This Week at Centenary
Dear Centenary Family,
Lights! Cameras! Action!
Thank you for your continuing support and patience as we connect with God through our online weekly worship services. We have a Healthy Church Team (HCT) working to provide in-house worship services as soon as it is determined that it is safe to do so. Members of our HCT: Pastor Matt, Jim Hill, Bob Almond, Karen Junker, and Susan Thomas, with legal consultant, Meredith Thrower, and medical consultant, Dr. Jim Wickham. The future will hold live streaming services as well as in-house services.
We are currently experiencing part of the ‘new normal’ by providing Sunday worship opportunities through streaming services, and are working diligently to improve and upgrade our technology. Many thanks to Rachel Bates for being our videographer by using an i-phone and tripod to broadcast our Sunday services. The Centenary Technology Team (Pastor Matt, Stan Baker, Ryland Bailey, Bob Hundley, Jr., Dan Corcoran, and Laura Nealley) has put together a proposal which has been reviewed by the Finance Committee (Pastor Matt, Mitzi Golod-chair, Jim Hill, Ryland Bailey, Herb Young and Barbara Pierson) and adopted by our Church Council. This would include items such as wired internet access to the sanctuary, a remote pan-tilt-zoom camera, separate microphones for the pulpit, choir, and organ, and cable boxes and mixing controls.  
The Finance Team is researching funding sources. The approximate cost of these improvements is $30,000. We can start this process with one-half of the money, with the other half due at the completion of the project.
We have had members express an interest in assisting with this funding.  If you are interested in helping with technology to improve our online worship services, you can make a gift to CUMC and designate AV/Project on your church envelope and in the check memo section. If you choose to donate on-line, please be sure to designate AV/Project. Any donation would be much appreciated.
Members of the Church Council have heard many positive comments from our CUMC friends and others who tune in to our Sunday services. We are blessed to have Pastor Matt, Pastor Drew, and our excellent musicians: Stan Baker (organist) Lee Covington (keyboards), Sam Cook (bass) Todd Minnich (tenor) Emily Downey (soprano) and Regan Sprenkle (alto) , as well as guest musicians, who have been leading our online services. Thanks to Pastor Tim for connecting with many of our members at home. Thanks again to Rachel Bates for bringing the services to our homes.
We’ve experienced some delayed services, some sideways services, and some sound difficulties in the past; but with our planned improvements in technology, things will become better and better. Thanks again for your patience, good humor, and love as we continue to connect with each other through God’s love.
Love to all,
Your Church Council

Pastor Matt, Susan Thomas (chair), Bob Almond (vice-chair), Suzanne Ray (secretary and trustee), Jim Hill (trustee), Ryland Bailey (trustee), Jan Nelson (staff-parish relations), Mitzi Golod (finance chair), Barbara Pierson (finance), Herb Young (finance), Karen Junker (lay leader), Susy Meyer (lay leadership), Doug Wilson (lay member to annual conference and Serving Team leader), Florence Bishop (Gathering Team leader), and Anne Kraft (Reaching Team leader) 
Online Worship
Join us on Facebook Live for worship this Sunday at
11:00 a.m. This is the time and place that we gather to worship together. We will also be posting a recorded audio version of the service on our website , which you can access any time. (when available) Invite others to join us this Sunday and on the Sundays to come!

This Sunday Rev. Matt Bates will be preaching.
His sermon is titled Finding God on .

Join the fun!
Pace UMC
Student Center
Weeding Party
July 7 - 9-11 am
Fan location - corner of Pine and Franklin
Some social distancing available(there are a lot of weeds!)
Gardeners of all ages welcome.
Bring your own tools, kneeler, water and sun protection.
Pat Shipley and Mary E Vetrovec - Lead weeders 
Call for further information 804-615-8175

Shhhh.....It's a Surprise!!
A Drive By Birthday Party for
Mary Alice Nesbitt

Mary Alice Nesbitt will turn 90 years old on July 23. Her daughter, Jaye White, is planning a drive by birthday party! She doesn't know about the plan, so please don't mention it to her! Jaye will arrange to have her seated outside the house, under a Duke blue canopy between 11:30 - 1 pm. Sadly, she's in the high risk category so there won't have any close contact, but she will love seeing you! Tell your friends! Click the link for a map! 3305 Gloucester Rd.
Tips for Online Giving
Thank you for continuing to support the ministries of Centenary during this time. Check out these tips that will make online giving easier and ensure that your contribution is credited to the proper fund.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m.
for our Bible Study via Zoom. 
Watch for your Zoom invitation to join us on Tuesday!
Tea with Tim
Thursday, July 9 at 4:00pm

Join us as we to check in, catch up, and chat a bit. Rev. Tim Gerde will host our time with his usual wit and wisdom! We look forward to delightful conversation as we share our lives together via Zoom. Look for the Zoom invite on Wednesday of next week!
The Upper Room now
available as a PDF
From The Upper Room:

"During this time of anxiety and isolation The Upper Room wants to make it as easy as possible for people to find resources to support spiritual health. We are providing the July/August 2020 issue of The Upper Room magazine, both in English and Spanish , for download at no cost to our standing order partners and subscribers."

Centenary is a standing order partner, and we have permission to share the PDF with you! You may download your copy here .
Celebration Sunday Spring Plants
A variety of spring plants will adorn our sanctuary in celebration of our first Sunday of worship following our closure! If you would like to order a plant in memory of or in honor of a loved one, there are two ways to order. Plants are $12.50/each. Checks should be made payable to Centenary UM Church. Please put "Spring Plants" on the memo line or you may pay online using the directions in the article above and put "Spring Plants" in the Optional Memo line.

  1. Complete this online order form. Remember, you order is not complete until the church receives your payment.
  2. Print out and complete this order form. Send the order form & your check to:

Centenary United Methodist Church, 411 E. Grace Street, Richmond, 23219

We will have an insert on Celebration Sunday with our donors listed and plants can be picked up following the 11:00 service.
Birthdays This Week

July 3 - Les Dobbs
July 3 - Isabel Junker
July 4 - Emmeline Steele
July 5 - Matthew Steele
July 7 - Mary E. Vetrovec
R.B. Bennington
Betty Brown and family - in the death of Betty's brother-in-law, Bill Glaze who passed away on June 26
Ka Cheng  - friend of Vicki and Phyllis Stump diagnosed with breast 
Ronnie Clements
Shannon Conway  - requests prayer for the Charles Sherman, Peter 
Oxborrow, Leon Beale and family
Riley Davin  - Niece of Vic and Nancy
Les Dobbs
Serena Durst Edwards
Lorraine Grand - Vic Grand's aunt recovering from surgery for hip fracture in Chicago
Vic Grand and family - on the death of Vic's mother, Jane Grand, on June 17, in
Peoria, IL.
Jeff Hatch
Megan Mattax -   a friend of Miranda Clayton, pregnant and diagnosed  
with breast cancer
Patti Oman  - health concerns - friend of Beth Hensley
Irene Pier --sister of Alfonso Baker, Stan Baker's husband--at home in Asheville, NC in
serious condition with cancer
Earl Siddons
Phyllis Stump - at Lakewood Manor
Wendy Tisdale  - family friend of Agatha and Christina Kidd, diagnosed 
with stage 4 lung cancer
Ben Toro and family --Ben's uncle, Valentin Hernandez, passed away this past week in
Mesa, Arizona.
Bernice Walter - medical issues