"We don't want you to miss a thing - scroll all the way down for all the details!"

In-person & Online Worship Service

February 2, 2025 at 10:15 AM

4th Sunday after the Epiphany

*Scripture Lesson

1 Corinthians 13:1-13


"Love as the Foundation"

by Rev. Sooah Na

*Worship Assistant:

Peggy Martino

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A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated items for our Blessing Bag Mission Project!

Your generosity is making a difference.

This Sunday, right after the service, we’ll be assembling the blessing bags together.

Come be a part of this meaningful moment—

we’d love for everyone to join us!

Watch the Latest Worship


Children and youth updates and reminders

Hello Children and Youth Families,

I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to remind you of upcoming events in February.

Blessing Bags

I'm sure by now many of you have heard about the Blessing Bags that our church family will assemble for people in need. Assembly will be happening this Sunday, February 2nd after service. This is a great opportunity for our children and youth to be involved in a ministry project and help people less fortunate than themselves.  

From church members' donations, we have much of what we need. We do, however, need a few more items to complete the bags.

We are in need of 100 individual wrapped salty snacks such as cheese crackers, and 50 individual wrapped sweet snacks. If you are able to donate any of these items, please reply all to this email to let me and everyone know what you are bringing and how many.  

Heart Cookie Decorating

February 16th we will have our annual Heart Cookie Decorating Event. This is a fun event where we will gather with our church family for fellowship, artistic expression and of course delicious cookie eating!

Youth Group

Our next youth group will be February 23rd after fellowship.

I look forward to seeing all of you!

Many Blessings,


Valentine Cookie Decorating Event

Please join us for our annual heart cookie decorating event on February 16th following our 10:15am service. It will be a fun time for fellowship, artistry and cookie eating! Other snacks will be provided as well. For those not interested in decorating, come hang out and enjoy fellowship and community.

Centenary United Methodist Church


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This Thursday, our longtime member, Cathy Savoia, moved to Maine to be closer to her family. This is the photo that I took with her Thursday. We will dearly miss her, cherishing the friendship she shared, her caring heart for children, and the wonderful meals she lovingly prepared for us. Please keep Cathy and her family in your prayers as they begin this new chapter. If you’d like to send her a card, please contact our church office, and we’ll be happy to share her new address with you.

Pastor Sooah

February’s barrel offering is designated to It Takes a Borough (Metuchen)

For many years, Centenary has been a proud supporter of the Fucile Foundation, helping Metuchen families in urgent need. While the foundation closed in 2023, its mission lives on through It Takes a Borough, a new initiative that continues the legacy by hosting the beloved Fuce 5K and the Metuchen Cookie Walk—events that bring our community together to support neighbors facing hardship.

This February, we have the opportunity to be part of this meaningful work through our barrel offering. Your generosity will help provide hope and support to those who need it most. Thank you for being a church that cares!

Every Wednesday & Sunday

  • Celebration of Found Cans (nonperishable item collection ministry from 9:30 am to 12 pm)
  • Bell Choir Practice at 2 pm at Music Room

February 2nd (Sunday)

  • Blessing Prayer for the Blessing Bag Project

February 3rd (Monday)

  • Church Council Meeting at a 7pm

February 4th (Tuesday)

  • Prayer Group Meeting at 7 pm (Online)

February 13th (Thursday)

  • Sandwich Making Night at 6:30 pm at Room 20

February 16th (Sunday)

  • Valentine Cookie Decorating Event (Following the service)

February 17th (Monday)

  • Finance Committee Meeting at 7 pm (Online)

February 23rd (Sunday)

  • Black History Month Sunday

We pray for...

Remember in your prayers: Vinny (friend of James Mojomick); Tom Moyer; family of Jim Taylor; Lester Heim, Jr. (son of Mary Ellen Heim); Carolee Szakos; Cathy Savoia; Steve Mosteller

*Bold indicates new to the list.

Celebration of Found Cans


Centenary continues its weekly collections of non-perishable food items to help “REPLENISH” (formerly the Middlesex County Food Network) make a dent in food insecurity!

Food collection at Centenary takes place on WEDNESDAYS and SUNDAYS from 9:30 a.m. – noon. On Wednesdays, the green REPLENISH collection bin is located at Centenary’s front door; just drop off an item or two or more (follow your GPS to 200 Hillside Avenue in Metuchen)!

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