November 22, 2024



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Sundays at 10:30am

In person and online.


Click here to watch via our website

Click here to watch via Church Online

Please join us on December 8 for this year’s

Advent Lessons and Carols service

which is based on the great O Antiphons of Advent. Starting nearly 1500 years ago, these seven declarations were used every day during vespers (Evening Prayer) from December 17 through December 23. Each Antiphon is drawn from an Old Testament prophesy about the Messiah. These antiphons form the basis of the famous Advent hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

  • December 17 O Sapientia – O Wisdom
  • December 18 O Adonai – O Lord
  • December 19 O Radix Jesse – O Root of Jesse
  • December 20 O Clavis David – O Key of David
  • December 21 O Oriens – O Dayspring
  • December 22 O Rex Gentium – O King of the Nations
  • December 23 O Emmanuel – O Emmanuel, God with Us

The first letter of each Latin name (an acrostic) read from last to first spells the word ERO CRAS which is Latin for “Tomorrow, I shall be (there)” The image above, drawn by Emily Norris from North Carolina, visualizes the many names prophesied about the coming Messiah. As we approach the Advent season, let us join with centuries of Christians before us in meditating on O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

Order Poinsettias



Except for the pieces, which we expect soon! Sharon Steele will be in the Fellowship Hall before & after church with pecan orders - please stop by with your cash or check & pick up yours! We also have a few extras available of halves, cinnamon glazed, milk & dark chocolate...all @ $12/bag! If you won't be in church the next couple of weeks, please call the church office to arrange pick up.

Many blessings for a day filled with gratitude, laughter and love!

The church office will be closed on Thursday, November 28 and

Friday, November 29.


Sunday, November 24 @ 10:30am - Worship Service - In person and online

Monday, November 25 - Change the World/RVA

Tuesday, November 26 @ Noon - AA - Room 106

Thursday, November 28 - Closed Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, November 29 Closed - Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, December 1 @ 10:30am - Worship Service - In person and online

Looking Ahead to December

Thursdays, December 5, 12, & 19 @ 11:30am - Open Sanctuary for Prayer

Sunday, December 8 @ 10:30am - Advent Lessons and Carols

11:30am - Christmas Church Family Lunch

Sunday, December 15 @ 11:45am - Evergreen Workshop

Online Giving Made Easy

Use the QR code to quickly get to

our online giving page.


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Rev. Matt Bates -

Carina Brackin -

Adella Barrett -

Office/Laura Nealley -


Our mission is to change the world through love.

To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.

As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.