October 11, 2024



Dear Centenary Family,


This fall is going by too quickly. I hope you can join us as you’re able for several opportunities for fellowship coming up. 

You’re invited to join us for a time of serving our community tomorrow morning at 10:00am as we pick up litter in the neighborhood around our church. Join us for a Movie Night on October 18 at 7:00pm that will be fun.

You’re invited to join us for our Cluster Charge Conference on Sunday, October 20 at 3:00pm at Reveille United Methodist Church. At that gathering Centenary, along with nine other churches that make up the “North Side Cluster” will elect their lay leadership for 2025, vote on the pastor’s compensation for 2025, and present two-minute presentations about their plans for reaching out to others in 2025.

And you’re invited to join us for worship this Sunday. I’m working on a sermon based on the Gospel reading for this Sunday entitled, Too Much . . . Money?  It’s based on Mark 10:17-31, a story you may be familiar with—the rich young ruler. I’ve read this text many times but I see something new in it I’d like to share with you on Sunday.  Maybe the young man’s problem really wasn’t his money, but the ways his money dictated his relationships and thus was an impediment to his relationship with God. 

We continue to prayerfully consider a kingdom-size vision for our future ministry focus asking how we can be part of working with God to bring God’s reign and rule a little closer to reality here in our city. Would you pray about this vision—RVA Housed, Healthy, and Safe.

We’ll look forward to more conversations together around that idea. It’s a privilege to be on this journey with you.





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Sundays at 10:30am

In person and online.


Click here to watch via our website

Click here to watch via Church Online

Join us!

Wednesday, October 16 - 1:30pm

at Ginter Park UMC

Open to all women of the church.

Hope to see you there!

Hurricane Disaster Relief

We all have seen the devastating images coming from all around the southeast in the wake of Hurricane Helene. We cannot begin to imagine the lives that have been lost, and the lives that have been uprooted for many of our neighbors. We have several ways for you to donate through the UMCOR Disaster Relief program.

  • Donate online directly on their website - UMCOR
  • Donate online through the church here. Please choose UMCOR Hurricane Relief in the "Fund" pull down menu.
  • By check - please put UMCOR in the memo line.

Wednesday Bible Study

We gather on Wednesdays at 10:00am via Zoom to discuss scripture for the upcoming Sunday. If you would like to join us, please contact the church office to be put on the email list. Every Tuesday an email is sent out with all information and the Zoom link.

We hope to see you there!


Resources for

Voting Information

Jane Newell, one of our new members, is the immediate past President of the League of Women Voters. Jane shared some information that might be helpful to all of us as we prepare to vote in November or as we help others who desire more information about voting. 

The League of Women Voters recommends using Vote411, a non-partisan source for candidate information. The LWV contacts local, state, and federal candidates with questions and publishes exactly what they return. The voter just provides their home address to obtain the information on the candidates. Unfortunately, some candidates do not reply.  Vote411 is at .


The League of Women Voters is also hosting some candidate forums for candidates running for office in the City of Richmond. Here some of those upcoming events. 

  • Richmond City Council at VMHC – Oct. 9 at 6:00pm (all districts have been invited)
  • City District 5 Mayoral Forum at Richmond High School for the Arts (formerly Wythe HS) – Oct. 10 at 6:00 (all five candidates have committed to attending)
  • Mayoral Debate sponsored by Richmond First Club at VMHC – Oct. 15th at 7pm (Will be televised by co-sponsor WTVR Channel 6. Be seated by 6:30.)

For more information, the local League website is found at .  


Saturday, October 12 @ 10:00am - Litter Clean Up

Sunday, October 13 @ 10:30am - Worship Service - In person and online

Monday, October 14 - Change the World/RVA

@7:00pm - Church Council on Zoom

Tuesday, October 15 @ Noon - AA - Room 106

Wednesday, October 16 @ 10:00am - Zoom Bible Study

@ 1:30pm - United Women in Faith at Ginter Park UMC

@ 7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal

Friday, October 18 @ 10:30am - Walk-In Lunch

@ Noon - AA - Room 106

@ 7:00pm - Movie Night - Hocus Pocus

Sunday, October 20 @ 10:30am - Worship Service - In person and online

@ 3:00pm - Charge Conference at Reveille UMC

Online Giving Made Easy

Use the QR code to quickly get to

our online giving page.


cumc map.png


Rev. Matt Bates -

Carina Brackin -

Adella Barrett -

Office/Laura Nealley -


Our mission is to change the world through love.

To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.

As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.