November 8, 2024



Dear Centenary Family,

How is it with your soul? As we consider the results of the recent election, do you find your self energized or exhausted, angry or despondent, or perhaps cheerful and hopeful?

Throughout our nation today, and perhaps in our congregation, all of those emotions are present. Regardless of our personal preferences, we cannot deny the words that have been spoken in this campaign that demean others, nor the promises to enact policies that bring fear to the hearts of migrants, women, LGBTQ people, and people of color. We cannot ignore the promises to enact dramatic changes in our democratic institutions and processes. 

In the last few months, a frequently asked question among preachers has been, “What will you preach about the Sunday after the election?” I haven’t known how to answer that question in the abstract. I know that that question will be answered differently by preachers in different congregations. 42% of our population is made up of white Christians. 72% among that number are Protestants and find themselves pleased with the turnout of the election.  I expect the tone will be different in many African American congregations that are led by ministers I admire, respect, and consider to be good friends

As you know, we are on the more liturgical side of the scale of worship styles practiced in United Methodist congregations. Part of that way of worship has been a commitment to the prescribed lectionary readings that many Christians follow Sunday after Sunday, year after year. I made a commitment a long time before coming to Centenary that I would shape my preaching around the lectionary. Part of my own conviction about that approach lies in a confidence that the Word of God has surprising ways of answering the questions we have at particular moments in time as well as challenging us to new dimensions of faithfulness.

The Gospel reading for this Sunday is Mark 12:38-44. It is the story of the widow who went to the temple one day and put in two coins. Jesus said that she gave more that day than any of the wealthy people who showed up that because they gave out of their wealth while she gave all she had to live on. For Jesus, she was an example of discipleship. I wonder if she inspired Jesus in his own struggle to be faithful to the journey he was on that would lead to the cross. What if we read this text in light of the present moment we find ourselves in? In an odd, rather unsuspecting way, I think we learn a lot from this text.  I think there is both challenge and hope for us from the widow’s example. I won’t say more, but invite you to worship with us Sunday to find out what I mean and see if it’s of any help to you. I’m not sure the finance committee will approve of my title, but I’m preaching this Sunday on Good Reasons Not to Give.

Regardless of how you feel about things at this moment or how you voted, we need each other right now. And the world needs a church focused on the fullness of God’s love for all people and dedicated to the hard work of reconciliation and peacemaking. Maybe the world needs a church like ours!




P.S. If you’d like to process the current state of affairs with others, I invite you to see the flyer below and join Clergy and Citizens Against Racism in a webinar entitled Christian Nationalism and how people of faith are called to respond after the election.  The webinar is this Thursday, November 14 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and will be led by Dr. Roger Gench with a discussion following.


Worship jpg.jpg

Sundays at 10:30am

In person and online.


Click here to watch via our website

Click here to watch via Church Online

4th Friday Walk In Meal Prep Volunteers Needed


The Friday walk-in feeding ministry is an ongoing 40+ year Centenary outreach program. Volunteers prepare a hot,nutritious lunch for 140-150 persons needing food and a friendly face.

This program is looking for a regular volunteer 6 times per year - the even months. Come on your own or team with a friend of family member to serve. This is a job that that will truly warm your heart as you give back.

The commitment time is 8:30-12 noon on the 4th Friday 6 times a year. February is the first month. Church member Liz Geisler, a food magician, leads the food prep and she can train you as a food magician.



Fourth Friday Walk in Meal Prep - Immediate Need! 

December 27,2024 

Do you have friends or family who would enjoy preparing a Christmas lunch for neighbors in need of Christmas cheer?  This is a one time volunteer opportunity. We can "employ" up to 10 people, so no group too large or too small to help. This is a special opportunity to give back or pay it forward.

Please contact the church office for more information or to volunteer

for either of these opportunities.

United Women in Faith

Wednesday, November 20 at 1:30pm

We will meet at Ginter Park UMC, 1010 W. Laburnum Ave. We are excited to have several speakers from our newly-formed Three Notch'd District to come & share what is currently happening locally & nationally with our UWF (United Women in Faith). We will also be choosing our new leaders for 2025 for our C/GP Circle

UMCOR Disaster Relief

UMCOR provides ongoing disaster relief year round. You can donate online several ways:

  • Via their website here - UMCOR
  • Donate online through the church here. Please choose UMCOR Hurricane Relief in the "Fund" pull down menu.
  • By check - please put UMCOR in the memo line.

Wednesday Bible Study

We gather on Wednesdays at 10:00am via Zoom to discuss scripture for the upcoming Sunday. If you would like to join us, please contact the church office to be put on the email list. Every Tuesday an email is sent out with all information and the Zoom link.

We hope to see you there!


 One Voice Chorus presents

two performances of its

Fall 2024 concert

Saturday, November 16, at 4:00pm

Sunday, November 17, at 4:00 pm

Grace Baptist Church

4200 Dover Road, Richmond     


The concerts will present new selections and old favorites in an eclectic blend of musical styles including spirituals, jazz, show tunes, and popular music, with accompaniment by professional instrumentalists.   Each concert will feature the same program with different chorus members, so come to whichever is more convenient, or come to both!  Four members of Centenary UMC sing with the One Voice Chorus.  


Join us before each concert, at 3:00 pm, for Diversity Discussions, a facilitated discussion of diversity-related issues.   One Voice Chorus is a non-profit, non-auditioned, intentionally integrated community chorus bringing a musically diverse range of excellent choral performances to people in Richmond and wherever there are those who need to hear our voice.

All are welcome to join us in Singing the Beauty and Power of Diversity.  

Thank you so much...

... once again for the generosity and care that you and the congregation have shown to the teachers of Dogwood Middle School. The teachers thoroughly enjoyed their baskets and the appreciation that they were shown. As you can imagine, an educator can at times be a thankless job, but yesterday they felt loved and seen. Looking forward to continued collaboration on future events.

All the best! ~ Dogwood Middle School Staff

Altar Flowers


Sunday, November 10 @ 10:30am - Worship Service - In person and online

Monday, November 11 - Change the World/RVA

@ 7:00pm - Church Council on Zoom

Tuesday, November 12 @ Noon - AA - Room 106

Wednesday, November 13 @ 10:00am - Zoom Bible Study

@ 7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal

Friday, November 15 @ 10:30am - Walk-In Lunch

@ Noon - AA - Room 106

Sunday, November 17 @ 10:30am - Worship Service - In person and online

Looking Ahead to December

Sunday, December 8 @ 10:30am - Advent Lessons and Carols

Christmas Church Family Lunch immediately following worship

Sunday, December 15 @ 11:45am - Evergreen Workshop - More details to follow

Online Giving Made Easy

Use the QR code to quickly get to

our online giving page.


cumc map.png


Rev. Matt Bates -

Carina Brackin -

Adella Barrett -

Office/Laura Nealley -


Our mission is to change the world through love.

To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.

As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.