Serving Team News
Gleaning Apples
The serving team is looking for 2-4 people to glean apples in Bedford, VA for the Society of St. Andrew on Saturday, September 21, 2024. The link to the event is The plan would be to meet at the church between 6:00am- 6:15am, in order to depart by 6:30am. This will give us time to arrive at the event by 9:00am. The gleaning goes until 11:30am. If participants are open, after gleaning we can grab lunch and tour the war memorial then leave Bedford by 2:00pm to arrive back in Richmond by 4:30pm. If you are interested, please register, and also let the church office know you will be attending. Please confirm your attendance by Saturday, 9/7/24.
Teacher Appreciation
The serving team also invites you to help a local school, Dogwood Middle School (formerly Binford We would like to gather teacher appreciation items for the month of September. Recommended items are: Pencils (Ticonderoga is the best), Flair pens, Bookmarks, Sharpies, Command strips/hooks, hand lotion, Hand sanitizer, Expo markers, Magnets (strong!), post its. We’ll have collection bins outside the sanctuary for dropping these off.
To further support the teachers and staff at Dogwood Middle School, we’d like to provide breakfast on a staff work day, 10/14/24. There are 36 teachers and staff. The Serving Team is looking for a volunteer to coordinate this event (be present for food drop off and set up in the teacher lounge). We also need volunteers to prepare and drop off at the school, and to coordinate the following menu – 4 breakfast casseroles, 2 lbs sausage links, 2 lbs bacon, 3 dozen muffins and 2 fruit bowls or fruit options. If you are interested, please contact the church office by 9/15/24.