urgent crisis of our changing climate—to protect children’s health. They fight for Justice in Every Breath, recognizing the importance of equitable solutions in addressing air pollution and climate change.

Through a vibrant network of state-based community organizers. They work on national and local policy issues. The moms meet with lawmakers at every level of government and on both sides of the political aisle to build support for equitable, just, and healthy solutions to pollution. They consider themselves “Mompartisan.” Protecting children’s health is a nonpartisan issue.

Click here to read the informative message from our member. They encourage you to review the Moms clean air Force website and join them in their efforts to achieve clean air and a clean environment.

Do you have a group or organization you would like to share with LDA members? Let us know. If it meets our mission to Keep our Desert and

Community Livable and Thriving, we'll spotlight them and your recommendation statement in our newsletter.

Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum

Beat Back Buffalo Grass

February marks the beginning of a series of volunteer events to combat invasive plants such as buffelgrass, stinknet and arundo sponsored by the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum.

Buffelgrass out-competes saguaros for space, nutrients and water. It also poses a serious fire risk both in the desert and in our city. Join others in their efforts to combat this weed.

There will be live Desert Museum animals, tasty pastries and more…

Click here for links to multiple events.


Environmental Day at the

State Capital.

Next Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025; 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Mark your calendars and join the Sierra Club and many other groups for the annual Environmental Day at the Arizona Capitol.

Meet with your legislators, hear great speakers, and connect with others who are doing advocacy work both inside and outside the Arizona Legislature for a cleaner environment. RSVP so they have enough materials, can put you in a team for legislative meetings, and can plan for food.

A chartered bus with limited seating is available, so act now!

Event sponsored by the Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club


Desert Fence Busters Events

Help the Desert Fence Busters remove outdated barbed wire fencing for wildlife.

Current Schedule:

  • Friday, February 21st
  • Saturday, February 22nd
Living Desert Alliance Website.Stop by for a visit 

Living Desert Alliance