Sundays at 10:30am
In person and online.
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Who is Jesus?
Sundays at 9:00am
There are many historical, doctrinal and cultural answers to this question, but for most of us who call ourselves Christian the important answer relates not to doctrine or history but to how we experience Jesus in our own lives. In her book Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and Presence, Diana Butler Bass shares her personal experiences of Jesus and invites us to reflect on and perhaps enlarge our understanding of Jesus in our own lives. You are invited to share in this journey in a six week class facilitated by Pat Shipley. This class continues until June 16.
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Thank You So Much
to those of you that attended the
Mission Fair and learned about needs
in our community!
Now that you’ve seen these few examples, the Serving Team would like to invite you to commit to actively serving. Fill out the service commitment pledge linked here. This will add your name to our list for logging and tracking your serving hours. Once you have filled out the form, a link will be sent to the email provided that will allow you to submit your service hours. The Serving Team will be able to report on what our congregation is doing, see what opportunities interest the group and provide monthly opportunities to serve where members of the church can work together.
We hope you’ll join us in service!
General Conference Update
Sunday, June 2 Following Worship
You are invited to join us in the social hall following worship on Sunday, June 2 at 11:30am for an update on the recent General Conference of the United Methodist Church in Charlotte. Rev. Kathy Talley will lead us in a conversation on the outcome of General Conference and implications for the United Methodist Church going forward.
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The funeral service for Mary Alice Nesbitt is tomorrow, Saturday, June 1, at 2:00pm at Centenary. You can read her obituary here.
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One Voice Chorus Concert
Saturday, June 8 at 4:00 pm
One Voice Chorus will present its Spring 2024 concert on Saturday, June 8, at 4:00pm at J.R. Tucker High School, 2910 North Parham Rd, Henrico, VA. The concert will present an eclectic blend of musical styles including popular music, spirituals, jazz, opera, and show tunes along with professional accompaniment and a special dance performance by Richmond native Karen Watkins-Rios. One Voice Chorus is a non-profit, non-auditioned, intentionally integrated community chorus which brings a musical diverse range of excellent choral performances, with a mission to Singing the Beauty and Power of Diversity. Four members of Centenary United Methodist Church perform with One Voice Chorus. For further information or concert passes, contact the church office.
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Youth Choir Tour Concert
June 16 during worship
The youth choir from Grove United Methodist Church in West Chester, PA has been touring each June for over 25 years. The choir members range in age from 13-18. Their concert includes various musical styles such as traditional, international, a capella, and contemporary Christian. The choir rehearses for about eight hours per week in preparation for their tour. This year the choir will be traveling to Virginia and then making a stop in Elizabethtown, PA, on their way back to West Chester.
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Graduate Recognitions
Do you have a graduate in your family? Do you know a special graduate? Is that special graduate you? We would like to celebrate the achievement with the entire Centenary family. Please send your name, place of graduation, and future plans to Laura in the church office. Deadline is Friday, June 7 to be included in the recognition in the June 14 newsletter and June 16 bulletin.
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Zoom Bible Study
Wednesdays at 10:00am
Join us as Pastor Matt leads us through a look at the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. Contact the church office to be put on the Bible Study email list and have a reminder email with Zoom information in your email inbox every Tuesday!
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Our mission is to change the world through love.
To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.
As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.
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